
Dangerous Island

Edited by: Darklord331.

Chigiri Sea...


Looking at the 3 pirates who are half dead Kazuna asks with a serious face "What do we do with them now that we have incapacitated them, sensei?"

"Let's feed them to the sharks." said Shikaku with a serious face.

"Don't you dare to do anything you will regret clown." said Captain Gray with anger hearing the clowns who were beginning for mercy a moment ago and now that they got the advantage over them they want to harm then if only the bastard Jun didn't backstab his crew everything would be all good now. 

"Oh the evil scam of the society has something to say but I don't quite understand who is he calling a scam" said Hana as she kicked the head of Captain Gray in irritation as she remembered how this bastard was looking at her a while ago.

"You bitch let me recover and see if you dare to do this once more." Gray shouts in anger as he felt the pain from getting kicked which almost broke his head.

"At first I felt reluctant in using my illusions on commoner even if Shikaku sensei had ordered me to and I would have used my illusion to make you bastards leave the ship and be done with it but after what you did mercy is not an option anymore." Izumi said with a serious face as she looked at Gray with extreme hatred.

"It was you all along with bitch, I will not let you live... " hearing Izumi's announcement made Gray's head clear as he finally understood why Jun who respected him as a brother would suddenly attack him and the rest of the crew as if he has become crazy.

Understanding the reason for the destruction of his crew Gray's hatred for Izumi went over the head as he suddenly jumps up from the Ship base before jumping at Izumi with a knife in his left hand which is only bleeding but still have the ability to move however before he can even take a step forward Kazuna kicks him on the face and caused him to crash in the sail of the ship and broke some of the bones.

"I dont understand what was the necessity of playing games with these bastards." Said Kazuna in annoyance as he looks at the Pirate Captain's sorry face who even dared to call him a clown.

"I wanted to show you the outside danger and the way the evil in the world feels so you can have the ability to judge people." shaking his head with a sigh Shikaku said with a smile "That is why I let you guys fulfill the plan and learn something new."

"Please have some mercy." 2x the pirates who had witnessed everything from the beginning finally shouts in fear when they saw how Gray went flying from just kid's kick while wondering everything the Captain said is a lie, where is the weak shinobi he promised and where are the shinobi who are stage performers whom can be used in the absence of a clown.

"You who think sleeping gasses will work in the presence of an Inuzuka deserves a hundred dead and even if I were to forgive for insulting my ability how can you expect me to let you live after what you wanted to do to me." Hana said with anger and soon they killed the 3 pirates and threw all the dead bodies in the ocean for the sharks to feed.

After a few hours when the sun has fully risen Kazuna and everyone started cooking their breakfast when Hana called out with a smile "Izumi isn't your boyfriend an amazing with target then can you stub that bird over there for us to have a good lunch."

"Let me see." Izumi said with a smile as she took out a kunai and covers it with chakra before activating her dojutsu and prepare to throw the kunai at the bird just to freeze in surprise "It's huge."

"What are you talking about come on a shoot it down q…" hearing Izumi stop midway and exclaim in surprise made Hana impatient but soon the bird comes down causing her to close her mouth in shock "Fuck that the hell is that thing?"

"Prepare yourself it's a summoning animal." said Shikaku with a serious face as he started preparing to defend.

"Fire Style: Fireball." although Izumi was shocked for a moment she imminently took action after hearing Shikaku's warning.

"Wind Style: Wind weave!" Kazuna said with a shout as he helped the fireball and made it a few times larger almost engulfing the whole bird as the ship gets pushed back a little.

Although the bird got partially burned however it wasn't harmed enough to fall on tbe boat but broke a part of it before flying away fast.

"Quickly use water and wind jutsu to follow the bird, it might be related to the dissipation and this mission!" Shouted Shikaku as Kazuna used wind style to move the said of the ship to gather with Izumi and Hana while Shikaku controlled the staring of the ship to chase after the bird.

"Sensei there is a huge island over there." said Izumi as she was the one who was keeping an eye on the bird with her Dojutsu.

"Let's have a look at the island and make a decision afterward." Shikaku suggested with a serious face as he looks at the island and felt their mission will be completed on this island which is the home of that huge bird.

"Everyone be careful I can feel some huge chakra signature on that island." Kazuna warmed with a serious face as he focused on the island.

"Sensei a Tiger and a wolf are fighting at the borders of the island." said Izumi with a serious face.

"Can you put control them using your Genjutsu?" asked Shikaku hearing her words.

"I can try but those animals are huge so I am not so sure." Said, Izumi with worry.

"Don't worry if you can't we will have to fight our way in."

As I don't know the name of the Summoning Island before Naruto and co went there I will call it the summoning island for now and this will be its name.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts
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