
Chapter 1 wishes

(I don't own Usotsuki lily.)




It all starts with a baby boy... you know what let use time skip no jutsu.



aaand now here we are a twenty years old walk down the road. and as expected there's truck-san, uumm but wait this one is different because he could get away from truck-san,well a normal reaction in this situation pretty obvious right, right ! BUT he didn't get out of the way. and here's when everyone's wondering.. WHY!? well it's because there's a child behind him, sigh and that's how it is folks the guy try to push the kid away, by the time he did the almighty truck-san hit him really Really hard... umm imagine a dry fish being pound... any way back to the guy in the situation here after the hit truck-san drove away really fast, the kid perents came to him and try to call an ambulance.

The man knows it was too late so he tries to call the kid's father trying to wisper something

"destroy everything destroy my laptop my

phone's history and burn every ecchi manga in my room under my bed, please."

the kid's father "....."

"Please!!" [ kinda desperate aren't ya. ]

the kid's father "okay." the kid's father wants to thank him for saving his child "Thank yo-" but the man died before he could finish saying it.






somewhere in the middle of a white room, we can see a soul float around for who know how long.

when suddenly " My, hello child. you my child are probably the luckiest soul out there,hahaha"

the soul " the hell this guy talking about. if I'm lucky I wouldn't have been here floating around like this.sigh "shakes it's head gently

the voice"well just listen I'll explain.first I am what you refer to as God of realities. and let just say I was bored , so I thought why not do a reicarnation thing like in those manga or novel maybe it'll be interesting. and then you appears, I thought uum why not just go with him, hahahaha.now tell me aren't you lucky you get a second Chance uum".

the soul ".... I guess I am pretty lucky huh." he sounds pretty casual.

G.O.R " so here's the deal you got to reborn in the world I chose and you'll be getting 2 wishes"

the soul "... can I like have a suggestion"

G.O.R " alright it doesn't hurt anyone anyway"

the soul "... can you maybe merge the Usotuki lily and Suki desu susuki-kun together "

G.O.R " alright done, but there will be more surprise coming so be prepare "

the soul "... and my wishes, The first one would be to have the power to make charms that will protect the person who in possession of it from any harm and I mean like even if the world exsplode the wearer wouldn't have so much as a scrach with just thinking about it and I can only make three charms every months. my second wish is to have hiraishin and ice dragon Slayer magic with all it's technique + I have full control of my dragon's transformation without losing my sances"

G.O.R " alright done, now bye"

and everything went blank.

Next chapter