
An unexpected holiday

December 18, 1940:

It's been 9 days since this 'easy' battle started and our feet haven't even touched the soil around that supply base.

But I did hear that the Militia are slowly pushing the Imperials back to the border.

At least that's some good news… But this is one hell of an invasion force…

How many battalions did the Imperials send here, I wonder?

Anyway, we've formed another defensive line near the train station.

Well, to be exact, our squad's guarding this bridge standing over the train tracks below…

The only thing keeping those bullets away from my soft flesh are these rows of sandbags.

But even then, the only way to really feel protected is to go prone. There's still a chance for a headshot when we crouch and that's not even mentioning the Imperial snipers that keep taking potshots at us…

Every day, they'd send a couple of units to test our defenses.

We managed to hold out but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time before they try the same thing they did days ago…

Still no 'walking tanks' though…

All this uncertainty is making me kinda anxious.

I just pray that this'll be over soon so we can proceed one battle closer to the end of this war…

December 19, 1940:

This is strange…

The Imperials attacked the bridge again but it looked like a scouting unit…

Why would they need scouts after days of fighting?

Not to mention they hardly tried attacking at all… They just watched from those ruined building.

I can see the sun's light reflect from their binoculars.

I have a really bad feeling about this…

December 20, 1940:

Another 'quiet' day…

And the snipers stopped taking potshots at us…

I guess Rain and the other snipers managed to get them.

With conditions improving, we can finally sit up straight again.

"Ah my back…" I said straightening my back while crouching behind a sandbag "… Nice to finally be able to sit down"

"Tell me about it" Roswell responded stretching his arm a bit.

"Any idea what's going on?" Jane asked

"No idea" Franko replied "I heard from Hanz that the Imperials are almost out of Gallian territory"

"But d-doesn't that mean there should be more waves of enemies?" Renee asked

"Yeah…" Edna responded "Maybe they're focusing most of their forces on the Gallian front?"

"If that's the case" Marian said, emerging from her tank "Then why aren't we attacking?"

"Well that's the General's call, right?" I replied

"Besides" Franko added "The enemy commander has proven to be quite crafty. I guess Hanz is being cautious. A bit too cautious if you ask me"

"What's wrong with being cautious?"

We turn around, seeing General Barredo behind us.

"I've been confirming the enemy's movements and positions via recon planes" the General answered "I just received the photos"

"What do we got?" Desmond asked

"The Imperials are in full retreat to the supply base. They've been fortifying the base for an upcoming siege and-"

General Barredo cuts himself off as we hear the familiar sound echo from afar.

Before any of us could utter a word, an artillery shell lands directly in one of our fortified positions.

"Get the fuck out of your positions!" the General shouted as we ran.

Seconds later, our position was pelted with artillery fire.

The general quickly grabbed my radio.

"All units who are reading this! Get out of your positions! Head to your respective rally points! NOW!"

"Incoming!" Roswell shouted as we see more artillery shells in the sky


I don't think an order to run was necessary. Those artillery shells were more than enough to send all of us running for our lives.

To make matters worse, those shells accurately hit every fortified position in our line.

I knew those scouts were bad news!

After a few minutes, the artillery shells stopped raining.

General Barredo quickly regroups the surviving squads as those 'walking tanks' finally make their appearance.

Two legs, a small frame, and what looks like two cannons.

It's pretty hard to describe but I guess it looks like they took a plane's cockpit and placed it on top of a tank frame and then replaced the treads with metal 'feet'.

The enemy 'tanks' quickly open fire on our position.

But they didn't fire tank shells. They were raining machinegun fire on us.

We all frantically hid behind the nearest cover as the tanks slowly walked closer.

Marian and about 2 crusaders return fire.

They managed to destroy a few of the walking tanks.

One of the enemy tanks then fires a rocket, destroying one crusader.

"Fuck!" the general exclaimed as he grabs my radio "All units, fall back to the next line!"

These tanks are as fierce as the rumors say they are…

I really hate it when rumors like this turn out to be true.

As we ran for our lives, the enemy tanks rained rockets and machinegun fire on us.

Many are gunned down, their backs turned towards the enemy.

"We're getting slaughtered!" Desmond shouted as he turns around "We have to do something! Rain! Aria!"

"Crocker?! What are you doing?!" Franko said as the 3 convicts open fire on the enemy tanks.

"I don't think bullets can hurt those things!" Roswell said, firing a lance rocket.

It manages to hit one of the tank's legs.

The leg quickly collapses, causing the tank to fall over.

General Barredo's eyes widen.

"Jane" he said "Binoculars!"

Janes nods as she hands her binoculars.

"That's it!" he said grabbing my radio "All units! Consolidate and counterattack! Those 'tanks' have weak legs! Aim for the legs! I say again! Aim for the legs!"

Weak legs huh… Well it does fit the stereotypes on Imperial vehicles…

Strong firepower and good armor but always has a fatal weakness that can be exploited.

For a while there, I thought these 'tanks' were invincible.

"Form up!" General Barredo continued "These bastards think they're immortal! Let's show them the cold dark reality!"

The general rallied everyone and the once panicking soldiers are now regrouping and fighting back.

I'm really amazed at how General Barredo can rally people and boost morale…

Actually, I'm even more amazed that Desmond was the one to actually inspire the general to stand our ground.

They're really strong men… and I don't just mean physically.

I sometimes I wish I could be as strong as these people. Maybe if I am, I could have undone the sins I committed years ago…


I was brought back to reality. I didn't realize I was lost in thought in the middle of a battle.

"General?" I responded

"You're coming with me! We're gonna access the ham radio in the train station!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

We kept a long-range ham radio in a small security room at the train station.

