

12th grade was just a week far now. Kaito had to muster up his courage to confess to Hotaru no matter what!

"Hi Kaito! What's up?",Hotaru spoke lazily as she answered her phone.

"Can I meet you today at say 6 in the evening at the park in front of your house?",he asked nervously.

"Sure we can! But is something the matter?",she didn't quite understand why Kaito wanted to meet suddenly.

"I will tell you when we meet!",he said enthusiastically and hung up without waiting for a response.

An extremely confused and hesitant Hotaru came to the park right on time . Kaito was already there and was sitting on a bench. The moment he saw Hotaru, he stood up and approached her.

"What is it that you want to say?",she asked.

The moment she asked this question, his palms became sweaty as his nervousness started to devour him. He gulped and took a deep breath almost thrice. Hotaru who was standing in front of him was not at all sure of what was coming her way.

"I like you Hotaru Ishikawa!", he said and bowed down to her. This was probably the hardest thing he had ever done in his whole life.

"What?!?!?!?", Hotaru almost screamed. After long five seconds, she smiled brightly looking at the boy who was so embarrassed at the moment in front of her. She liked him back as well. Why not. He is a good guy.

Without responding to him with words, she hugged him. Kaito found himself standing still like a statue. Then he slowly hugged her back, he wasn't really sure if he should hug her back actually... but he did it anyway.

Then she whispered in her ears,"I like you back Kaito."

When he heard these words, his nervousness was long gone and he was extremely happy right now. He broke their hug and looked at Hotaru happily. Without any delay he leaned ahead to kiss her. After their kiss broke, they walked around the park for sometime and Hotaru invited Kaito at home.

He was extremely hesitant as he didn't want to go in the house of his just friend turned girlfriend. But Hotaru explained how happy her mother would be to see him and with a lot of hesitation he went inside.

After he took his leave, Hotaru's mom happily looked at her and gave an nodded approvingly. Hotaru ran upstairs to her room and called Yuqi to inform her about the latest news.

Finally! Hotaru and Kaito were more than just friends <3

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