
The Meaning Behind the Bites

Awkwardly sitting in a quiet circle, Luna glanced between Argo and Magna with reluctance in her eyes. Argo released a short sigh before saying, "Before I explain about the bite, I'll need to explain about our tribe."

Taking Magna's silence as confirmation, Argo started speaking about their tribe.

"Luna and I come from a tribe on the island between Vale and Minstral. While it was a small tribe, we were all happy and treated each other like brothers and sisters."

Suddenly, Magna slowly lifted his hand and said, "Then why are you girls here in Vale?"

His question seemed to bring up bad memories as Luna curled into a ball and started to tremble while a red aura began to appeared around Argo.

Gritting her teeth, Argo forcefully squeezed the words out, "We were… attacked by a group of human extremists. They killed all the older faunus while capturing all of the younger ones. They forced us to kill one another yet we all refused. After a couple weeks of no food, some of us began to die."

Magna released a cold breath as anger started to swirl in his stomach and, even though it was for only a second, his eyes flashed a bloody red.

Both girls missed his sudden change as Argo continued, "When there were only five of us left, the humans grew enraged and started experimenting on us. Luna was used to test a drug which numbed her sense of pain while I was forcefully made to fight grim for their twisted entertainment."

"Before we realised it, Luna and I were the only two left." At this point, tears poured down Argo's face as she sadly muttered, "Our family… friends… all gone…"

Argo appeared extremely weak and fragile while Luna, who had come out from her ball form, had red eyes and tears streaming down her face as she desperately tried to silence her voice. Having no experience with this kinda thing, Magna did the only thing he could to offer them comfort.

He stood up and picked up Luna, earning a small yelp from her, before sitting next to Argo and wrapping up both young girls in a warm embrace.

Tears started coming from his eyes as he continued to hug them, not saying anything. Luna seemed to finally let her voice out as she cried deeply into Magna's chest while Argo wrapped her arms around Magna while freely letting her tears flow from her eyes.

After a couple minutes, Magna released both girls as they seemed to have calmed down. Before he could speak, Argo gave him a bright smile and said, "Thank you."

Magna returned her smile with one equally as bright and happily replied, "Your welcome."

Looking down at his chest, Luna had her arms wrapped around him as small breathing sounds came from her. Realising she's asleep, Magna tried to move her off only to be stopped as Argo said, "Let her sleep. She's been a bundle of nerves ever since we escaped."

Taking a deep breath, Argo continued, "When they saw that we still refused to fight each other, the humans seemed to have… other plans."

As he was listening, Magna could feel a deep hatred and anger coming from Argo as a thought appeared in his head. A cold rage burned in his stomach as he muttered, "You don't mean…"

"I guess you realised it. One night, a fat human appeared in our cell. He silently made his way over to Luna as she slept, completely naked with a sadistic look in his eyes. That's when it happened, I snapped and awakened my semblance."

Holding her hand out, a red energy wrapped around her and formed a claw. Making a swiping motion towards the wall next to her, deep imprints appeared as the gashes seemed to burn for a while before stopping.

"I call it 'Sunlight Fenrir'. With it, I can cover my body in a type of protective cloak while having the ability to slash and burn anything. Sadly, I can only form it around my hands currently. That night, I slaughtered all the humans who imprisoned us before escaping with my sleeping sister."

Giving a small nod, Magna released a sigh of relief hearing that they were unharmed. However, a huge disgust towards the human extremists rooted itself in his heart.

"What about Luna? Is she okay?" Asked Magna as he stared in concern at the sleeping ball of white fluffy happily curled up in his lap.

Argo's previous angry expression seemed to fade as a huge smile replaced it. "She's fine now. The drug was slowly losing its affect and would have most likely completely disappeared from her system after a couple more months. However, thanks to you, she's not only completely healed but the drug was forcefully expelled from her system."

Silently muttering, "That's good…" Magna started to softly pat Luna's head, earning a silly smile from the sleeping wolf girl.

Argo smiled before saying, "Now, about the bite. It's a ritual held in our village. It has different meanings for different occasions but it basically marks you as our brother."

Suddenly, Magna gave her a weird look before muttering, "And why would that be so hard to tell me?"

With a wry smile, Argo rubbed the back of her head and shyly replied, "Well, I didn't know how you'd feel about suddenly gaining sisters. Also, there's the fact that we're faunus and that you might not like that so-"

Before she could finish, Magna cut her off as he said, "Why would I mind about you girls being faunus?"

Time seemed to freeze as Magna stared at Argo with a look that said 'Why are you stupid?' While Argo just blankly stared back. And if anyone was looked down at Luna, they would notice the slight twitching from her ears.

Dumbfounded, Argo blankly muttered, "Why you say… we're faunus, you know!"

Tilting his head, Magna confusingly replied, "Yeah, and?"

Argo suddenly seemed angry as she practically screamed, "Humans hate us! They call us 'trash' and 'vermin', they discriminate us, blame us, all types of cruel things! And all you have to say is 'Yeah, and?'!?!"

A large tick mark suddenly appeared on Magna's head as he angrily roared, "Don't fucking mess with me! I ain't like those idiots who only know how to brag! I judge people on what I see, not by their race. And what I see are a pair of sisters that have chosen me to be their brother and I'm damn happy to be given the opportunity!"

Argo seemed at a loss for words. All her life she's only been met with discrimination and cruelty. And yet, this young boy said he was happy to be given the opportunity to be their brother. Unknown to the sisters, a fluttery feeling began to take root in their hearts.

Giving an embarassed cough, Argo blushed as she happily said, "Well then… I'll be counting on you, big brother."

A smile made it's way on Magna's face as he cheerfully replied, "Leave it to me!"

Awww... Magna gained two super fluffy sisters!!! That's my boy!!!

Nexusprime117creators' thoughts
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