
Chapter 2 "Real"

As i walk to my house i see a deer just a normal one though. I think about that dream its so real but i dont know why, i head to my room and sit im my bed i lay down and fall asleep, again i fall into the dream and i see the same girl i was scared but yet felt confert in her fire Amber eyes it was like a toasty fire place, but again she leads me into the forest this time i get further and i get to a small village with animal people. I look around and most people stair at me like im a threat. Tbh i cant even hurt a fly, but most people there were prey and i walk into a shop and look into a mirror and see my wolf ears ant tail and the realization hit like a train. They were afraid that i was going to eat them suddenly i hear a kid and mother walk into the shop and see me the kid walks up to me and said hello wile the mother panicked and grabs her kid. I say hello in a soft voice so i dont seem so terrifying but the mother takes her kid and runs out.

I wake up in the real world or earth and i get up and get ready for school. ~Time skip~ as i walk to school i start to day dream and i run into a wall and fall like a bird that flies into Windows. A girl runs over to me and reaches her hand out to help me up so i grab her hand and she helps me up "are you ok?" she asked in a worried tone "yes im fine" i replied softly " thats good well my name is Amber" she said happy "my name is lilly" i replied happily "well i need to go!" i run off before she can say anything else. I go through the day with no other problems i sit alone at lunch like always but its fine. I get home and eat then go to sleep, wake up and see that i am. ~Cliffhanger~

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