
The Power Of The Lion Sin - Iniation Part 2

Magna glared at the flock of mutated baby Nevermores before him. Over the years, he and Qrow have dealt with many different mutated grimm.

Nevermores, when mutated, gained increased intelligence, tougher bone armour, metal-like skin and stronger muscles.

Their wingspan also grew while their bodies became more aerodynamic. Lastly, they gained an insane regeneration ability that allows them to rapid fire their feathers.

Even now, Magna could see the grimm that Argo injured were slowly regenerating, a black substance coating and fixing their wounds.

To make sure Argo's sacrifice didn't go to waste, Magna held his palm out and calmly spoke.


Suddenly, a fiery sun that completely dwarfed the size of a truck appeared above Magna, his eyes never leaving the forms of the regenerating Nevermores.

With zero hesitation, Magna threw the sun at them and plainly said, "Die."

The healthy Nevermores flew out of the way in a panic, leaving the regenerating Nevermores to die as the sun swallowed them before continuing forward.

A straight line formed in the forest, all the trees and grimm in the way completely decimated while Magna continued to glare at the flock.

He could see that, while increased intelligence let them figure out that the many could defeat the few, it also gave them the ability to feel fear when faced with an opponent they couldn't hope to defeat.

The flock merely glance in Magna's direction before they scattered.

"You dare try and run!?!" Sneered Magna, his arm reeled back, "🅲🆁🆄🅴🅻 🆂🆄🅽!"

Once more, Magna threw another sun at the largest group of the flock and completely wiped them, and a part of the forest, out.

After making sure that there weren't any enemies in the area, Magna quickly ran over to Argo and kneeled down beside her.

"Argo!" Yelled Magna, "How are you holding up? I'm gonna patch you up, okay?"

Magna pulled out some medicine and bandages and spent a few minutes cleaning her wounds and patching her up.

After he was done, Argo rubbed her head against Magna's leg, her eyes conveying feelings of gratefulness as she smiled, "Thanks Magna… Luckily, I'm just aura fatigued. Their attacks, while fast, didn't really do that much damage though they did hurt like hell. But they did eat at my aura, which was really annoying…"

"Yeah," Replied Magna as he rolled his eyes, "And what do you do? You use your heaviest aura consuming move while being low on aura!"

Argo winced as Magna continued, "I mean c'mon! That was reckless Argo! What do you think would've happened if I arrived a few minutes later!?! You would've been in some real trouble!!!"

"I-I know Magna," Said Argo, "I underestimated the mutated grimm. I honestly thought they were just a bit tougher than regular grimm. I didn't think they'd be like… that."

Magna sighed while ruffling her hair, "It's fine, Argo. I'm partly at fault for not telling you guys about the mutated grimm in detail."

Scanning over Argo's body, Magna saw that most of her wounds were healed and that her the only thing keeping her from moving was aura fatigue.

"Hey, Argo? Could you give an estimate for when you're able to move?" Asked Magna as he slowly moved away from her.

While Magna started doing some stretches, Argo replied, "I think I'll be good in a minute or two. My aura was practically empty so…"

Magna nodded before taking a deep breath as he smiled, "Cool. I'll find out where the ruins are then we'll start moving when you're ready."

"Ok?.. How are yo-"

Before Argo could finish, Magna's body grew, ripping his shirt to shreds, as he jumped high into the sky. He jumped right over the cliff, spotting Ozpin and Glynda who were still arguing.

…Well, Ozpin was mostly getting yelled at while Glynda screamed at him.

Anyway, as his jump reached it's peak, Magna quickly scanned the forest since he could only see so far while up on the cliff.

"…Bingo." Magna said with a smile, his gaze locked onto the ruins.

Then, gravity kicked in. As his falling speed grew faster, Magna saw the shocked look on Ozpin's and Glynda's face as he passed them.

Flicking them a cheeky wink, Magna quickly braced himself as he collided with the ground feet first.


"*cough* *cough* I honestly expected that to hurt more…" Muttered Magna, waving the dirt out of his face.

"W-What was that!?!"

Turning towards the source of the scream, Magna grinned as he saw Argo standing a few feat away. She had an awe struck look on her face, which was reasonable since he's never really used the strength that came with Sunshine's boost.

"That…" Said Magna, dusting himself off, "Was me finding our way to the ruins. Now that you're up and about, let's set off."

Argo blinked, "Uh… okay then. I think we're gonna be a little behind everyone else though. We might miss Luna and- What are you doing?"

While Argo was talking, Magna had move next to her, a wide smile on his face.

