

Eisen tapped his foot on the ground as he stared at the large vehicle in front of him. The metal plating that he had made to cover the locomotive in was definitely strong enough structurally, but he wasn't all too happy with how it looked just yet. Though he didn't know exactly why. The thing with the trains was that they didn't only have to be extremely functional, though that was of course the main focus at the end of the day.

But for the time being, it was also vastly important for them to be visually appealing and impressive. The people would end up making the decisions about introducing the trains into the countries of the central continent were all of a high class. Their carriages and ships were all visually stunning and complex, so a train that was nothing but functional wouldn't impress them quite enough. What Eisen was aiming for was a combination of a surreal first impression, together with the functional details to back it all up.

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