
Clean again

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means its copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

As she slowly walked, she could feel that the strength of this child seems to be quite low. She could barely walk hundred of meters and she already felt quite exhausted. If she only knew what to do to help her.As she read a bunch of books she knew there is a possibility that this child soul would usually come back to its own body. In that case, she needs to make it healthier and find a perfect place to grow up safely.

She used her own stubbornness to keep going on. She went through the shrubs and over the stones for while already, there was still no end. When she thought that she couldn't hold on anymore, she finally heard the sound of water.

She walked out of shrubs stumbling and with weak legs, she came to see quite a sight.

It was a river on her left side and on the right side was the sea. Across the river, she could clearly see the city walls. From both sides of the river were smaller buildings. It should be dwellings of the lower class of people.

Kendra looked around her and saw that up to the river there are few streams or brooks. She went back to shrubs and walked in the direction of the smaller stream. She was after all in the body of a smaller child. Even tho she could swim, she didn't want to take chances with this weak body. She might drown because she wouldn't be able to swim with current strength.

As she approached the stream, it seemed to be shallow and clean enough for her to wash safely. She took off the stuff that could be detached from the body. The rest seemed to be still glued on, so she just went straight into the water and dunked herself over her head.

She came out of the water and felt that some of the stuff was slowly losing it up. She looked for something to use on herself to scrub off all that filth. On the side, she could see some dried grasses. She wrapped them into of ball making a few of them. She knew one won't help.

After most of the stuff got of her hair and body, she walked to the bag and took out the piece of soap.

She started scrubbing the rest of the dirt. After a while, she finally was clean even her hair. Her skin seemed to become red from all that scrubbing and cold water.

But it was ok now since she knew that she is clean at last. She rummaged through the bag to look for clothes and saw boys' pants and shirts. They were a bit big for her but they were clean and she can roll up the pants. Luckily he put a few pairs in it. It was her luck to have such a kind benefactor.

She tried to dry her hair, but as she didn't have any comb she could see that she couldn't handle the mess of it. So choose to cut it off. She took out the knife and just cut all the ends that were tangled.

As she looked into the water she saw it looked somewhat normal. Now she felt quite confident.

She took a piece of bread and old cheese and ate a bit. While she was eating, she saw few fishes in the brook and got the idea to fish some for food. She looked around and found quite an amount of dried straws and branches. She remembered that she read out of curiosity how to make some basic things out the straw or branches. One was a fish trap. She slowly made the trap.

Her body was weak so she progressed slowly. It was already almost evening when she finished it.

She gathered some worms and bugs under the stones and some stones in the trap. Then she turned around and looked for the place where to put it. One place not far from where she was standing seemed good enough and so she put it there. She turned around looked for a place where she could sleep.

She already knew that this is summertime, as the day was quite hot while she walked around and even when she was sitting near this stream. That means tonight she might be able to handle with the blanket only.

She looked around and saw a tree with branches that even she could reach. She slowly climbed up and found one of the bigger branches. She sat on her bag and pulled the blanket around herself and went to sleep.

The next morning she woke up with the sound of birds. She luckily didn't have a habit of turning and tossing, so she was safe on the branch. She looked at the sky and it was just starting to lighten up.

That means it was just dawn. She was already wide awake, so she went down and washed her face to refresh herself.

She remembered the trap and got it out as she pulled the straw rope. She hoped it was strong enough or she would have to go in dive for it. She didn't feel going in the tick of the down into the cold water.

As she pulled she was hoping that she catches a few of them. Maybe she could sell some for few coins.

Finally, the trap is out and was heavy as it seemed. She hoped it was not heavy just because of the water that trap was soaked in. She opened it and saw a few bigger fishes and a bunch of smaller ones. They thought that the trap seemed to feel like a perfect hiding spot.

She took the ones that were true to small to eat and threw them back into the water. The rest she put on the thread. Then she turned around and hid the trap in the bushes, as it seems to be helpful. It's fine if she could use it a couple more times.

Then she realized she can't light the fire. She needed firestone. Even tho she read how to make fire with branches..she knew she had no strength to do that. And until she makes it, the fishes might turn bad...It's summer after all.

She then chooses to eat a piece of bread and some cheese again. She didn't want to eat it all because she might not be able to earn anything. But she hoped someone will give her some ember so she could make her own fire. If the fishes are not sold, they could be eaten.

She took her bag and wrapped it in some straw and branches and hid it into the shrubs as well. Looking at that place, she was certain that it was well hidden. With a sigh of relief, she turned around, took the fishes and walked toward the city, as the first rays of light hit her smiling face.

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means its copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

So far so good give me some pointers if there are major mistakes in grammar.Please.Thank you in advance :)

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