Luckily, the structure was mostly intact, apart from a couple of caved-in halls.

This could actually work to our advantage as it's just one hallway towards the radio.

That is once we do secure the room…

"Duval!" the General said "Cover fire!"

"With pleasure!" Renee responded, laughing maniacally while providing cover fire.

Me, Aster, Desmond, Edna, and the general then move through the ruins, trying to evade detection.

Eventually, the train station was just across the street.

But there was no cover…

"What do we do?" I asked

"We'll keep them busy!" Aster replied as he and Edna take position behind a wall.

Before any of us could say anything, the two opened fire on the Imperials.

"Go!" Aster shouted

"Crocker! Denzel!" the general said tapping me in the shoulder "Move now!"

We quickly ran for the station but the Imperials quickly noticed us.

General Barredo returned fire while I and Desmond entered the target room.

The general followed shortly after with the Imperials not too far behind.

With only one way into the room, we made a makeshift barricade out of metal filing cabinets.

"Denzel!" the general said as he reloads "Get on that radio and call for air support! We'll keep these bastards busy!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

I quickly ran to the ham radio.

"Command. Command. This is 3rd Battalion, Squad D! Does anyone copy?"

"We read you Squad D" the radioman responded "What's the situation?"

"We're taking heavy casualties from enemy artillery! Imperial forces are using blitzkrieg tactics to break through our lines! Requesting immediate air support!"

"Copy that Squad D. Standby"

I anxiously waited for their reply as another barrage of artillery shells shakes the building.

"Denzel!" the general said as more Imperials enter the hallway "What's the status of the air support?"

"No response yet, sir!" I responded as I notice an object land in the middle of the room "Grenade!"

Desmond quickly took the grenade and threw it back but he was hit in the left shoulder.

He crawls back behind the makeshift cover.

I tried to approach him.

"Stop!" the general said "Throw me a bandage! You just focus on that radio!"

"Y-Yes sir!" I replied throwing a bandage at the general

It took a while for the general to patch up Desmond's wound since he had to fight off the Imperials as well.

"That should do it!" he said as he fully commits to keeping the Imperials at bay

Desmond then drops his submachinegun and brings out a revolver.

He breaks cover and started shooting at the Imperials with one hand.

"What are you doing?!" the general said

"A single bullet wound isn't gonna take me out of this action!" Desmond responded

I wanted to help but someone had to stay by the radio… I couldn't provide cover fire from where I was…

Cornered rats indeed… The Imperials are really desperate to break through our lines…

I wonder how long we'll last…

Meanwhile, in another battlefield;

"Red 1. Red 1. This is command. Do you copy?"

"This is Red 1" Sora replied "What do you need?"

"Red 1. What is the status of your mission?"

"Bristols are coming within range of the target. No signs of Imperials yet"

"Copy Red 1. You and your squad are to divert from Zarasai to Perm upon completion of your mission. We'll be sending the No. 3 Fighter Squadron to relieve you of the Bristol Beufighters"

"Copy that command. What's our new directive?"

"Provide aerial support to our forces in Perm. Enemy artillery units are causing heavy casualties within their ranks"

"Acknowledged. We'll be on our way to Perm once all this is done"

"Solid copy Red 1. Good hunting"

There's no end to these Imperials!

How are they able to maintain having this many troops?

"Squad D. Squad D. Do you copy?"

"Command. This is Squad D. What's the status of the air support?"

"We've contacted a squad. Hold out for as long as you can. They will be reassigned to your location upon completion of their mission"

"Roger that"

I quickly turned to the general. "General Barredo! Command's contacted a squad! They'll be on the way after completing their mission!"

"How long?"

"Command didn't specify, sir"

"Damn it! Then we'll just have to hold out!"

With that, I went to the barricade and aided my allies in defending our position.

Meanwhile, the others were slowly falling back as the enemy adapted to our new strategy.

The 'tanks' are now using the ruins to cover their weak legs.

"Cheeky little bastards!" Renee shouted "Oi! We're wasting bullets here! We have to take the fight to them!"

"Easier said than done!" Jane responded "Those tanks will tear us to pieces before we can even touch them!"

"And those artillery won't hesitate to blow us a new one! Better we're dangerously close to their own men than risk another deadly rain!"

"Wait, Renee! What're you doing?!"

"Saving this army!"

Renee then throws a smoke grenade.

Seconds later, she runs into the thick smoke.

"Wow…" Aria uttered as everyone stood up, dumbfounded.

"Uh…" Isaac said "Shouldn't we go after her?"

The squad then hears a few explosions coupled with the sound of machinegun fire and maniacal laughs.

Everyone quickly ran to the scene.

"Whoah…" Franko said as they are greeted by a destroyed 'tank' upon emerging from the smoke.

"Heh…" Drifa said with a nervous smile "… She really does transform when the battle starts huh…"

"No kidding…" Sonia responded "… Is she alright in the head?"

"I doubt it…" Aria added "But hey works well for us… I guess"

Rain then peeks around the corner of the destroyed 'tank'.

She spots Renee, in a prone position, behind some rubble as the last Imperial 'tank' pelted her position.

The sniper quickly positions herself and fires a shot.

The bullet hits the tank but is ineffective.

The enemy pilot notices the sniper and opens fire.

The sniper quickly takes cover.

This gave Renee enough room to throw an anti-tank grenade.

The explosion causes the 'tank' to take a step back.

Quickly, the others provided cover fire for Renee as she runs to the enemy 'tank'.

She quickly ties a satchel charge on one of its legs.

She quickly runs to the nearest cover and detonates the explosive.

It obliterates the tank's leg, causing it to fall over.