Without warning, Magna wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug as she stuttered, "W-What!?! H-hey! I don't mind but you could've picked a better-"

While Argo was mid sentence, Magna pressed a finger over her mouth and smiled, "Argo, try keep your mouth closed and hold on tight."

Before she could reply, Magna channeled his aura into his legs and, to the horror of the rapidly paling Argo, leapt forward while laughing in excitement.

Argo, on the other hand, didn't follow Magna's advice and screamed as they flew through the air.


At the ruins, people were slowly starting to funnel in. Sitting just atop the ruins, Luna and Emerald were chatting while waiting for Magna and Argo.

Emerald held a white pawn piece in her hand as she muttered, "…Why are the relics chess pieces?"

Luna, who had just taken a meat kebab out of her storage bracelet, shrugged, "No idea. Maybe the school is going through some rough times?"

Just as they were about to continue chatting, the ruins shook as a loud bang resounded outside.

Both girls glanced over at each other before leaping off the side. Once the reached the ground, Emerald looked around and said, "You hear anything Luna? I can't see anything out of the norm."

Luna's ear twitched for a few seconds as she replied, "I… I think I can hear someone screaming…"

Suddenly, a girlish screamed echoed through the forest from behind them. Emerald turned around and dropped into a combat stance as she said, "I heard it as well. I wonder what caused that girl to scream?"



"Hold on, Jaune! And what ever you do! Don't. Let."

Jaune, who was just clinging onto the stinger of a Deathstalker, felt his grasp slip as the Deathstalker flung him forward.


Seeing that she was left alone with an angry Deathstalker, Pyrrha did what any sane person or sunlight-breathing-style using old man would do in her situation.

She turned in the direction Jaune was flung and started running.


"Actually…" Muttered Luna, her ears twitching towards in the opposite direction Emerald was facing, "The scream I was talking about was coming from-"




Dust exploded everywhere, causing both Luna and Emerald to cough uncontrollably.

After they managed to stop, Emerald glared at the centre of the dust cloud since she recognised the two voices and yelled, "What the hell was that, Magna!?!"

"Is that you Emerald? Sorry about that! Argo and I got a little caught up so I jumped all the way here to make up time." Replied Magna from within the dust.

Waving his hand, the dust was blown away, revealing a shirtless Magna and a panicked Argo.

The blonde wolf faunus was shaking, her fur bristled and her nails digging into Magna's arm.

"S-sis?" Said Luna, "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, Argo let go of Magna and, to everyone's surprise, threw a heavy punch at Magna's stomach.

Magna buckled slightly as Argo glared at him and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL, MAGNA!!! YOU DON'T JUST START JUMPING INTO THE SKY WHILE CARRYING SOMEONE!!!"

"B-but I did it to get us here faster. I didn't want to keep Luna and Emerald waiting." Said Magna.

He rubbed his stomach a little and sighed before looking over to Luna and Emerald, "So what piece did you guys choose?"

Emerald reached into her pocket and threw a white pawn over to Magna before pulling out another one from the same pocket.

Looking over the piece, Magna shrugged his shoulders before tossing the piece into his storage bracelet.

Then, turning over to Argo, Magna sighed as she pouted while angrily glaring at him, her tail swishing about behind her.

Sighing, Magna walked over and, ignoring the angry glare she was sending him, said, "I'm really sorry for jumping about without warning. I just wanted to get to the ruins as fast as possible, so I hope you can forgive me."

Argo stopped pouting as she said, "You have to cook me my favourite food for dinner!"

"Sure thing."

"You have to brush my hair and tail tonight!"

"I promise."

Her cheeks slowly turned red as she stuttered out, "Y-you have to take my sister and I out sometime!"

Magna just raised an eyebrow as he said, "I would've took you guys out if you asked, you know?"

Argo ignored his comment and stared at him. After a minute or so, Magna nodded as both Argo and Luna broke out into smiles.

Emerald smirked in amusement as she laughed, "I want you to take me out sometime as well Magna. Is that cool with you?"

"Sure, I guess. Just let me now when." Replied Magna.

Suddenly, Yang burst out from the shrubbery next to them, a wide smile on her face as she shot them with finger guns and said, "How's it Yanging, guys? You miss me?"

Blake came out from behind her, sighing as she said, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how frequent are her puns?"


"Definitely 10."

"10, No doubt about it."


Everyone looked over at Emerald as she shrugged, "I'm not wrong, am I?"

Before anyone could answer, a girl riding an Ursa stumbled over, the grimm collapsing as she cried, "Oh no! I think it's broken Renny!"

