

-Inside of the abandoned church,

An old man with multiple gunshot wounds and cuts on his body. Luckily or unfortunately, his battered body held long enough to scarcely escape from his relentless pursuers. The pain and blood loss started to reveal signs as his body started to refuse his control. In mortal life, only two things were certain, greed and death.

"It's time we reunite, Alice. I miss you very much." It was merely the hoarse voice of melancholy and desperate longing for death. Knowledge of human's anatomy and logical probability typically made him highly aware of his impossible chances of survival, still, his uncompromising nature and apparent unwillingness to admit defeat pushed him to try to get out of this situation.

His name is Marcus, Marcus Reave. The multitalented genius with boundless greed for knowledge and inventor of many world-shaking technologies. Cure for cancer? Marcus developed a formula to modify cancer's cells into the regenerative factor. World hunger? This problem was resolved by his wife with an accelerated growth formula.

They were the most brilliant minds of the world, people called them the pair made by the heavens. This pair had great plans; to recreate a human world, explore the cosmos, and get rid of the unnecessary stupidity of society. Alice represented a visionary woman, as she believed that geniuses should exercise their minds to overcome the problems of ordinary citizens. In her mind issues like hunger, war, and diseases remained just small problems that were waiting for someone to solve. Fate delivered a cosmic joke on her as one 'small problems' hindered all her plans. This 'small problem' was called brain cancer. Even in moments of pain, after losing most of her motor functions, her entire body and mind were focused on the vision of a better world.

Marcus couldn't stand and watch as the universe steals the love of his life from him. He started seeking a cure for cancer, and it wasn't easy to achieve. Time and resources were required to this project, however, he lacked both of those things. His wife was getting worse with every day finally, death came to her after a year of desperate struggle.

"Alice! Don't leave me! What about our promise?! Don't leave me!" Uncontrollable tears flowed abundantly from his eyes in large streams. Anger, an overwhelming feeling of pathetic helplessness and self-blame filled his conscious mind.

"Why did you abandon me? All things became meaningless without you! Global Issues? How can I resolve anything if I couldn't unravel a petty problem…" Producing a cure for cancer wasn't easy, removing malignant cells from the body was hard and he couldn't discover a formula to get rid of them completely. His wife refused chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and his persuasion didn't influence her at all.

"I will be incapable of working on my project! I cannot stop at this moment! Resolving this insignificant problem can wait!" She was terrified of dying, yet she decided to focus on accelerated growth formula. Her formula couldn't be finished on time, and her research was so close and so far at the same time.

Her death destroyed his entire ambition and will to live, drinking at bars and sitting while looking motionlessly into the void represented new life of Marcus Reave. Everything changed one afternoon, and a man mocked him in the bar.

"Look at him! I saw him once on the news! Extraordinary genius, my ass! Where is the chick that accompanied you? Did she bump you? HAHAHA!" Marcus wouldn't care if they humiliated him, still mentioning his deceased wife was taboo for him.

"She is gone." His voice was filled with sorrow and anger.

'Look at me, Alice! I cannot even defend your name in front of some simpletons.' This thought caused him to contemplate about things. He left the bar without a word and started stroll around the city.

His focused attention naturally fell on a church in the middle of the street, and religion was the best comparison to cancer in his conscious mind.

'Leave religion untouched and it will slowly spread, infecting mind after mind with its nonsense.' The second option isto fight the religion what is even worse as it causes unpredictable effects. War on the religious background, brainwashing new generations and finally condemning non-believers as evil heretics. In the end, people who don't believe their lies are labeled murderers and immoral people.

One of the things he hated the most, inspired him in creating a new way of curing cancer. Removing sick cells is unnecessary, you can just evolve them into something greater. His determination was reignited, starting with curing incurable diseases and finishing on human resurrection.

A problem of money was solved with another project, artificial neural connections. This innovation pushed many fields to a new level. Prosthetics, virtual reality, and many more fields wanted to use his technology. It made cyberpunk vision more realistic, soldiers with augmented bodies and minds.

As his money source was secured, he started planning other things. Building networks, well-hidden research facilities, recruiting the most extraordinary minds of the world and starting resolving 'small problems' of the world level.

Cloning, human experimentation, AI and many more technologies were slowly developed inside his labs. The primary product was 'healing pills', it allowed cure most of the diseases and forced cancer cells into healing the host. Image of the savior of the world and practically infinite profit caused him the most resourceful person on Earth.

His wife's clone was a total failure, and it was her and it wasn't her at the same time. It had the same memories and body, yet it was someone else. It was the first time when Marcus started to research the paranormal beings. During his desperate times, all of the rumored godly doctors, healers, shamans and wizards refused to help him. Some of them babbled something about a curse, and a man considered it as an inability of curing cancer and pushed their stupid nonsense aside.

Was Alice cursed? The cancer cells were real, and it would be weird to believe such bullshit. The easiest way to verify the idea was to prove the existence of supernatural beings. The process had two key steps, finding rumored 'gifted' person and checking his possible liability. Most of the cases ended in people being dissected and carefully researched.