"Whoah…" Aria said "That's it. I officially do NOT want to be on her bad side"

"Agreed…" Sonia replied

"Well ain't that a first…" Drifa remarked "But I guess it's understandable"

The squad stood there staring at Renee, who was taunting the downed pilot.

But they were quickly brought back to reality as bullets began to fly again.

For the next few minutes, our forces were able to regroup and slowly push the Imperials back.

Meanwhile, we were doing quite well in keeping the Imperials out of the radio room.

Morale was at peak height as we fought with all our might.

But the Imperials were just as determined to stop our advance.

"Who's gonna budge?" I thought to myself

Not long after, someone contacted me on my own radio.

"Squad D. This is Red 1. Do you copy?"

"Red 1!" I said with excitement "Good to finally hear from you!"

"Nice to hear you too. Anyway, my squad's been relieved! We're headed your way! 10 minutes! Hold out for 10 minutes!"

"Roger that!" I said as I put my radio down "T-Ten minutes! Air support's coming in 10 minutes!"

"Finally!" General Barredo said "Denzel. Give me you r radio"

"R-Right!" I said handing my radio to him.

"Franko! How are things on your end?"

"We got the Imperials on the run and uh…"

"Is that laughter I hear?"

Franko sighs. "Don't ask… Anyway, we've regrouped with Aster and Edna! We're almost to the train station!"

"Right! Keep at it! Also, we got air support in 10 minutes! Spread the word!"

"With pleasure!"

Within the next few minutes, we regained the ground we lost hours ago.

And with impeccable timing, Sora and her squad rained machinegun fire from above.

I must say they looked like angels coming to our rescue.

I never thought I'd miss the sound of those plane engines.

And with that, the battle was over…

Well at least for that day.

But Sora and her squad assaulted the Imperials for a while before heavy flak fire and low fuel forced them to retreat.

December 20, 1940:


Just when I thought this battle was almost over, the Imperials managed to turn the tables again.

The militia and army squads in the Diebal Mountains were making great progress in pushing the Imperials back into the border.

Just when I thought that they'll be forced to fight on two fronts…

The Imperials collapsed a tunnel connecting the mountains and Perm.

Luckily, nobody died or got trapped.

But now the militia and army squads on the other side can't reach us.

So the rest of this battle will be between us and this Imperial battalion.

Things are gonna get bloody. I know it.

December 21, 1940:

Yep... Things have gotten more intense.

The Imperials aren't directly taking us on but they're using every explosive they got to flush us out of our fortifications.

December 22, 1940:

This is odd…

We can clearly see the Imperials in front of us but they're not shooting again…

Is this another scouting unit?

Are they calculating our positions again?

But I thought we destroyed all of their artillery?

Oh no…

Paranoid, we opened fire every time we see even part of their uniform.

Not gonna make it easy for them to bomb us a second time!

December 24, 1940:


2 days of inactivity…

I'm getting really nervous.

No action. No explosions. Not even a single bullet…

What are those Imperial planning?

Just then, a lone soldier walks in the middle of the battlefield.

His hands were raised and his palms were open.

"Is that a woman?" Desmond wondered

"What?!" Aster responded as he borrows my binoculars

"Not Emilia…" he whispered

The soldier was a woman with long red hair.

She had this confident smile as if she knew no one will shoot her.

She stops midway.


We stared at her, waiting for what would happen next.

She reaches for something on her back while still raising her left hand.

We took aim.

"Hold your fire" General Barredo commanded

It was a megaphone.

"Gallians. Federation" she said "Tomorrow is the Winter Festival. A holiday we both celebrate. I'm sure we are all tired after days of fighting. So I have a proposal. Tomorrow. If you don't shoot, we won't shoot"

"What?" I said, scratching my head "What did she just say?"

"Is she serious?" Jane said

Everyone was whispering around me.

After what just happened, who wouldn't?

I later found out the entire line was also talking about this as the Imperials sent a couple of messengers to relay the same message.

"I propose a ceasefire" the woman added "This battle had boiled over for too long. We are tired and we can't seem to gain an advantage over the other. Not to mention that tomorrow is a beloved holiday for all of our nations"

This isn't normal in a battlefield, let alone something an Imperial would say.

Just then, General Barredo stood up and walked closer to the woman.

"I want to speak to your commander" he said

"And you are?"

"General Hanz Barredo. I command these men"

"Heh. You're looking at her then"


"I am Brigadier General Valerie Tulius"

"Well… Isn't this a surprise"

"You were expecting a big macho man?"

"Not really… I've encountered very competent female Imperial officers before. Anyway, so what assurance do I have that you won't stab us in the back?"

"Haha! You're just going to have to trust me"

"Trust you? You really think after everything that happened in the past few days, we'd just put our guns down and sing on a campfire with you?"

"No. I guess not. Well, the holiday is tomorrow so think it over. We'll put our weapons down as a sign of good faith. But if you shoot any unarmed soldiers, be ready for a world of hurt"

The woman then walks away with General Barredo standing there, contemplating on what she said.

Later that night, the entire squad gathered in the radio room while the other squads were on guard duty.

General Barredo was just finished relaying the day's events.

"This ceasefire is unacceptable, general" command replied "Holiday or not, you and your battalion will take that supply base by any means necessary!"

"Yes sir" the general replied, turning the radio off.

"So" Edna asked "What do we do?"

"I say we give this ceasefire a chance" Aster said

"You can't be serious" Franko responded "Command is against this ceasefire. You want to be court-martialed?"

"I don't care. I-I'm just tired of all this fighting… Aren't any of you guys tired too?"

"Aster…" Sonia uttered with a concerned look

"I agree with Aster" Desmond added "I'd like to give this ceasefire a chance"

"Hoho" Edna reacted in disgust "The murderer wants peace? That's rich"

"You got a problem with that?" Rain responded

"What do you think, convict?"

