

As Dien looked at the screen, his face slowly turned toward what one may only describe with one word.


With every moment that Kirisho's figure became more humanoid, the Elf remembered that fight back then more vividly. "B-But… We killed her, and we destroyed the amulet she possessed! Why is she still there?!" He yelled out, trying to figure out what was going on until he looked up at Eisen.

"I… I see, so we did something wr-wrong? You want the shards of the amu…amulet to banish he-her properly?" Dien asked as his nervousness grew stronger and stronger, before he met Eisen's deep, light grey eyes with his icy blue ones, lightly jumping when he saw the old man's nearly viscous glare.

"No. Rather the opposite. First, let me show you." Eisen said without further ado, looking back over at CF-1 with a smile. "Hey there, Kirisho."

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