
Time Flys By

In a decently sized gravity chamber, you can see an 18-year-old man training vigorously. You can hear him roar out as he punched the air.


Guy roared out as he was punching the air. He could still feel the heavy pressure on his body. But he worked through it with each punch and kick Guy threw.

Bulma woke up at 8 am to see a sweaty exhausted Guy walking back to his room. They both said hi but didn't say much as Guy was too exhausted to talk right now. Bulma decided to make breakfast for Guy so she got 5 robots to help her cook the great amount of food Guy needs and began cooking.

While Bulma was making the food for Guy. He took a senzu bean and ate it. Guy will never get tired of these magical beans and their powerful healing powers. He walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower and came back down in some casual clothes.

Guy saw a huge amount of food and thanked Bulma as he dug in. Bulma sat down to eat her portion. They both enjoyed the quality time together as they ate in comfortable silence. Bulma finished first and told Guy that she had some work to do. So she left after saying goodbye.

While Bulma was working on something. Guy kept on eating. While he was almost done eating he decided to go visit his grandpa today. Guy had a smile on his face when he thought of visiting his grandpa again.

He got up and left the building to go see his grandpa. When Guy was outside he focused his energy and put it underneath him. Guy felt his feet leaving the ground as he is floating mid-air. Guy grinning like there was no tomorrow as he slowly ascended while getting higher and higher. Until he took off flying to Kame's house.

On the way there Guy had a fun thought. 'I wonder how fast I'll go if I use the gates and godspeed?'

Guy closed his eyes for 2 seconds as he opened the first gate and God speed at the same time.


Guy roared out as his body was emitting a dense bluish-white aura with yellow lighting arching of his body, as Guy continued to fly much faster than before. The power running through Guy was much more powerful than before. He couldn't stop thinking

'If I am this strong with just the first gate opened... I wonder how much stronger I will become when I open more'

While he was thinking about that and other things he arrived at Kame's house to see a shocked Roshi and a shaking Krillin. Guy powered down as he waved at them with a big smile "Hey Grandpa, Hey Krillin Long time no see"

Krillin while still shaking asked Guy "Guy... what was that...? You had just energy and lighting all around you?"

"Just a new technique I been perfecting for the past few years. Still not at it's best but it's good for now" Guy answered while giving Krillin a thumbs up and a smile

"He..he..he..." Krillin laughed nervously while thinking loudly in his head


While Krillin was having his meltdown. Roshi who was silent till now Finally spoke to Guy. "Guy... if I was expecting you to be this strong when you came back I would be lying."

Roshi gave Guy a big grin and asked. "So Guy what's new with you"

"Lots of stuff, Learned how to make tech and I just finished making my gravity chamber," Guy said with lots of enthusiasm.

Roshi was confused but still asked, "Gravity chamber? Why would you wanna make that?"

Guy simple shrugs while saying, "It was getting harder to find heavier weights so I decided to be more efficient and made a gravity chamber"

Roshi nods to Guy's mindset and simply says, "Well congratulations Guy. But I have to ask are you staying for a week like last time or longer?"

"No, I'm just here for the day to visit. Just wanted to see you again and tell you about my gravity chamber" Guy scratches his head while showing a big smile.

After that, they all went inside just to catch up, Played some games, and just had a good time. When it was getting near the time for Guy to leave. Roshi tells Guy with a sad smile.

"Guy even though you have become the strongest and I am proud of you. I am sorry for keeping this secret from you"

"What happened," Guy asked with as much seriousness as he could ask.

Roshi took a quick drink of his beer while saying, "It's about your parents Guy..."

Guy was shocked because he never met his parents before in this life. He asked Roshi with a curious glint in his eye. "How come you never told me before Grandpa?"

Roshi looks to the almost night sky and says simply, "I didn't want you to be burdened by their deaths when you were so young. But since your an adult now I can tell you what happened to them."

Roshi stands up and walks towards Guy while putting a hand on his shoulder. He says with a sad voice

"Guy... they died to broccoli..."

Almost as if time had stopped itself. Guy was hearing an endless loop of what his grandpa said.

They died to broccoli...

They died to broccoli...

They died to Broccoli...

Guy stood up fast while saying with a neutral voice, "Thanks for telling me, Grandpa... But I need to go now."

Roshi knew Guy was going through some stuff right now so he let him leave. Even Roshi was surprised when he found out his third Disciple and his wife died to broccoli. It was just abnormal. Almost as if a Higher power caused this for some reason that is beyond even the higher power himself.

Guy walked out of the Kame house as he flew away back to capsule corp. As Guy was flying back he kept thinking about his death and his new parent's deaths are the same. By the time he got back to Capsule Corp, he decided to not think about it anymore because he has never met those people before. The only person he thinks of as his parents are his old Father Might Duy.

When Guy walked into capsule corp he felt like a small unknown burden has been lifted. If any doubts he had previously had vanished altogether. He was going to go straight to bed. But he passed Bulma and decided to tell her goodnight

"Night Bulma" Guy waved to her as he headed towards his room.

Bulma turned around and says "Good Night Guy"

Guy went to sleep with a small smile on his face.

The next day came and Guy went back to training in the gravity chamber. It was slightly easier training in 5 times gravity but still was tough. Guy trained like that for the next few hours to come out soaked in sweat and exhausted. He went straight back to his room to take a shower and afterward eat breakfast.

After eating a good breakfast Guy went back to his private lab to see what improvements he can make to his Gravity chamber. He took a few notes of what could be Improved and started to think what else he wanted to do for his Gravity chamber.

' The Gravity chamber is portable the size is limited but I can make it better'

Guy started drawing Multiple Possible rough drafts for his new idea for the gravity chamber. He spent the next few long weeks making the final blueprints for his new Invention. When Guy looked over everything and even showed it to Mr. Briefs. He was shocked at Guy's blueprints for his new advancement to the gravity device.

Mr. Briefs checked out all the blueprints and did the math in his head to see if Guy had any major errors. After triple checking everything, He looked at Guy and said

"Guy your Invention... perfectly, the way it works counteracts the negatives from the previous design for your gravity chamber. I have to thank you, Guy. The way your design works might work well with our future flying car model."

Mr. Briefs put a hand on his chin as he thought of everything and kept on saying

" For your invention, It would just have the opposite effect on our flying cars and would decrease the gravity so it would lower the power usage for the flying cars."

After he finished praising Guy's Invention. He asked Guy with a serious look.

"Guy, can I use your invention for the next model for Capsule Corps flying cars?"

Next chapter