"Nora…" Panted the boy, "Please… don't ever do that again."

Like magic, the girl was already over by the relics, tossing the white rook around as she sang, "I'm queen of the castle~ I'm queen of the castle~ I'm queen of th-"


With a smile on her face, she pocketed the rook piece as she smiled, "Coming Ren~."

"Did…" Blake blinked, trying to piece together the craziness that just happened as she continued, "She just ride in on an Ursa?"


While everyone was stunned, Argo, Luna and secretly Blake looked upwards as Argo said, "Look Magna! Someone had the same idea as you!"

Glancing upwards, Magna saw a familiar red cloak falling towards the ground, a wide smile on Ruby's face once she spotted Magna.

Sighing, Magna quickly ran over to where she was going to land and jumped upwards.

Just as he reached out to grab Ruby, Magna noticed Jaune flying towards him. Obviously, he wasn't going to let them collide so once he had Ruby firmly in his grasp, he quickly grabbed Jaune as well before letting gravity send him back to the ground.

"Did that girl just fall from the sky?"

"Ruby!?! Oh my Oum! Are you oka-"

Suddenly, Pyrrha burst out from the forest furthest away from the group, letting loose a barrage of bullets behind her as a Deathstalker hastily chased after her.

Blake's face changed a little as she said in a worried tone, "D-did she just run here with a Deathstalker on her tail!?!"

Magna watched on as the Deathstalker smacked Pyrrha with it's pincer, sending her flying over to the group.

She instinctively closed her eyes, ready to kiss the ground but instead of the hard embrace of soil, Pyrrha found herself wrapped up in Magna's arms as he flashed her a smile.

"Woah! Pyrrha, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're… FALLING for me." Magna joked, a cheeky grin on his face while Pyrrha turned bright red like her hair.

Yang, whose anger was reaching boiling point, snorted before falling to the ground with her arms wrapped around her stomach, tears in her eyes as she burst into a fit of laughter.



A red bullet plunged straight into Yang's stomach, forcing the air out of the laughing girls already empty lungs before knocking her to the ground.

Ruby quickly lost her smile once she saw how pale her sister was as she yanked Yang off the ground and started shaking her as she yelled, "YANG!!! ARE YOU OKAY!?!"

Luckily for Yang, Argo and LUNA quickly ran over and pulled little red riding hood while Emerald and Blake helped Yang onto her feet.

Magna shook his head before looking up, spotting an adult Nevermore that had a little white speck on it's back.

The Nevermore circled the group as a prim voice echoed from the skies, "HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME!?! YOU INSUFFERABLE LITTLE B-"


Blake, having moved away from her recovering partner, looked at the Nevermore and said, "She's gonna fall…"

"Pfft…" Said Ruby, "She's fine."

Rolling her eyes, Blake watched as the white speck lost grip on the grimm. The prissy girl slowly started her descent towards the ground as Blake plainly said, "She's falling."

Sighing, Magna once more leapt off the ground.

Weiss closed her eyes and prepared herself to hit the ground. However, instead of the hard ground, Weiss felt a pair of hot and muscular arms wrap around her.

She opened her eyes a little and felt her cheeks heat up when she saw Magna, smiling down at her with a warm look on his face as he muttered, "I've got you, Weiss. Don't worry."


With his feet planted deep into a crater, Magna gently let Weiss down as she smiled at him and muttered, "My hero~..."

Off to the side, Yang gave a sarcastic smile as she saw the Nevermore circling them from above and the Deathstalker eyeing them up from the forest.

"Great! The gangs all here. Now we can die together!"

Just as Magna and Weiss made their way over to the group, a red figure surrounded in rose petals sped past them as Ruby yelled, "Not if I can help it!"

The Nevermore instantly reacted to Ruby's movement, screeching as it laid out a barrage of giant feathers.

Ruby weaved through them as best as she could but eventually, a rogue feather nailed the bottom of her hood.


With all the forward momentum Ruby had built up, the sudden stop choked her before her hood ripped, sending her tumbling forward.

Once she stopped, Ruby stared upwards in a daze, barely registering the raised pincer above her.

Yang's eyes widened in panic as she took off forward, "RUBY!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!! RUBY!!!"

Just as Weiss activated her glyphs in an attempt to rescue Ruby, a searing heat passed her by. Everyone watched on as Magna ran directly past Yang, turning the ground beneath him into ash.

When he came to the field of feathers, Magna merely sneered as he charged forward.

Every single feather in his way turn to ash as Magna pulled a sword out from his storage bracelet and swung it forward.

