
CH.3 The truth

(Kate's POV)

She walked towards Will and talked about nonsense things they talked for a while then returned to their seats.Kaye liked Will the first time she layed eyes on him so it wasn't easy for her to talk to Will as it is with Kate, who knew Will as a friend at first

*Dismissal Time*

Jasmine, Will, Zed Faye and I started walking home from the village in which the school was in.

" Hey guys its already 6:20 pm we should walk with Faye going home since her house is just in the vicinity." Kate suggested.

Everyone agreed right away so we started walking towards Faye's House.

Kate and Will are talking about school with their friends then suddenly Kate thought about asking Will about the serious question everyone wanted to know...

" Will I'v got a question for you ...but dont be mad or anything!....ok?" I started to flush but still had to ask the question.

" Um okay, why would I be mad anyways hahaha " Will smiled.

I told myself to have courage to be able to tell Will.

" Will who do you like Kaye or Me ?" He had this serious look in his face but lightened up, Zed started snooping in on our conversation and so did Jasmine.We tried to push them away but still stayed close so he said.

" I will answer that question once we reach the village gate..." He smiled.

" O MY Will you finally grew up !" Jasmine suddenly weeped tears of joy while all of us laughed and were shocked at the same time at Jasmine's response.

We finally dropped of Faye and headed for home and i felt my heart beating faster as we reach the village gate.

(Will's POV)

' Oh no what should I say should I say Kate or should I lie and say Kaye? AARGHH.....I don't know. This was the first time my hear beated so fast for a girl.... I want to say Kate but what if she refuses me ? NOO don't think negative thought just tell the truth." Will took a deep breath and walked alongside Kate.

(Kate's POV )

*Village Gate*

"So Will are you gonna tell me ?" My heart was beating faster than ever and she wished it was her!

"You or Kaye right?" Will asked . I nodded and smiled all innocent like at him.

"FYI Kaye asked me to ask you" I lied but Will just nodded.

"I choose you..." Will smiled and flushed pink the same time Kate flushed pink.

They looked away from each other while Jasmine who overheard ran toward the others yelling

"Their Mu's! HAHAHAH"

We just laughed and I asked " Do you actually have a crush on me Will or did you just say my name because I'm here with you rather than Kaye?" He replied.. "No I chose you because I like you not because your here." Will smiled...

then we parted ways since the way to our house is different from his.....

Sorry if I take to long to post Kinda busy with projects and our exams are coming up....

MLCA_Khate20046creators' thoughts
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