
How should I proceed?

A few days later, the meeting between the coffee bean farm and Sky Yun happened.

The coffee bean farm was located in Yunnan, after a long tedious journey on the train he finally made it.

Sky Yun walked across the long barren land, devoid of any sign of life and filled with wheat. After a few hours of walking, he was met with a huge sign.


He knew this was the place. As soon as he walked in, an old man with a cane approached him with wheat in his mouth.

"Are you Sky Yun?"

Speaking whilst chewing on wheat, the old man in front of Sky Yun was the same man on the phone a few days ago.

"Yes, I am."

Sky Yun looked at the old man and discovered that although he was walking with the cane, his body was filled with energy that could rival a man aged in his early twenties!

They walked towards a house which was only two stories tall, with a porch and a rocking chair next to the door.

The conversation between the two was strictly about business, learning about how long the farm takes to collect the beans and when shipping can come, it was a very productive conversation.

The old man was surprised that a young man, who seemed to be similar age to his daughter, was accomplished enough to have a coffee shop business.

What surprises him even more was that Sky Yun was opening a coffee shop in the first place! Usually, men who retired from their job typically open a coffee shop in order to enjoy their retired life, however, Sky Yun was still in his twenties.

"Say, young man, are you from a rich family by any chance?"

The old man was curious, such a young fine man should be from a rich family in the city.

"I am an orphan, I only have a single old man that took care of me."

Sky Yun's response was stoic, unemotional, to the point that the old man was even more sceptical.

However, it seemed that Sky Yun was an orphan, which meant that somehow, he had worked for this coffee shop business somehow.

As soon as they approached the house, a woman ran down the stairs.

She was pretty, with short brown hair reaching her shoulders and a birthmark on her upper lip.

"Father! Did you meet with the ma- "

As soon as she met eye contact with Sky Yun, she quickly ended her sentence and squinted hard.


She inspected Sky Yun from head to toe, her eyes were constantly on Sky Yun, which slightly made him irritated.

"Something interesting?"

Sky Yun asked slowly, his eyes slightly twitching as he looked at her.

"No, it's just that I have never seen such a handsome man before! I only seen beautiful men on TV but you are way better than them!"

'Should I take that as a compliment?'

The old man was looking at this scene with a smile on his face, he loved his daughter with all his heart, but he knew that one day she will leave him for a husband.

The old man has seen countless suitors that wish to marry his daughter, but his daughter never accepted them once, with the excuse being that they are 'annoying'.

However, there has been one man that kept pestering her and after the news broke out that the family of that man is involved with the army, that made the situation even worse.

Laws were placed in China that forcing another to a marriage is illegal, however due to the apparent influence that the young man's family made the law practically useless. The police were more aligned to follow a family member of a solider rather, than a farmer.

As he was in deep thought, a huge Range Rover suddenly stopped right in front of his house, lifting lots of dust into the air whilst doing so. The doors swung opened and 2 individuals came out.

One was a young man, in his mid-twenties with slick back hair and a suit, his face was filled with arrogance.

The other man was a middle-aged man who was wearing a green army camo outfit and had a pistol directed on his left hip.

"Oh, my beautiful Xue'er! Please come out with me to dinner!"

The young man said, his voice filled with confidence and beside him the middle-aged man smiled.

"Oh, isn't that you Mr Ling! My nephew really wishes to ask your daughter out for dinner. Is this fine with you?"

The middle-aged man smiled and tapped his left hip slightly. This was seen by Sky Yun which caused him to turn and look at the two individuals.

"Please, you have to help me. That guy over there wants me to marry him but I don't want too!"

The girl beside Sky Yun pleaded, her voice reached the two men and they looked at Sky Yun with confusion.

"Say, Mr Ling, who is this young man?"

The middle-aged man was wary of the young man in front of him, he has been serving in the army for a few years due to a lucky encounter with a commanding officer, who found him, and accepted him as an underling.

After working in the field for a few years he can tell easily that this young man in front of him was dangerous. But, how could a young man be dangerous… especially towards a soldier?

The son of the middle-aged man however, had a distorted face, and looked at Sky Yun.

"Hey! How dare you be close to my woman like that!"

Sky Yun looked at the guy in front of him, although they seemed to be a few years apart in age, Sky Yun felt like he was an adult looking at a child throwing a tantrum.

"Who said I was your woman! I never liked you, and don't want to be with you!"

The girl beside Sky Yun held Sky Yun's arm and interlocked it between her arms.

"This man right here is my boyfriend! I am already taken. So scram!"

Sky Yun looked at the girl beside him in amusement.

"Listen, since you are in the army, I do not want to really get you in trouble but tell me why a solider is currently away from his post?"

Sky Yun turned towards the middle-aged man and looked at him with cold eyes. The man felt scared looking at Sky Yun and turned his eyes away, he then answered Sky Yun's question.

"General Wu is currently training us in a camp about 10 minutes away, how about it huh? Mr Ling, if your daughter doesn't come with me right now, I shall get my superior and tell him to arrest you, hahaha!"

The middle-aged man regained his confidence, but Sky Yun pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number.

"Come to my location now, Ling's Farm. If you do not, the deal between us is off."

Sky Yun quickly hang up and everyone was confused.

"Wait a few minutes."

Sky Yun sat on the rocking chair and decided to patiently wait.

After a few minutes of waiting, countless army cars drove towards the house. The middle-aged man's eyes were widened heavily.

All the soldiers lined up shoulder to shoulder in front of the seated Sky Yun. General Wu then came out of the car and saluted.

"Honorary General Sky Yun, I am here on your request!"

Everyone saluted in front of Sky Yun with admiration in their eyes, they heard from their general that the young man in front of them is the legendary mercenary that is known for being the strongest man in the world today.


Mr Ling, his daughter, the middle-aged man and his nephew had their mouth opened in surprise and shock.

Sky Yun looked at the soldiers in front of him and smirked.

'Now, how shall I proceed…'

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