
Have a hand

Tral had used one of the features of his suit to block out light and heightened it to the point that he no longer reflected it at all, effectively making him invisible.

The down side to this was it took a lot of effort to constantly maintain so if he wanted to keep fighting his time staying invisible had run out.

The upside was he had used that opportunity to give Kindness the smallest cut, not enough to hinder her at all buy enough to draw blood.

When Tral disabled his invisibly his opponents could see his mouth guard open up as he licked the end of his blade to gain the memories of Kindness.

She immediately attacked viciously at this sight forcing Tral to dodge but he dodged each blow perfectly as if he knew what moves she would use now.

After a few dodges he stuck out as she kicked causing a slash of blood along here leg. He didn't stop there though as he spun around she tried to move back only to find her other leg caught in a blood whip.

It didn't take her more then a second to destroy it with her aura but it was enough for Tral to land an attack stabbing his blade into her shoulder.

They kept exchanging blows like this but it was clear that Tral was slowly winning despite Kindness having significantly more strength as he could now predict most of her moves to accumulate more injuries on her.

As this was happening the ritual chamber was quickly destabilizing with the formations being disrupted or out right destroyed by Tral.

Mr.Simic decided to cut their losses and turned his attention towards a new formation he constructed in the air. The Samurai was spazzing out in a jittery way making all manner of horrible inhuman noises. With Gè Míng's throat in one hand he slowly walked towards the two who were fighting as if his body was glitching out.

Tral noticed this and retreated towards the security door which he quickly sent energy into to open thanks to the memories he had attained from Kindness.

As soon as it opened Tral was about to be overwhelmed by two enemies when suddenly with a flash of light Elysia Ray pounced into the room.

The samurai lifted Gè Míng in front of himself to use the boy as a shield but Elysia reacted by tossing a strange artifact out from his sleeve.

As the weird glowing sphere flew through the air it ballooned out untill in a flash of blinding light the room became full of a sacred energy causing the samurai to writhe in pain even though it's armor blocked most of it.

Those moments of distraction were enough for Elysia to close the gap and with a mighty chop he severed the hand holding Gè Míng from the arm of the shade.

Mr.Simic had finished his new project at this time which opened a rift in the air. Two of his clones grabbed the injured samurai to drag him into it as the rift started to close again.

Kindness seeing this ran for the rapidly closing escape route but it closed just in front of her. She was left injured and along in a room with two enemies who had gradually gained the upper hand.

Speaking of hands, the Samurai's severed arm still holding Gè Míngs throat started to breakdown and merge with his flesh to become a tattoo of a demonic hand that appeared to be clawing at his throat. Gè Míng himself was unconscious but writhing in pain.

Kindness was cornered and out numbered but this only seemed to increase her fury as her aura spiked giving all her strikes a sharper edge.

Her attacks grew increasingly wild as even Tral could no longer predict her moves with her previous memories. Even injured she started to push the duo back a little but after several minutes she had started to become exhausted.

The pair didn't take the chances with such a volatile enemy so they kept to the defensive as she wore herself out with her extreme outburst untill finally she slumped against the wall behind her.

With ragged breaths she threatened "My master with have your heads for this you filthy punks! How dare you mess with my plans and force me to this point, if you don't back off I'll…." But she never finished her threat as Tral had suddenly rushed forward invisible while he left a decoy of himself in place to decapitate her with both blades.

Without waiting for the life to leave her eyes Tral had sunk his teeth into were her neck had been to drain her body of blood. Elysia had to turn away at this sight in disgust.

"Finish up your business quick as I can feel this building destabilizing as we waste time. We still need to break past the military blockade to make a clean get away." He told Tral as he went over to pick up the still unconsious Gè Míng.

Tral soon stood up to let the dried up corse of their enemy fall to the ground while he licked his lips. "Well I think we have done enough here so it's time to jet, we have a lot of sick people the need recovery including you but I do believe we all deserve a holiday at this point."

With this they quickly made their way out of the room to ascend the ruined tower till they came to a decent opening outside.

The city around the tower looked like a warzone as the military and civilians faces a small hoard of abominations that chaotically attacked and bit anyone they could spreading an infection that perverted more into monsters like them.

The military was holding on to contain the spread but only barely so the group took this opportunity to flee towards the harbour.

They only got within sight of it when they saw military ships lined up along the coast. One particular individual was seen flying through the sky just at the outskirts of the city using the air to deal with any stragglers that broke through the blockade.

He noticed them at the same time and Tral immediately felt a headache coming on. As the man approached them to identify their side Tral quickly said to Elysia "You need to do the talking and whatever you do don't say my name!"

The flying man was in a life support cybernetic suit but what could be seen if his skin was severely burnt. As he approached he called out over his speaker "I'm the commander in charge of this cleansing, my name is Hidden Wind! State your propose in these airways immediately or be cut down!"

Elysia quickly responded "We are local monster hunters who thought we could help but we could barely save this child who passed out in fear so we have decided to retreat for now to recoup our energy."

Hidden Wind stares them down especially Tral who is fully covered in his suit before declaring "Move out of this place at once we can't have anymore warriors getting infected! This city is under military control and all monstrosities will be purged shortly so don't return until then!"

With that said he dove down to slaughter more clearly more powerful then ever. Elysia turned to Tral as they flew off to say "I'm scared to ask but you didn't happen to have a hand in his pretty face did you?"

Tral shook his head at this "He might blame me but it was the military that did that after he lost control of his powers so we should probably move faster."

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