"Convict? Are you asking me to kick your ass right now?"

"You think you can?"

"Want to find out?"

"Bring it on, sister"

"Whoah. Whoah" Drifa interrupted as she stands between the two "No need for a confrontation here"

With a grunt, the two back off.

"Doss" General Barredo said turning to the medic "Give me a reason why I should consider this ceasefire"

"Well…" Doss replied "The world is already tearing itself apart. Wouldn't really hurt if we have a day or two where we're not killing each other. After all, we're all just human beings. I think this ceasefire will remind us that we're all humans"

"That is IF those Imperials keep their word" Roswell added

"I don't trust them" Franko said "None of those bastards have a single molecule of honor in them. Mark my words. They'll stab us in the back the second they get a chance"

"I have some reservations for this too" Jane added "I'm not really comfy with these Imperials proposing this ceasefire…"

"Right…" General Barredo said, deep in thought "Well… At least there's no battle today. Take a rest. We'll see how things turn out tomorrow"

I really don't know how to process what just happened…

But I really hope the Imperials do keep their word… I'm really tired and I just want at least a day without feeling that a bullet could find itself drilling through my body anytime…

I couldn't sleep that night so I took a walk…

I noticed Sonia and Aster near a campfire.

For some reason, I decided to hide and sneak to their position.

I don't really know why I did it.

I basically eavesdropped on their conversation…

"Aster…" Sonia said "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine" Aster replied with a sigh

"Are you sure?"


"This is about Emilia, isn't it?"

"She's here, Sonia. She's an enemy soldier…"


"I don't want to kill her. She's one of the last few important people I have left. Morris, Flunky, Cooper, Paul, and Croix all left me. I don't want anyone else to leave me behind"

"Aster... It's not your fault. They didn't-"

"No! I survived while they all died in front of me! I was there, Sonia! All of their last moments! I was there!"

"I know… But you can't let the past keep you down. You and me know Croix would tell you that"

"You think I don't know that? Croix would definitely tell me that. Hell if ghosts exist, I think he'll be spouting the same words in my face. But this is different. I couldn't stop their deaths. But Emilia. There's still a chance for her to live! But why?! Why did she go back to the Empire?! Why did she enlist in their army again?! Why, Sonia?! Tell me why?! Why am I cursed to keep feeling pain over and over again?! No matter how much I try, the pain just keeps coming back!"

Sonia doesn't respond.

"I've tried to live a happy life for 5 years! 5 goddamn years! I even tried to stay out of the civil war! I only fought when the town was threatened! So why?! Why?!"

Having heard enough, I quietly left the scene…

It looks like Aster has some baggage…

There really are no winners in war, huh?

December 25, 1940:

Everyone was awake by the early morning.

I guess they were anxious on how things will turn out.

We could see the Imperial soldiers in the distance but they didn't look like they were armed.

There was this huge stretch of land that no one treaded.

Can't really call it 'no man's land' since there are no hazards in it…

For the next few minutes, both armies just stared at one another.

When the sun finally rose over the battlefield, a small group of Imperial soldiers, wearing winter coats, left their positions and started walking down towards us.

A couple of our men took aim.

This is it. What's gonna happen now?

Unabated, the Imperials continued walking.

I can feel my heart pound and my breathing was deep.

I clenched my rifle tightly.

One shot. Just one shot will determine how this day will turn out…

The Imperials stop just close to our position.

They reach into their coats.

The other soldiers took aim as well.

It was still a quiet morning.

You can hear every soldiers' heavy breathing.

Then the Imperials bring out a cigar box.

They each lit a cigar and offered it to us.

We all put our weapons down and looked at one another, perplexed.

Then, General Barredo walked out of our fortifications.

We were all shocked.

The general then took a cigar and had the Imperials light it for him.

With a puff, he turns to us. "Denzel. Radio"

I complied.

"All units. This is General Barredo. A ceasefire is in effect. There is no battle today. Only celebration"

There was no cheer or anything.

The battlefield was still quiet.

We were clearly confused.

Just then, more Imperials started walking out of their lines, unarmed and holding cigars, boxes of food, and even soccer balls.

It took a while but a few of our own soldiers rose from the fortifications and accepted these items being offered.

Soon two stood up.

Then three.

Then ten.

And eventually, everyone finally relaxed and started to celebrate the holiday.

The Imperials kept their word…

No shots were fired that day.

And by noon, everyone was laughing and playing with one another.

It was as if there was no war at all…

It was really surreal. I actually pinched myself because I thought I was dreaming…

But no. This was reality.

Just days ago, we were aiming guns and cannons at each other.

Now, I'm seeing these same soldiers drinking beer together.

Making jokes, laughing, telling stories, and even exchanging gifts.

There was even a soccer game between the Gallians and the Imperials.

How did this happen?

How is this kind of interaction possible?

Nevertheless, it was a nice change of pace.

But as much as I wanted to celebrate, I wasn't exactly comfortable spending the holiday with the Imperials, ceasefire or not.

They're all Darcsen Haters anyway.

And so, I wondered around the 'town' and ended up taking a smoke by the train tracks.

The stars were plainly visible in the sky.

I never noticed it before… I guess with no fighting, I can take in the 'scenery'.

So I did.

The surprisingly intact train tracks were behind me and across the street was a destroyed house.

Half of it was collapsed but the other half was still standing.

The front porch was totally destroyed.

I can tell the people who used to live here evacuated in a hurry.

There are still scattered bags and other items around the house and street.

"What a waste…" I uttered puffing a smoke.

"What are you doing all alone?"


"Hey. You're not celebrating with the others?"

