
The Maiden of Spring

Magna quickly left the area around Raven's tent. He sighed as he mentally berated himself for saying what he did. However, he didn't regret it.

A few seconds later, Magna sighed as he softly muttered, "What's done is done… let's just find this girl…"

He wandered around the camp, everywhere he looked had someone doing something. Some were cooking food, others were cleaning or making clothes. It was actually kind of heartwarming how close everyone looked.

However, that didn't change how Magna saw them. These people had no qualms about taking the lives of others, innocent or not.

Suddenly, he noticed something odd. Under the shade of a single tree, a young girl sat with her arms wrapped around her legs.

She looked like an elf from a fantasy story, minus the long ears, as her short light emerald hair swayed in the wind. Even though she wore a faded jacket and shorts, she still managed to pull off the look.

Magna walked next to the lonely girl as he gently smiled, "Hey, this seat taken?"

The girl was a bit startled that someone talked to her. She became flustered and stumbled over her words for a few seconds before replying by shaking her head.

Waiting for the flustered girl to calm down, Magna slowly sat next to her, the same gently smile on his face. The pair sat in silence as they watched the rowdy crowd of bandits.

After watching them fool around for a couple minutes, the girl softly spoke in a soft and soothing tone, "I-I can't be like them…"

Her torso shrunk even deeper into her legs as she continued, "I can't do anything. I can't cook, I can't clean."

Her arms shook as her voice started to crack, "I can't fight, can't hunt. Heck, I can't even control my emotions. I'm so useless…"

The girl curled into her legs and softly cried. Magna rubbed her back and sighed, "Then don't be like them…"

Not caring if she was listening or not, Magna continued, "So what if you can't cook or clean? So what if you can't control your emotions? That only means your human…"

"You don't need to be anyone else. Just be your self." Said Magna, a gently smile still on his face.

The girl seemed to think over his words for a couple seconds before blushing, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for ranting at you. I-I don't know what came over me…"

Magna shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's fine. Sometimes it just feels good to let it all out. So, now that you've gotten it all out, how do you feel?"

The girl blushed slightly as she started drawing circles in the dirt with her finger, "I-I don't know… there's this weird feel in my chest. It's a warm and fuzzy feeling… it also feels lighter, I guess?"

"That's good… I think?" Replied Magna.

Suddenly, the girl became flustered, surprising Magna a small amount as she hastily said, "Oh geez! Sorry! I haven't even introduced myself yet! I'm June."

Seeing the small and pale hand stretched towards him, Magna grinned as he lightly shook her hand and said, "Magna."

"Sooooo…" The girl started fiddling with her hair as continued, "Why are you sitting over here instead of handing out with the rest of the 'family'."

Magna adopted an exaggerated thinking pose, tapping his fingers on his chin as he replied, "Well, I saw a pretty girl over here and thought, 'Let's go talk to the pretty girl instead of the brutes that look like they haven't showered in… forever'."

A cute nasally giggle escaped June's lips as she clutched her stomach. Unconsciously, her eyes glowed in a dim emerald light, the exact same colour as her eyes.

Suddenly, a small patch of grass grew underneath the pair as flowers started sprouting from the ground.

Her bout of laughter seemed to make the plants sway as they continued to bloom. After she finally settled down, the flowers were fully grown as Magna smiled, "You have a lovely laugh, June."

A dark red blush spread across her cheeks, reaching the tips of her ears as she became a stuttering mess. Magna couldn't help but laugh as tears appeared in his eyes. A playful look appeared in his eyes as he decided to play a little prank on her.

As he continued to laugh, little clouds began to gather infront of them. June could only watch in awe as the clouds started raining on the flowers and grass, watering the parched plants.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Magna gave June a bright smile as he said, "Well, I guess it's time to be truthful. Raven put me in charge of your magic training. As you can see…" Magna motioned to the small clouds infront of them, "I'm also able to use magic."

June's face lit up as she leaned towards Magna, only stopping a few inches from his face as she excitedly said, "Wait really!? Oh my Oum! This is great! I'll finally be able to use magic!"

"You don't know how frustrating it is! Having emotions being the only way to use it. Especially since I can't control my feelings."

Magna's smile twitched a little as he coughed into his hand and muttered, "Too close…"

June finally realised what she was doing as she shot backwards, her face flushed red. However, she shot back a little too roughly, causing her to slam into the tree behind her.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she started sniffling. Just as she was about to cry, a warm hand found it's way to her head as Magna softly muttered, "Heal…"

A soft white light appeared on Magna's hand as the pain in June's head slowly lessened until it faded away.

After the pain disappeared, Magna softly ruffled her hair as he smiled, "Better?"

June's face became flushed as she silently nodded. She didn't realise it, and neither did Magna, but her eyes seemed to linger on Magna much longer than before.

Magna could tell June was a very sweet but shy girl, so he opted to act in a gentle manner to not scare her off.

Seeing that the spring maiden seemed to be in a daze, Magna quickly stood up and dusted his pants of as he said, "Well, we might as well start training now."

Turning towards the still dazed maiden, Magna tapped two fingers against her forehead and smiled, "So what do you think? Would you like to start training now? Or start training tomorrow?"

June rubbed her forehead softly as her eyes filled with determination, "I-I'd like to start now please!"

Magna smiled as he silently stretched his hand towards her. June softly smiled at Magna as she firmly grasped his hand and pulled herself off the ground.

'Just you wait, Magna…' June thought, watching his back as she followed him, 'I swear that one day, when your in desperate need of help, I'll be there for you, like you were there for me.'

Gripping her fist tight, June silently vowed that she would one day be useful to Magna. To repay him for his kindness… and, for making her despressed thoughts disappear.

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