
Preparing the Contract

Marcus was done being trampled over and was tired of seeing his love being taken away. He was part witch why couldn't they let him be with her or did they not know he was hybrid. His grandparents would surely loose their temper if they found out. He watched everyday Destiny from afar and it killed him inside to know Gerald Sardell was now enrolled in all her classes. He wanted so badly to take her in his arms and show him she was his only. "So Judy what do you want to do after school? We will have to be back before five because of my standing curfew." Destiny asked. "Don't worry about your curfew. I'll take you home and say I wish to take you out. Your parents will loose up on your curfew." Gerald chimed in. "Thanks you could do that for me. Your the best friend ever." Destiny was fascinated that Gerald Sardell would go out of his way to lie to her parents. Marcus wish he never heard their conversation. He hated his advanced hearing and hated that she would ride in that low life's car. He knew though she wouldn't break her standing vow to him. "So what are we going to do Judy when I get my parents approval?" Destiny asked. Judy got in her ear and said," We are going to start the contract. I'm tired of being ignored by my love. I'm ready to begin this. We all need this contract made. I haven't told Gerald yet so act like we are going to have girl time in town. Bring magic paper and pens with you. We need to prepare the contract."

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