"Heh. How about you? You're here"

"Well I didn't see you in any of the groups so I looked for you. So why are you here?"

"Nothing really. It's not like I can celebrate the holiday with the Imperials"

"Is it because you're a Darcsen?"

"What other reason is there?"

"Well… Edna and Doss seem to be doing fine"

"Really? That's new. I thought the Imperials would treat us like dirt. Good for them then"

"It looks like the Imperials don't really care if you're a Darcsen or not. I guess they just want to rest too"

"That's good. Maybe I'll join in the festivities later"

"Ok. Mind if I sit next to you?"

"Oh sure. I hope you don't mind the smoke though"

"Eh. I'm used to the smoke from tank engines. What's the difference if it's from a cigar?"


For a while, it was quiet.

I smoked and looked at the night sky while Marian sat next to me looking around.

I didn't really notice that my mind started drifting away from reality.

"Denzel! Denzel!"

"Elena? What do you want, now?"

"Come on! You've been smoking under this tree for half an hour!"

"Leave me alone. I just want to lie under this tree in peace. Shoo fly don't bother me"

"Come on man! It's our day off! We haven't gotten a day off in forever and you're just gonna waste it smoking under a tree?!"

This was around July. With a string of successful operations by both the army and the Lanseal Cadets, the rebels were at a disadvantage.

Command was confident that it was only a matter of time before the rebels would be crushed.

Thinking back, they never really learned from the 1935 invasion… Many generals were still overconfident…

Nevertheless, many of us in the army got a day off because of this.

"Who are you? My mom?"

"Heh! Maybe I am! Cuz you're acting like a teenager having a tantrum!"


"You heard me! You're just a little boy pretending to be a 'big tough man'!"

"Ohohoho. You are NOT baiting me into doing ANOTHER favor for you!"

"Tch. Caught on, did you?"

"Your mind games won't work on me anymore"

"Oh? Alright. Then I guess I'll just publish a book then"

"Publish? When did you start writing?"

"Oh no. I didn't really write this"

Curious, I looked at Elena, who had this smirk in her face.

"What?" I wondered as Elena shows me a book.

The sun was so bright that I couldn't clearly see the book.

I stood up and looked at it one more time.

My eyes widen. "Wait! That's my journal!"

Elena laughs.

"Hey! Why'd you rummage through my stuff?!"

"What's wrong?" Elena said as she slowly walks backward "I've read some of your entries. You got quite a talent in writing. You never considered publishing a book before?"

"Don't evade the question! Give me back my journal!"

"Sorry 'little man'" Elena said as she turns and runs "Since you won't spend time with me, I might as well contribute to the world of Literature!"

"Do it with your own goddamn work!"

I chased Elena throughout the camp and eventually, I managed to recover my stolen journal.

But I had to make a deal with Elena do so…

"Never take my stuff EVER AGAIN!" I said taking the journal from Elena

"Can't make any promises on that" Elena replied with a wink "So. Let's get going! I hear there's this carnival in town! Come on! We're burning daylight!"

"You planned this from beginning, didn't you?"

"Whatever could you mean?"

Elena… She was annoying for the most part…

Always trying to get me to come with her by any means necessary.

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun…


I wish I could have done something to save you…

But if you knew what I did back in 1935, I wonder, would you still want to be around me?

Doesn't matter now… I have yet to repent for that sin anyway…

Maybe that's why I'm not allowed to have peace…


"Huh?! What? Oh, Marian"

"Are you ok?"

"Oh. I-I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah… I'm fine, really"

I then turn to Marian, who was looking back at me with a stern look in her face.

At that moment, those eyes… I saw Elena in her.

"Tell me straight and no looking away" she said "Are you ok?"

"I-I… I"

That's not fair… Elena would pull the same shit off on me too when I'm feeling down in the dumps…

She always knew what buttons to push…

"Hey! Denzel!"


"Look at me and answer my question"

I give up…

"Damn it" I said with a sigh "… Using Elena's techniques against me is so unfair"

"Heh… Had a feeling she'd use the same technique on you"


"You were really close with my sister, huh?"

"Well… I didn't really have any choice in the matter"

"But you enjoyed spending time with her, right?"

"… Yeah"

"You're not still blaming yourself, are you?"

"Huh? N-No. I-It's not that… It's just that… there's a lot of stuff in my head right now"

"And you haven't shared this with anyone?"


"I won't pry on that but it does help to find someone to talk to"

"I know it is but it's not easy to share these things"


"People will hate me for it. Hell. General Barredo knows it and he condemns me for it"

"The general condemns you?"

"Yeah… Told me himself, last month"

"Are you sure that's what he meant?"

"Yeah. What else could he mean?"

Marian sighs as she stands up.


She ignores me as she headed to the destroyed house in front of us.

I followed her, of course.

Without a single word, we both looked around the house with only the moon as our source of light.

There wasn't really much to see except this one room in the 2nd floor.

It looked like a child's room with a crib in the middle.

Toys are scattered around the floor.

I felt a bit of pain in my heart seeing this sight.

I pray that the family got out safely…

Still silent, I followed Marian downstairs.

"What's she doing?" I wondered

We basically walked around a destroyed house for about 15 minutes.

Marian hadn't said a word the entire time.

Then, we ended up at the garden in the backyard or what's left of it…

I can still see the garden's outline but the plants are burnt or pieces of it are everywhere.

Marian then crouched over the garden.

"What are you doing?" I asked

Marian didn't respond.

I walked closer.

It looked like she was looking for something amongst the remains of the garden.

"Ah" she finally uttered "Denzel, look"

Marian steps aside.

It looked like a green plant bending down with an oval bud at the end with whitish 'hairs' around the plant.

