
Chapter 0.10: Unique item or Mythic Item Categories

Unique materials


-The tricky material (Fragile material) (Consisting of Mana Energy)


-high Life source material (Eteranal sap) (Hardest to find)


-Concetrate Mana molecules (Mana lumininesense) (Evolving Material)


-Life absorption material (Double edge) (Only find to higher undead)


-Material morphing (Blood coating)( (Morphing stone)


-Ruler material (Can only found to strong monsters) (Elemental stone)


-Projection material (Nowhere to be found) (Only demon lords)

Unique material symbol


-Dual headed snake (Scales for rarity)


-Tree (Number of branches)


-Clouds (Number of clouds)


-Broken skulls (Number of broken parts)


-Axe with blood shaft ( Numbers Blood of the shaft)


-Throne of Heads (Number of heads)

- Sin

- 7 eyes (Still unknown)

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