

The children in front of him numbered to only about 13 including himself. Most of them were humans but there were also species like Twi'lek or Falleen that were a green-skinned humanoid reptilian race.

The more exotic races would be the Quarren. They looked like some squid headed humanoid and were from the same planet as the famous General Ackbar that was a Mon Calamari. Basically both an aquatic race and not the prettiest.

Even the Falleen looked more appealing and the female girl was looking rather cute.

But what Jack was surprised about was the Togruta female among the group. Her roundish face that still had a clear youthful expression with her tiny horns and short Lekku.

What lets him recognize her though was that pattern on her face, the orange skin color, and those deep blue eyes.

Yes, he was talking about Ahsoka Tano, the Padawan of Anakin Skywalker.

'Hmm come to think I guess she is still a youngling at this time. 3 years remain until the start of the clone wars and her tutelage under Anakin.'

"Hey, hey. What race are you?", asked a human youngling with dark skin and black hair.

"He is obviously a Zeltron. I have read about them in a book.", stated the Falleen girl.

"Really? But he looks a little bit different?", questioned another human girl.

"Well, he is not a Devaronian for sure.", chuckled the Twi'lek male kid.

Ahsoka sighed. "If you guys would just stop bombarding him and just ask him, he would probably tell us. Right?", she asked right after with a big toothy grin.

Jack looked at her and had to smile. Thinking about it Jack had to come up with a rather good lie now. Even though the Council knew about his heritage, it was yet unlikely that they would forgive him if he went ahead and established that Sith were nothing dangerous.

How should he handle this little predicament?

Shrugging his shoulders he just stopped thinking about it. "I am a High Sith." Yes, Jack changed his race back to High Sith because the word Royal just sounded retarded after thinking about it.

He was a genetically enhanced Sith Pureblood that could very well be a new branch of the ancient root that absorbed the strengths of the Massassi, High Priests of the old Sith race, and the advantages of the Human race that interbred into them.

But calling him a Hybrid would also be theoretically false since he very much could be the primogenitor of this race branch.

The truth still remained that he was a Sith Pureblood in general. And the response the children gave him was of shock and confusion.

"Are the Sith not supposed to be evil?", asked Ahsoka now after she was the only one that got enough courage to ask now.

Jack just kept smiling. "You ask a rather difficult question. Many people are evil as well as good. Where is the difference?"

Ahsoka still kept frowning and was not backing up. "But the Jedi Order tells us that Sith is pure evil and in history, they have done many atrocious deeds."

"Oh, you are talking about the Sith Order. But that is something entirely different. High Sith is a race. Most know us under the alias of Sith Purebloods. In time our race became near-extinct and our name became a synonym with the force-sensitive people that used the Dark Side."

"See! So you are even admitting that your people are evil. What is someone like you doing here in the Jedi Order?"

Jack raised both his eyebrows and wondered why Ahsoka was this aggressive?

"Then let me ask this. Would you also say you are evil when your grandparents or parents were doing evil things while you had nothing to do with it?"

Ahsoka opened her mouth slightly but remained silent. Now the other children were confused and didn't know what to say as well. They looked at each other and some even whispered.

Just then the door of the room opened and a small green figure walked in with another person clad in robes that had a mask on its face and carried a lightsaber-staff.

"Not wrong in his words, young Shea is. Not defined by the past, we are. By our own deeds, we should be judged.", said the small figure.

"Grandmaster Yoda!" Everyone in the clan suddenly bowed in respect at the visit of the Grand Master Jedi.

"Master Yoda..." Jack looked at him.

"To test your blood for the midi-chlorian count, we want.", stated Yoda and the temple guard with him went over to Jack.

Jack nodded and let the guard take some samples from his right arm.

"Should I have kept my Race hidden?", asked Jack now and the other children noticed that.

"Hrmm, no secrets, there should be. The clan, like family, it is. Good decision, you have made. Happy, I am. Children, accept young Shea, you must."

"Grandmaster, I am finished with taking the sample.", answered the guard now. Yoda only nodded to this.

"See you all later, I will." The clan and Jack bowed slightly until Yoda walked away together with the guard.

"I guess if Master Yoda is alright with you, then you can't be that bad of a person. Sorry about earlier." Ahsoka was now apologizing.

Jack gave her a toothy grin. "Don't worry about it. I just hope we can get along well in the future."

She nodded "Right, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Ahsoka Tano. Welcome to the Wolf Clan."

With those words, the others in the group also started to introduce themselves and not long and the day came to an end.

From that point onward Jack would start training here for the remainder of his time. He did not have much time in general. At the point where he would become a padawan would mean that he could also be sent to the place where failed youngling landed.

Or he could as well leave the order at that point. It was not likely that they would demand him staying since 3 years is nothing in regards to training. At least for normal people. He should manage to get away from here if the order decides to keep him away from the knowledge he seeks.

That is after all why he was here in the first place.

Any name suggestions to the clan members :)? Otherwise, I will randomize them.

Change of the Clan name is also an option since I just went ahead with an animel like in canon with the Bear Clan

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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