
So what’s going on with Missy?


"So what's going on with Missy?"

I never thought I would see the day when I would hear someone ask me that. Of course, I get that question a lot, but with a different name at the end. Usually, it's really outrageous, person-in-question and I just had lunch in the cafeteria together and suddenly something is going on? Like I can't eat with people from other bands, or the staff?

Okay, fine, sometimes, something was really going on. But that's not the point.

Nobody asks me what's going on with Missy. From the beginning, she was Girl. You don't even know, Girl. She was sweet and friendly to everybody in the same way. Whatever was going on with me and Missy was also going on with Burt, Jamie, Mark and LJ. But even when I started producing her solo albums, and we collaborated on and were promoting Baby I Need You, and we were just generally joined at the hip a lot, nobody asked that because there was Connor.

There _was_. Past tense. But still. People were used to seeing us together. Nobody would ask. Oh, they're probably doing another album together, another duet. Oh, they're always together anyway. Oh, they're best friends, she treats him like her younger brother. Okay, yes she does, but that's not the point. The point is, nobody asks.

Until today, when everyone asked. Well, everyone except Jamie, who is still not talking to me. He just looked at Missy this morning, then at me, and looked at Missy again and asked her, "So why are you here?" Which is kind of the same, but not.

"So what's going on with Missy?"

Mark had followed me to the men's room before we went to Ned's. He didn't need to piss or anything, he just stood there, leaning on the wall beside my urinal, watching me look very offended by his presence.

Burt had asked while we stopped for gas and Missy had gone down to pick up a bottle of conditioner at the convenience store. She asked me if I minded smelling like flowers, because if I did she will get me a separate bottle with a more "Steve-y scent", otherwise, was I okay to share a big bottle. She asked me that in front of Burt, who did a good job of pretending he didn't understand what she was saying, but peered at me knowingly when she was gone.

LJ asked me while helping me take out plates, glasses and cutlery to set the table for dinner. Missy and the other boys were at the dining table, organizing our take out orders.

"She had a fright, seems like Chastity left a dead, mutilated cat on her front door and she ran to me to complain," I replied. It was true, that's what it was.

"Hassle," Mark shook his head. "So you're her guardian angel, right now?"

I shrugged. "She says she doesn't want to go home even if I already called her landlord to take care of it, so I either take her to work or she stays here to wait for me to come back."

"So that's why she was with you this morning and was early for her dance practice?" Burt asked.

"Yup," I replied.

"So, do you guys..." Mark deliberately let that hang.

I tsked at him. "Shame on you, Marky," I said and he laughed as I zipped up my pants.

"So this happened this morning?" LJ asked.

"Yesterday morning," I clarified.

Burt broke into a wide grin. "And she's just been with you this entire time?"

I couldn't help it, I grinned back. "It's the best thing ever, I swear to God," I laughed.

LJ took the plates from me and cleared his throat. "Steve," he said, his voice so forebodingly low. "I just saw Chastity outside your house maybe fifteen minutes before you guys arrived. Like waiting around and not even bothering to cover up. I told her off and watched her get into a cab, but Jamie says she's done it before that she didn't actually leave."

I stared at him for five seconds. I felt my pockets for my phone, car keys and wallet and headed for the door. "Guys, I'll be right back," I yelled, and rushed out as fast as I could.

Missy and Steve are actually my OTP, what about you? Thanks for reading!

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