
Troubled and Conflict

A month passed. Taekyun stopped by a coffee shop to pick up his coffee order he placed through an app and as he turned around to walk out the door of the coffee shop, he bumped into Jeonghan spilling all his coffee onto his clothes…

"It's you?" he frowned.

Jeonghan, "I have a name you know!"

Taekyun, "I don't remember it."

Jeonghan, "It's easy to remember and how can you forget when you remembered my face?"

Taekyun: "Well… I just don't."

Jeonghan, "Try remembering it would ya?"

Taekyun, "…"

Grabbing on to the hem of Taekyun's shirt, he urged him with a tug and a smile. Seeing that Jeonghan's smile brought up that strange emotion yet again he awkwardly hit Jeonghan's hand away and took a step back.

Seeing that he was being pushed away, he held the hand that tugged onto Taekyun's shirt feeling wronged and asked with a pitiful expression, "Do you at least remember what you promised me?"

Taekyun, "Taekyun"

Jeonghan, "Huh?"

Taekyun, "My name is Taekyun"

Jeonghan, "Taekyun-ah?"

Taekyun, "Yes!"

Jeonghan, "That's a promising name for a handsome guy like yourself!"

Taekyun, "Handsome?"

"Yes, you are!" He answered enthusiastically while smiling from ear to ear. Taekyun was about ready to leave as he felt an intoxicating feeling take hold of him almost choking the air out of his lungs. Clearing his throat, "Well it was nice meeting you again, but I have to get back to work."

Jeonghan, "Do you really mean that?"

Taekyun, "Mn…"

Jeonghan, "When can I see you again?"

Taekyun: "I don't know…"

Jeonghan, "Promise me that I'll see you again."

"I don't make promises," he answered naturally but suddenly felt bad after seeing Jeonghan make a sad face…"Don't look bummed out, I bumped into you once I'll bump into you again."

Jeonghan, "Taekyun?"

Taekyun, "Yea?"

"Why are you being nice to me?" He suddenly questioned leaving Taekyun at a loss for words. After a moment of hesitation, he answered, "To be honest with you… I myself don't really know, guess it's just something about you."

Jeonghan, "Something about me?"

Taekyun, "Yes"

Jeonghan, "Taekyun?"

Taekyun, "Yes?"

Jeonghan, "If I give you my number will you let me know when you're free?"

Taekyun, "… I guess so."

Jeonghan gave his number to Taekyun and the two parted ways… on his way back to the club, Taekyun couldn't figure out exactly why he was so friendly and open with Jeonghan back there because he was never friendly with anyone he didn't know more so, there was something off about this Jeonghan.


I hate the fact that I have to fuckoff back to that place now! I fucking honestly would prefer to stay and talk with that Jeonghan person a little more… eh?!?!?!!

No, wait! What in the fucking hell am I thinking?

But then again, why was I so friendly with him?

Was it because I knew him already or was it because???

Fuckit! I don't even have a reason.

I wonder why he started frowning after I said I didn't know when I was free. He looked adorable that day when he smiled at me.

"…" Taekyun looked around in the office realizing what he had just said. He looked around to make sure he wasn't hallucinating and that Yong Guk and Wonho weren't looking at him strangely but when he saw what they were doing he sighed and sunk back into his chair while his eyes darted around the room as he panicked.

Why in the hell did I say he's adorable… someone his age – adorable my ass!

Fuck!!?! What is happening, maybe I'm just stressed out, but on the other hand, I don't want to see him sad again… "…"

Feeling that this conversation was getting out of hand he coughed and stood up. Yong Guk and Wonho looked at him expressionlessly.

Wonho, "What?"

Taekyun, "Let's go target shooting."

Yong Guk, "YES!!!!"

With the approval from his brothers, the three of them headed down to the basement and started shooting off their guns and because of this little distraction, it kind of helped him clear his mind. But that wasn't too long because right after they finished, images of Jeonghan's smile surfaced before his eyes making him forget that he was with his brothers.

Why do I even care? Well, I guess he just looked pathetic, to put it bluntly...

Two weeks later on a Friday morning…

Jeonghan's phone rings

Jeonghan, "Herrrro~"

Taekyun, "Jeonghan?"

Jeonghan, "Yes~"

Taekyun, "… It's me Taekyun."

Jeonghan, "Herro~ handsome."

Taekyun, "How you doing?"

Jeonghan, "I'm happy now that I can hear your voice, it would be even better if I could see that handsome face of yours!"

Taekyun, 'What in the world?!' "I'm free later on tonight and the rest of the week until next Thursday, I phoned to let you know since you asked last time… so do you maybe want to do something later on? Or you can phone me during the week when you are free."

Jeonghan, "Do something with you?"

Taekyun, "Mn."

Jeonghan, "I'm free Monday and Wednesday."

Taekyun, "And on the weekend?"

Jeonghan, "I work Saturdays, but the Sunday I'm free."

Taekyun, "Are you working today?"

Jeonghan, "Yes but I'm only going in at 10:00 am today."

Taekyun, "Wanna go for breakfast?"

Jeonghan, "I would love that but I can't, I've got things to do today before I go to work."

Taekyun, "Don't make up excuses."

Jeonghan, "I'm not!"

Taekyun, "Fine then! What time are you getting off from work tonight?"

Jeonghan, "At 01:00 am."

Taekyun, "Okay. Text me your work address, I'll pick you up after work."

Jeonghan, "Taekyun, you don't have to."

Taekyun, "I know but I want to, so you can't back out of this now."

Jeonghan, "I see…"

Taekyun, "Mn."

Jeonghan, "I have to go now."

Taekyun, "Don't forget now!"

Jeonghan, "Bye."

Hangs up

"I'm going to kill myself soon…" he said and sighed. "Today, something must have possessed me otherwise I wouldn't have contacted him but it's too late to back out of it now – I am looking forward to seeing him… he admitted."

01:00 am…

Jeonghan got into Taekyun's car and they drive off to Jeonghan's home after Taekyun received the address but the atmosphere between the two was awkward…

Jeonghan, "Taekyun hyung, thank you for picking me up from work."

Taekyun, "Don't mention it and you don't have to add the honorific."

Jeonghan, "Uhm… Taekyun?"

Taekyun, "Why do you sound so nervous?"

Jeonghan, "Because you caught me by surprise."

Taekyun: "Don't be, you'll make me nervous."

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