At the same exact time, the sword in his hand turned into slag while a wave of flames and force scorched the Deathstalker's carapace while sending it flying.

Waving off the molten metal on his hands, Magna leapt over to Ruby and hugged her into his chest.

"Wawawawa… What are you doing Magna!?!" Screamed Ruby, blushing up a storm.

However, Magna couldn't answer her as spear-like feathers rained down on his back. To make matters worse, Magna couldn't raise his internal heat any higher since he ran the risk of injuring Ruby.

Luckily, Magna's body was as hard as steel due to 'Sunshine' powering both his body and increasing his aura reserves.

Feeling the impact through Magna's body, Ruby gasped as she said, "Magna! Let me go! I'll be fine! Please! You're getting hurt!!!"

Suddenly, Magna lifted himself and Ruby off the ground, his back straightening as he calmly replied in a deep voice, "I'm getting hurt? Who decided that?"

Ruby stumbled out of his grasp and stared at him in a daze.

"You'll be fine?" Magna's hand shot out and stopped a feather a few centimeters away from piercing Ruby's face. The young girl jumped in shock as she hid behind Magna while he spoke, "Who decided that?"

"I… will be the one who decides." The Deathstalker appeared infront of him, it's stinger aiming straight for heart.

Sadly, this did nothing more than annoy Magna as he moved a single finger in the way of the stinger, bringing it to a halt as it struggled to move forward.

Everyone else that was preparing to move in to assist him, stopped in awe as Magna threw the feather like a javelin at the Nevermore before kicking the Deathstalker across the plain and into the forest.

The Nevermore easily evaded the feather, only to be met with a brutal kicked in the face by Magna.

The flying grimm spiralled towards the rest of the group as Jaune roared, "SCATTER!!!"

Blake, Weiss and Yang jumped back towards the ruin while Jaune and the rest ran towards the forest.

Ruby, having finally snapped out of her daze, ran towards Yang in a whirlwind of rose petals.

Argo and Luna eyed Ruby and, once the red speedster stopped running, grabbed a cheek each and pulled as they yelled in sync.


"I'm Shwoory!!!" Muttered Ruby.

"Ruby," Growled Argo, letting her side go, "That was the single stupidest thing I've seen you do, and I've known you for nine whole years!"

"Sis is right, Ruby!" Yelled Luna, "You rushed head first into danger without a solid plan or way to escape!"

Ruby pouted, "Magna does it too…"

Luna's fur bristled as she opened her mouth, only to be cut off as Weiss jumped over and said, "You are so childish…"


"And dim witted. And hyperactive. And don't get me started on your fighting style."

"Hey! You're not exactly a saint either, princess! You whined the whole way here and you refuse to admit that you got us lost!" Barked Ruby.

Weiss tripped a little as she took a breath and replied, "I suppose I can be… difficult. But if we are going to do this, we need to work as a team. That means, no more trying to show off."

Ruby pouted even harder as she kicked at the dirt beneath her, "I wasn't trying to show off. I was trying to show you that I belong here, that I'm not just someone who got lucky."

The three girls surrounding the younger girl looked at each other and sighed as Argo reached out and rubbed her head, "You're fine, Rubes."

Luna, being the hug-loving girl she was, gently hugged Ruby and said, "We all know you deserve to be here, Ruby. Remember what Magna told you."

'…if you find yourself unable to believe in yourself, then believe in the me that believes in you.'

Ruby smiled brightly as she rubbed the sweat from her eyes [Author: 😉].

Weiss sighed while looking at Ruby as she gave a small smile, "You're doing fine, Ruby. Just… try not to rush head first into danger."

Ruby's smile grew as she softly whispered to herself, "Normal knees~…"

Obviously, the two faunus next to her heard her whisper but decided to say nothing.

Emerald suddenly landed next to them as she whistled, "Damn…(Ruby: Swear Jar!) Look at Jaune go! He's really come a long way from where he was 3 years ago. Heck! He didn't even know how to throw a punch properly and now…"

Jaune was currently deflecting the Deathstalker's tail and pincers while Pyrrha and Magna attacked it. Nora was using a giant warhammer to break the armour around the Deathstalker's legs.

Ren, on the other hand, was rapidly attacking the Deathstalker, raining bullets on it whenever a weak points got exposed.

Suddenly, an explosion caught everyone's attention as Yang, her eyes shining a blood red while flames surrounded her, roared.

Magna looked over and winced. Not only did the Nevermore have a few strands of blonde hair in it's talon, the Deathstalker smacked him when he turned around and sent him spiralling over the edge of the canyon.


Next chapter