"What's this?" I asked

"That's a red poppy" Marian answered "It's a flower"

"Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Tell me, Denzel. Would you have believed that a flower could grow in the middle of all this destruction?"


"Exactly. I don't know how much pain you're dealing with but if you just focus on the destruction around you, well… You won't be able to see these flowers"

"I don't get it"

"You're looking at the general scenery which is, of course, depressing. But you're not looking at these hidden pockets of hope"

"I'm don't understand"

Marian sighs. "I guess we all process our grief and pain differently…"


"Nothing… Just think about that flower and what it means"

"Uh ok"

"I'm going back now. I hope you'll celebrate the holiday with us"

Marian then left as I contemplated on what she said.

I don't understand.

A flower was able to grow in middle of all this destruction…

What does that have to do with anything?

The more I thought about what she said, the more confusing it got.

Eventually, I decided to just sit behind a wall and lit another cigar.

December 26, 1940:

I slept well last night but Marian's words still confuse me.

I spent most of the night thinking about what she said but I couldn't come any closer to an answer.

I walked towards the 'frontlines'.

And to my surprise, I saw several imperial soldiers, wearing winter coats, walking and smoking around the battlefield.

The ceasefire was still in effect.

Part of me still didn't want to interact with these soldiers but for some reason, I compelled myself to do so.

I approached a group of Imperials.

Each step I take, my mind creates a possible scenario that could happen when I start talking to them.

But before I could say a word, one of the Imperials offers me a cigar.

I was shocked.

They didn't insult me or they didn't walk away or anything.

They offered me cigar and even a place to sit with them.

I decided to give this a chance.

I accepted the cigar and started having conversations with the Imperials.

"So what's your name?" one of the Imperials asked

"Denzel" I answered

"Nice to meet you. My name is Joshua Garin. The guy smoking over there is Simon Kraus. And the drunk bastard over there is Arnold Kulik"

"Who you calling drunk?!" the drunk Imperial shouted "I can still think clearly you piece of shit!"

"Riiight… Don't mind him. He's generally a good guy but he's a lightweight"

It was surreal.

Just days ago, we were aiming guns at each other, ready to end a life, but now, here we are talking, smoking, and drinking as if we were friends all along.

I'll admit. I had fun talking to them. Hell some of their jokes were quite funny too.

I guess I was wrong to think that all Imperials hated Darcsens…

Meanwhile in the remains of a hotel;

Aster finds himself sitting behind a wall with Emilia leaning on him.

"Oh yeah" he said with a yawn "Not really a comfy place to sleep…"

Aster then carefully carries Emilia to a nearby bed.

Despite the destruction around the hotel, the bed was still intact.

She was still sleeping soundly as Aster looks at her with sorrow.

He then walks out of the room.

As he brings out a cigar, he spots the red-haired Imperial general in the hallway approaching him.

"I didn't want to interrupt your moment last night" the woman said with a mischievous tone and smile

"You're the general, right?" Aster replied

"That's right. Tulius. Does that name ring any bells?"

"Depends. What are you trying to say?"

"Kwad Tulius was my father, you see. I only heard about his death after the ceasefire"

"Get to the point"

"I know you killed my father"

"So you want to kill me to avenge him?"

"Something along those lines. After all, he was my father"

"You have no idea of the countless atrocities he did. Not to mention the shit that he did to me"

"That's irrelevant to me. Say what you will about him but he was a family man. A caring father and a loving husband"

"Well that's a first. With the way he treated me and my squad, I'd peg him as a psychopath who'd beat his wife and kids"

The general's smile fades. "What do YOU know about him?"

"Oh I know enough. He's a war criminal, plain and simple"

"You're trying to provoke me?"

"Maybe I am"

"You're lucky I'm a woman of my word or else I'd be painting these walls with your insides"

"Heh. You can try. But I guess that's what Emilia is for, right?"


"I have a feeling you all know she defected 5 years ago. But she came back and no one executed her. So… Is this your revenge? Getting her to kill me so that the two people who caused your father's death will suffer?"

"Hehehehe. You have no idea how my mind works, little boy. If the plan was as simple as that, I'd have done some more… drastic measures"

Aster leers at the general.

"You think the world is simple? That people are just divided between 'good' and 'evil'? Ha! You have no idea"

"Why did you come here anyway? I don't think you came here just to taunt me"

"Nothing really. I just wanted to meet the man who killed my father in person"

The woman then turns around. "Don't get me wrong. I know he did a lot of heinous things throughout the war but none of that matters to me. To me, he was a loving father and I loved him dearly. And you and Lualdi took him away from me. I think you can understand that kind of thinking, can you?"

Aster doesn't respond as the woman walks away.

As the woman walks away from the hotel, she hears someone call her. "General Tulius"

She turns around. "Ah. General Barredo. What is it?"

"I was just looking for you. Mind if I borrow you for a second? I got some beer and a nice place to drink them"

"Heh… Why not?"

She then follows General Barredo to the remains of a bar.

"So why did you call me?" the woman asked

"Nothing much, really. Just wondering how your government is reacting to this ceasefire"

"Well you know… They don't like it and they're demanding I go back to fighting"

"Heh… Same here. Only a matter of time before either of our governments interfere and force the war back on us"

"So you want to call the ceasefire off?"

"I don't plan on it. I'm stalling as much as I can but these festivities will have to end"


"The only question is when will the fighting resume?"

"That is a good question…"

December 31, 1940:

It's amazing that this ceasefire lasted this long.

I heard that command isn't happy with General Barredo disobeying orders.

I don't really know how these two generals are able to defy the higher ups.

A ceasefire is rare. A ceasefire like this is even rarer.

