
Completed Report (4)

Jenny arrives home first and informed their butler she eat at her room. The butler bowed before leaving her to proceed with the task instructed to him. She opens the door to her room and does her shower regimen before proceeding with her school works.

Back at the wedded couple, they just arrived home. They went to their room to change their clothes before staying at the study room working on their respective tasks. Vince is reading through Edward's reports on Stones' Enterprises while Yve is studying for her quiz tomorrow while waiting for the revisions her team mates will send. They stayed quietly that way until Yve received the articles from her teammates. She decided to print them out and while waiting for it, she went to the kitchen to prepare some tea for both of them. When she came back she served a cup to her husband while saying,

"Here's a cup of tea for you, Mr. Gray."

Vince smiled at his wife before replying,

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Gray."

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