
The Inner kingdom: Shin Jiao’s response (2)

Chapter 956


That night, after the whole day of commotion in the city, the soldiers were feeling a bit tired after checking the houses and the streets of the Capital city. Although there are more than 2,000 soldiers that were rallied, the number is not enough to cover every house in the capital.

Hence, they decided to employ the city rats and underground forces to scour the city streets trying to find the person in the wanted poster.

However, it was already in the middle of the night that the search stopped and the commotion slowly died down.

At this time, atop a two-story building, a shadow is carefully watching the scene below him.

In front of him is a large courtyard with many people walking roundabout. Inside that courtyard, there are many servants and armed guards patrolling the area.

The shadow closely watches this scene with a sharp eye observing every movement of the people below him.

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