

On Cabarum's back, with his size decreased to normal again so that the others properly fit on his back as well, and with Aulu running right next to them, Eisen swiftly made his way toward the place that Brak told him about. With the map that the bear-beastperson made him, he was able to actually find it pretty easily! Despite the quite confusing layout of the whole jungle.

But at one point, the map became slightly unneeded, and that was when they reached the area of the forest that was formed out of non-biological materials. Just to take a look at everything a bit closer, Eisen stepped off of Cabarum's back and immediately felt a sharp pain in his bare feet.

"What the-" Eisen muttered instinctively, and placed his hand onto Cabarum for balance as he looked at the underside of his feet. And immediately, the old man found needles stuck in there. Looking at the ground at the spot where he just stepped, he also swiftly found the source of those needles. The grass.

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