
Crafty old man

Chapter 813


"So what does Arch-mage Gima want from us?" Shin Jiao asked with his arms crossed.

He is not worried about what this old man is going to do, but he is curious about what he is thinking. Plus he has already scanned the body of the old man and it seems that this old man has a secret.

Deep within the old man's body, there are a number of trapped souls. Shin Jiao did not know what the old man is using those souls for and that is one of the things he wanted to find out.

Upon hearing the question from Shin Jiao the old man did not answer and walks forward. Then with a wave of his hand, he said, "Rise…".

A lump from the ground rise and formed into a seat for the old man.

"Ahh… My old bones are hurting me…" he said as he slowly sits down on the stump he created from the ground.

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