


Its been 8 months since I left on a search for her.

I have visited all the packs and even checked in quiet a few human towns for her but yet there is no sign for her.

Where are you mate???

I have to go home now since my lead betas mate is 8 and a half months along and he cant afford to leave her alone.

Which also means that he wont be able to attend to pack business.

Whish also means back to work for me.

As I enter through the doors of my castle. All the staff leave what ever they are doing and bow down to me in a sense of respect since, after all I am royalty and they know better than to mess with me when ever I am in a foul mode and now is exactly one of those times.

Normally if a high rank wolf or even a normal wolf would get angry than his mate would be at his side to calm him down.

But I haven't found my mate yet which makes them even more vary of me.


I am in I office tending to some pack work when I get a mind link from my lead beta telling me that his mate has gone into labour. Lucky him. And since I am his best friend, I have to be there.

When I reach at the pack hospital I see that they are half through with the birth as informed to me by one of the nurses.

Four hour later and I am still waiting out side the ward for the sake of my best friend when I smell this amazing smell coming from inside the ward which makes my wolf go crazy.

"MATE", he says

Why the hell didn't I smell it before???

I rush into the ward in order to get to my mate.

As soon a I enter I see that ...…..

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