Tomorrow's the New Year. I wonder if this ceasefire will last until then.

But one thing's for sure; this ceasefire will end.

It's kinda sad since I became good friends with those Imperials.

But I guess it's inevitable… At the end of the day, we're from different warring countries and we're expected to kill each other.

Is that all we are?

Are we just walking organic guns?

Even these new friends of mine have resigned themselves to this fate…

"Hey Denzel" Joshua said "How long do you think this ceasefire will last?"

"Dunno… But once it's gone, then we're back to normal, huh?"

"Yeah unfortunately…" Simon added

"Well that's war" Arnold said "Truth be told, I feel that this entire war is just a squabble between our leaders. I don't think any of us have any actual stakes in this… But we're the soldiers"

"Yeah…" I said

"We can't do anything about it" Joshua said "Sad as it may be. We all have a job to do"


"No buts" Arnold interrupted "You're part of the Gallian army and we're part of the Imperial Army"

"We're at war" Simon added "Whether we like it or not, we have our countries to protect. You have Gallia. We have the Empire"

"I know…" I replied

"Denzel" Joshua said "Promise us that the next battlefield we meet, you won't hesitate to pull that trigger"


"Promise us. We're all soldiers here. And the best way you can show us respect is through this"

"Respect? You call, me promising to kill you guys my friends, respect?!"


"Damn it…"

Arnold then pours some beer on my cup.

"Well then" he said lifting his bottle "Cheers and let's pray that we won't ever meet in the battlefield again…"

"Cheers…" I said with a dejected tone

This isn't right…

What kind of promise is this?!

Of course, they wouldn't stop asking me until I agreed…

I now understand why command didn't want this ceasefire to happen…

Would it have been better if I never got to meet and talk with these people?

Maybe it would have been… Cuz they'll just be added to the list of numerous faceless Imperial soldiers I gunned down…


I was smoking by the train station when Renee approached me.

"D-Denzel" she called

"Hmm?" I responded

"General Barredo wants to see you at the Radio Room"

"What would the general need from me?" I wondered as I went with her to the Radio Room.

Radio Room:

Everyone in the squad was gathered inside this cramped room.

"Ah good that everyone" the general said "We'll be conducting an operation tonight"

"Are we gonna attack the Imperials?" Aster asked

My heart sank as I heard those words.

"That's kinda low" Jane added

"Relax" the general replied "We're not attacking the Imperials. Our target is a couple of howitzers deployed by Edinburgh just behind our lines"

"Edinburgh deployed howitzers here?" Roswell asked "But why? We didn't request for them"

"As you all may know. Command doesn't approve of this ceasefire. I had Desmond, Aria, and Rain conduct some information gathering and reconnaissance for me"

"Through my contacts and the twins' earlier patrol" Desmond added "Edinburgh sent these howitzers to disrupt the ceasefire and to make it poetic, they decided to fire them at exactly the New Year"

"Funny" Isaac said "I never expected Command would play this dirty"

"We don't have much time!" the general said "Get your gear and meet up on this location within the next hour! I will not let this disgrace happen!"


We gathered at the bottom of a hill.

I have mixed feelings about this operation.

On one side, we're stopping Edinburgh's dirty tactic to force us back into the war…

On another, we'll be attacking our allies.

Nevertheless, these men had to be stopped.

We slowly climbed the hill, using the trees and bushes to avoid the federate patrols.

Eventually, we spotted the howitzers.

The soldiers were already calculating the trajectories.

"We're running out of time!" Desmond said as he and Aria emerge from the bushes

"Desmond!" the general said as the two knock out two guards they encountered

"Hanz" Jane whispered "They're right. Those howitzers are ready to fire. They just need a target"

"… Fine. Move carefully. Neutralize the soldiers. No fatalities, am I clear?"

We all nodded as we crept through the camp, knocking out every soldier we encounter.

But as I was moving to a makeshift tent, a soldier emerges from it.

He spots me and grabs his flare gun.

I acted quickly and shot his right shoulder.

Unfortunately, he manages to fire the flare first.

The camp was now alerted to our infiltration!

Immediately, bullets started flying.

We had control of the howitzers but the federate soldiers were now shooting at us from downhill.

"Damn it!" the general said "Renee! Thermite now!"

"I gotcha!" Renee replied as she begins planting the thermite on the howitzers.

"Everyone else! Focus on suppressing the federate troops! Keep casualties to a minimum if you can!"

Easier said than done…

We had the terrain advantage and we could all easily gun down the advancing federate troops but unfortunately, we're supposed to be on the same side.

So we were forced to intentionally miss our shots or inflict non-lethal wounds on them.

But our attacks aren't breaking their morale. They just kept advancing…

After a few minutes, Renee detonates the thermite, damaging the howitzers.

"That's it!" the general said "Plan B! We'll have to climb down the cliff!"

Drifa, Edna, Doss, and Franko quickly prepared the equipment for us to climb down this hill.

After another few minutes of fighting, they finally finished.

"Alright!" the general said "Renee! Desmond! Smoke!"

The two nod as they throw smoke grenades downhill.

As the federate squads are covered by smoke, we quickly stood up and ran to the cliff.

But the federate troops quickly closed the distance and we found ourselves desperately trying to stop them from catching up to us.

Me, Renee, Desmond, Aria, Isaac, and Jane provided cover fire while the others rappelled down the cliff.

After a while, it was just me, the general, Isaac, and Desmond are left.

Desmond and Isaac rappelled first but a federate soldier managed to hit Isaac in the left shoulder and left leg.

He slips and falls over the cliff.

"Isaac!" I shouted as the rope wraps itself around Isaac.

He stopped falling but he was screaming in pain, not to mention that he was bleeding out.

