
Chapter 51: Auction part 3

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Axis POV:

The program suddenly whisper,"Well, its look likes that they feel your prescence though, what are you going to do?"

Axis respond"For now let's assume that were still unindentified beings" The program shut up, and understood. The announcer said,"This mister capable to obtain the warbeast spine"

The magicians of other countries and other kings and nobles was still at loss that where country king is this, they growing some huge suspicions to axis.

The announcer said,"The B-Rank Material has ended now the A-Rank Material will commence, our humble audience please wait for a brief moment,"

The staff approach axis, "Master, where can we put the items that you bought,"Axis respond,"Can you recall the items that I bought?" The staffs recall,"First was the D-Rank Flame moulding Pot, then C – Rank Tempest Leather, Then C- Rank The Scroll that can't still be unindentified, B – Rank The Skull Thyme, B – Rank Spine of the Warbeast. That's all for now"

Axis respond,"Alright then, Kazarak bring the merchandise to the carriage and protect the carriage for now."Kazarak moves, and the staff bring kazarak to the purchased goods.

Caois respond,"Is it ok? For him to attend along?" Axis respond,"Have faith to your own captain," Caois understood, The announcer said,"We proceed to the A Rank Materials, for now please wait for the brief moment our audience"

*Proceeding to take out the A Rank Materials*

Some king and queen nobles from the differen countries, begin to take wary to axis, some many nobles was preparing themselves to talk to axis, some kings understood that axis possess some imaginable wealth.

Some Women knight came talk to axis, the woman kneels and pledge, "King from the other country can I have a conversation to your guards at least"

Axis looks at the knight, and appraise her, axis was amazed that she was a young woman that bearing a commander title, and also some stats was benifiting to her title fascinating,"Very well then" The knight respond,"Thank you for the benovelence of your permission,"

Then suddenly the mood changed, some many bombardments of inspiriation and question to Caois occur, Caois respond,"It be better if you calm down for a moment"

The knight was hurrying to calm down, then suddenly some queen bows to axis,"Please forgive my knight, higher king, she was just exited that there was at her age that has superior talent to a spear like her"

Axis respond,"It will be better that you don't cause a ruckus queen, look from your surrounding first if you want to talk to me"

The queen look at the surrounding there some piercing gaze at her and there some killing intent from the other queen,"Well… From my surrounding I only saw some greedy eyes and has a murdering eyes, for me they just an eyesores to begin with"

Some knights and magician has an intent to kill, the knight notice that and scream,"Don't you dare to bare and ill intent to our queen"

The murdering intent was gone at the sudden" The queen respond"May I know your name higher king?" Axis respond,"Azirus"

The queen respond,"Azirus- sama, thank you very much for I know your benevolent respond," The announcer staff came back, "Thank you for waiting, our benovelent audience"

Axis respond,"It will be better if you return to the sit queen," The queen understood and grab the collar of her knight, Caois Respond,"That knight was so hard to handle my lord"

Axis respond,"That queen, what's her name? I'm interested in her political power, some queen and king suddenly stop staring at her when the knight shows up, Caois respond,"I still don't know my lord for now I'll keep in mind to investigate to her."

The announcer said,"The A Rank Materials Start now, First was this," The staff was handling on the clothed table, Axis appraise it, "Oh an aqua ore, 5 crown material" \The announcer said,"The an Arch Aqua Ore"

The aqua ore supposed to be on pure blue but this aqua ore was different, axis immediately notice that this aqua ore was an evolved form, it supposed to be on this world about 70,000 years. Oh its has a slot quality axis appraise it even more it capable to has a slot for poring any kinds of liquid, axis found it interesting and want to bid,

"The Starting price was 15 infinity gold" Some of the king and nobles was struggling to get the said item, most of the kings and queen just stays silent, well the queen that talk to him raised about 17 infinity gold.

Axis already notice, this queen was a wealthy person after all but this ore can be useful to our village so I'll buy it. "going onece going twice," Axis raised his hand and bid, "25 infinity gold, leave it or take it"

The announcer was amazed to his wealth, the god of money was seeing him was not taking any kinds of bid, because axis already cast a spell, and that was, *false information* with this even a God was being fooled, the two gods leaves and there was the god of eyes watching him for an entertainment, this god was still keeping quiet about this.

"Going once , going twice! Sold!" The queen was interested to axis, because of his imaginable wealth, and also curious what kind of king was he."Now for second item, this sword was said can pierce the scale of the night stalker class dragon, it can also have an ability to slay a manticore," The staff was handling the a sort of sword,"Behold the Alqueras!"

When the staff unleash the sword, a raging wind suddenly fly through, It was a sharp wind, that can able to break a normal weapon,"

Most of the knights and queen has been protected by the barrier, but kazarak just swallow the blow. "Were demonstrating the sword with the a mithril armor" Axis appraise it," Oh it was made by a material called Zyphyr orchallium, this sort of metal only came if there was an abundant of ventus element it also depended by a vicios wyverns or dragons that living to the boundary of the wall.

"Now for the demonstration, please volunteer" Some knight and commanders was looking at the guard of axis, kazarak, "If you may?" The staff was asking kazarak to test the weapon, "I humbly refuse, the ventus element was not my forte"

When they heard kazarak saying, all of the knights begin to become energetic, they want to try it, then suddenly some of the guards begin to test the sword, they demonstrate their skills, some of the can't wield it because it only need to be wield if they have a ventus element.

Axis just watching them demonstrating some skills, then suddenly a rugged guard suddenly grip the sword and demonstrate his skills to the masses, but that bastard point it towards to axis, he unleash some sword skills that creates a wave, kazarak block it and caois struggle him within a blink of an eye.

Some of the guards was shock and shut up, the knight of the queen was also amazed caois was shown, the king of the northern side that stand up and pledge for forgiveness to axis, for that soldier that has no manners.

Axis respond,"Well then, if the people has no manners? Then it also the people that you manage? Then your people and you also has no manners to begin with? Isn't that right"

Axis smiled and tease him, that came of an offended to him and also the guards that been struggling to breath to caois graps, the other nobles and king and queens was laughing to him,

Axis respond,"Alright then, consider this as a warning, if your people harm me or my people, I'll consider that a war between you and me, for the first time I'll forgive your malicious deed that has sounds of filth, for now I'll consider this an investment and also a warning"

Caois cast some spell that will blind rugged guard, and also throw him at the exit entrance,"What are you still doing here? Get out of my sight trash" unexplained laughter suddenly get intense and that king leave no choise but to leave and not continue anymore, caois gets back and guard him.

"Well then, that was an interesting display, anyways, the starting price for the Alqueras was 25 infinity gold" still with that there so many bids suddenly gets intense but the knights and commanders still warry about the raw strength of Caois, and the spell that she use was still remain unidentified, some of the magician was still confused what kind of magic was that, the Alqueras was sold about 35 infinity gold that been sold to the king of ivory ,

The announcer said, "This will item or sort of a weapon will be good if the wielder is powerful," The staff arranging the weapon, "Behold the Axe of the Frozen Agony!" The intense frozen aura commence and there's also some umbra aura mixing them together, it so intense that Caois barely handle it.

Next chapter