
Awaken to a new world?

A familiar place


City H military hospital

A young man is lying on a bed with modern medical equipment connected to his body. The constant beeping sound of the vital sign monitoring machine or the EKG machine along with normal rhythmic breathing is an indication that the young man is still alive.

Outside the room stood two men wearing military uniform each carrying type 95 automatic rifles.

The room is a bit secluded and the only people going in and out of this room are the doctors and nurses monitoring the condition of the young man inside.

It has been more than a month since a freak accident happened to him which has been a great topic inside the hospital. But as of now, the gossip and rumors have already died down.

Right now, two old men are standing looking at the young man lying on the bed.

One is wearing a general's uniform and the other one is wearing a doctor's gown.

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