"Damn it!" I shouted as I tried to climb down

"Denzel!" the general shouted "You focus on the federate squads!"

"But general!"

"Desmond has it covered! You have your job! You're not a superhero so follow my goddamn orders!"

"FUCK!" I shouted as I begrudgingly follow orders.

It's happening again!

Why does this keep happening again?!

I know I'm goddamn powerless!

I know I can't save everyone!

But I'm getting tired that the world has to constantly remind me of this!

In my fury, I didn't notice that I was becoming more and more accurate with my shots.

"Denzel!" the general shouted

I didn't really hear him properly. I guess I was consumed by rage at that point.

"Denzel! Denzel! Goddamn it, DENZEL!"

I didn't respond.

I can't remember if I simply ignored him or if I really didn't hear him…

Nevertheless, I ignored his calls as I gun down any federate soldier that came close.

Then, the general then throws a grenade.

But this one was different. It emitted a bright light and deafening sound that disoriented me and federate soldiers.

The general then lunged at me and punched me in the face.

"I told you to minimize casualties!" he shouted "Get your shit together!"

"B-But Isaac!"

"Shut up! He's alive! He's fucking alive! Now get up and get down that fucking cliff! That's an order!"

I was still in a bit of a daze and I was still processing what just happened.

"Goddamn it, Denzel! I said, get down that CLIFF!"

I quickly regain my senses as I grab the rope and rappel down.

The general follows close behind.

After he rappels down, Rain's sniper fire prevented the federate troops from following us as we escaped.

After returning to the camp, the others quickly took Isaac to the medic.

I wanted to come with them but the general stopped me.

"What the fuck just happened back there?" he said

"I-I'm sorry sir…" I replied

"Do you read comic books?"


"Because I think you have this superhero fantasy!"


"You're just a regular human being and a soldier at that! You know that you can't lose control of yourself especially in those kinds of intense situations!"

"I-I'm sorry…"

The general sighs. "Look. I know you don't like the feeling of being powerless. But you can't let that feeling become a liability to your squad. Don't just think about how the situation is affecting you! You're not the only one affected by this war! Get your shit together or else you'll end up making the same mistakes you did years ago!"

"I-I understand…"

Thankfully, Isaac's injuries aren't fatal. He should make a full recovery after a couple of weeks…


It's almost the New Year…

For some reason, both generals had us line up on a single line, all facing the east.

I was still feeling a bit down from what happened hours ago…

Then, the countdown began.

5. 4. 3. 2. 1…

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone shouted as a couple of scouts from both armies fired shots in the air as if they were doing a 21-gun salute.

Once the firing stopped, General Tulius and General Barredo stood before us.

"We would like to thank you all" General Tulius said with a megaphone "This ceasefire was a success. And as part of our good will, the Imperial army will retreat from Perm. You have earned this victory soldiers of the Federation and Gallia. It was a pleasure celebrating these two holidays with you"

Perm was as good as ours but it doesn't feel… right.

Not because of this ceasefire but because the next time we'll meet these Imperials, we'll be back to killing each other…

January 1, 1941:

As promised, the Imperial army was packing up.

Everyone was awake and we were all watching them march out of town.

I saw Joshua and the others amongst the crowd.

I saluted them.

I don't know if they saw me but they just kept marching…

I pray that I won't ever see them in another battlefield again…

General Tulius was one of the last soldiers to march out of town…

"Well" she said "It was a pleasure to meet you, General Barredo"

"Same here" the general replied

"If we ever meet again in the battlefield, may we fight with all we have and with honor"


The two generals then shake hands as they raise their revolvers into the air.

They fire a single shot.

"With that" General Barredo said "The war is back on"

"Yes. And one las thing general" General Tulius said handing a pair of binoculars "Mind if you look at the hill over there. I left a couple of parting gifts there"

General Barredo did so and he spots several Imperial howitzers aimed at the town.

He chuckles. "Well played, general. You actually had an insurance policy"

"Of course. I don't know what kind of man you were so I prepared a little reply if in case you abused my offer"

"I guess I underestimated you again… That won't happen next time"

"I hope it doesn't. Because an easy victory is quite boring"

General Barredo then returns the binoculars as General Tulius boards a motorcycle and leaves.

And with that, Perm was now ours.

The supply base was intact but there were hardly any equipment or intel left.

Edinburgh immediately sent their armies to secure the base and town.

And the entire squad was brought to Appledore, a city in Edinburgh.

We were supposed to be court martialed for insubordination as well as our assault on the Edinburgh howitzers.

General Barredo took full responsibility of what happened.

January 5, 1941

Appledore, United Kingdom of Edinburgh:

"General Hanz Barredo" one of the Federation judges said "Give us a reason why we should not punish you for blatantly disobeying orders for more than a week as well as assaulting your own allies"

"You gave me an order to take that supply base by any means necessary" the general answered "I figured that ceasefire would have been the best way to capture that base! And I was right! You're going to punish me for achieving the very order you gave me?"

The trial went on for a couple of days.

We couldn't really relax and look around the city with this court martial so we spent our 'days off' watching the trial.

The general would have been in a great deal of trouble if not for Archduchess Cordelia's intervention, not to mention he managed to convince some of the ranking officers that he was right…

Luckily, he and the entire squad only got away with suspension.

So from January to September, we weren't allowed on the frontlines.

We were assigned from base to base around the Federation, doing menial jobs.

I guess it could have been worse…

Well… Considering the fact that someone from the Edinburgh Parliament was appointed as our commanding officer.

I'm not familiar with Edinburgh politics but I hear this guy has some sort of high position in the government.

I think it was called the First Lord of the Admiralty.

Great… Now we have a politician giving us orders…

Next chapter