Did it scientifically prove anything? It in fact did. There were many people with remarkable abilities, powers or even bodies. Research proved another thing, something cursed Alice causing her to get cancer and resurrection was impossible without her 'soul' that departed to 'afterlife'.

Infiltrating other top research labs to steal technology, researching supernatural beings and searching for a way to combine those fields was his plan to conquer the world and bring back his wife. In his insane trial of conquering the world, all steps were carefully planned and flawlessly executed.

How did all those modern countries find out the locations of his secure bases and details of his projects? Was it revenge from supernatural beings? Those questions will be left unanswered as his life approached the end.

"Darkness is beautiful…Beautiful indeed…" It was the last words said by him before his consciousness faded.

-Somewhere in nothingness, edges of the universe.

"WELCOME LITTLE SOUL!" He heard an imposing voice inside of his head, that was quite weird as he couldn't feel his body or anything. That's right, he couldn't feel anything.


'Afterlife huh? I researched many factions and all their visions differ.'


'Yeah. It has no meaning… Wait, I am in the afterlife. Can I meet my wife?'


Marcus tried focusing his entire existence on this being words.


'Another world? Planet? Reality?'



-Middle of nowhere on Destia.

A group of thugs is punching a frail boy with snow-white hair. His body full of bruises, and some of them bleeding nonstop. They stopped hitting only after his body had become completely motionless.

"SHIT! We killed him!" One of them became terrified as it was his first time killing someone in his life.

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! HE DESERVED IT! WE DID IT FOR GREATER GOOD!" Despite those words, a group of bullies couldn't believe they killed a person.

"LET'S TOSS HIM INTO THE FOREST!" Their leader decided to get rid of possible troubles as killing was prohibited. Although consequences could be evaded with the influence of his family. Some things couldn't simply be covered and murder was one of them

A few hours later.

[Suitable body discovered. Attempting soul binding.]

[No resistance encountered. Soul binding in process…]

[Abnormality found. Another consciousness found.]

[Awakening the host.]

"ARRGHHH! Fuck! Where am I? Who am I? Why this hurt so much?" Marcus's consciousness was aroused, and pain of his new body on the verge of death practically made him faint again.

[Host's body functions are at a hazardous level. Activating one-time emergency healing.]

"Who are you? Why are you inside of my head?" He was in a state of emotional confusion, not able to recall anything from the past was uncomfortable. Feeling like you should recollect something, yet you couldn't access that part of your memory.

[I am Avarice System.]

"Avarice system? WHAT ARE YOU?!"

[I am a tool that will assist the host in many things in your second life.]

"Second Life? Explain!" His body was regenerating, still, all of this was too confusing.

[Something went wrong during transmigration process. It's probably caused by the second consciousness in the host's body.]

"Another consciousness? This all sounds crazy!" His reaction wasn't bizarre at all if someone informed you that your body has another consciousness living inside, you would panic like him.

[Do you wish to integrate your consciousness with the memories of this body?]

"FUCK! Do it, and this feeling of helplessness is killing me!"

[Impossible. Host's body functions are on a good level after emergency healing.]

[Integration in process. ERROR!]

[Resistance found!]

'Who are you? Get out of my body!' Aron's consciousness was awakened after his body was restored.

"FUCK? SYSTEM, DID YOU PLACE ME INTO…" His sentence was interrupted by system's loud notification.

[Emergency protocol activated. System ERROR! Seeking a solution…]


[Fusion is completed.]

"ARHGHGH? What happened? I am Aron? I am someone else? What did you do?" The new consciousness felt conflicted as its distinct identity was not clear.

[This is because of the fusion. It's an irreversible process and both of you became one!]

"FUCK YOU SYSTEM!" He naturally wanted to curse at a system, however, the pain inside of his head prevented him from wasting words.

His mind became filled with a great number of new memories, and some of the memories were foggy and others were clear.

6 years earlier in the middle of Amber Village.

a Man, in ornate robes was riding inside a carriage with his servants and an 5-year-old child. This child had snow-white hair and unfocused red eyes. It was Aron, the untalented child of a noble clan.

"I am extremely disappointed in your performance. You are nothing like me…Such trash doesn't deserve being the son of a noble such as me. Look at yourself…You are merely a retard…Non salvageable retarded trash! Just die in a nameless village!" At this moment, he thrust him out from the carriage and ordered his people to leave this unknown place.

His life inevitably became personal hell, and people in the obscure village were merely simple-minded and his unpleasant appearance and dangerously low practical intelligence didn't support him. He naturally became an ideal target for mocking and bullying.

Other memories were foggy, a modern life inside an odd world filled with bizarre technology. There weren't many personal memories from his life as Marcus.

"I am precisely a stupid bullied kid. It's odd…All of this is unusual.„ All things happened too suddenly, mixed memories from two lifetimes and a bizarre entity called system. Adapting to new reality required time and serene mind.

[Quest system activated.]

Hello, I am Sad Wanderer and this is my novel. If you find any typos or logical mistakes, let me know in the comments section. If you like my work, you have some ideas towards future development of the novel or you want to ask me something. You can use comments or write me a mail. I will read and reply to you as fast I can(Sometimes it's not really fast.) Remember we might live in different time zones and my 8 AM might be your 10 PM. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy my work.

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