
158. Kendra smiles again...uh

The sun shone over her body and on more day started. Even tho she was Lord's daughter, she loved her little house and tiny garden. 

She stretched her arms and content smile hushed over her face. ''Ahhhh, so lazy.''

Lilly slept by her side curled up like donut. She stroke her shiny fur and chuckled. Lilly's long eyelashes started to open and she slowly looked at the shiny smile. ''I am so lazy, so are you. Shall we sleep the whole day today? Just sleep more today, mhm?''

Lilly stretched like a cat and snuggled in Kendra's arms. ''Like you would. If there is a day that you don't run around and look for that stuff, sigh. I wouldn't mind cuddling more in this cozy bed.''

Kendra snubbed her nose a bit and winked at her. ''Soon the two of you will change again to original forms... I guess your wedding is not far away. Heeehehehehe. So cuddling won't be problem.''

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