
Chapter 6 no title

hey there, I'm continuing from last time .





"you jerk" hikaru says with a serious face.

"hurry up and apologize too her, I saw it with my own eyes you are the one who wasn't paying attention and thus you knock her down." he said "my deceased great-grandmother said this ' guy should be gentle to girls. you can't use such terms like 'ugly' on girls " he said he said it with an agitated face.

"huh" growling " who's cares about what your old lady said, I'm going to tell my father such that you can no longer stay in this town. what do you think about that. you granny-complex-kun!?" shinobu said with an evil smiles.

"her so miserable" hikaru said " if you are a man, then you shouldn't go whining to your father, you father-con." and they start fighting and hit a sensei right in the face " ooooh.... that's gotta hurts." I thought. The truth is it's kinda funny seeing them fight like that, but I'm still pissed about what shinobu said to saya-nee. I was about to go and teach him a lesson or two, but I felt saya-nee hold on to my sleeve and shakes her head gently " alright " I know what she means. and when I look back they're already stopped fighting and hikaru walk over and pick up saya-nee's books (novel) " eh... Is this book yours, do you often do some acting !?" he said with some excitement mixing in " oh I know this one!! it's the same as the drama My mum was watching yesterday!" getting a little bit too exciting aren't ya, bro " eeh... there's even a novel for this-" he didn't finish his sentence when saya-nee snack it and bluch hard from embarrassment and drag me away with her really fast. I chuckled and give hikaru a thumbs up.







on the roof top

after she drag me with her to the roof top, she begins to sulk.

" hey, Sora-chan The lead actress from yesterday drama really did great with express her feeling.....do you think that I will be able to....act like that ?" she turns to me and asked

"well, that's not something I can just decide right away....why don't you try it and see." I said with a little encouraging face. well I know what's going to happen anyway... so why not follow Cannon it's not like it's bad for her anyway. saya-nee got up and garthar some courage and do the rehearsal. I heard some footsteps and use hiraishin to get away.

after that I think I will be wondering around for a bit. oh you wanna know about what level I've reached with hiraishin, don't you ? well that's gonna be in the next chapter hahahaha.

Next chapter