

As Sora moves from tree to tree using [Spacial Step] he heard Ciel's voice resound in his head.

[That girl was surprisingly really similar to Leticia. I also analyzed that black spear she was using it was really similar to Leticia's [Black Camellia]. ] (Ciel)

"You thought so as well huh..." (Sora)

Sora replied back to Ciel with a hopeful voice. He then closed his eyes and stopped on a tree branch and remembered Leticia's words back then.

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<It is already my time. Do not be sad Sora perhaps we will meet in the next life.>

The girl with black hair and black eyes told Sora as she lay down in his arms soaking his clothes in blood that was dripping from her open wound.

"I'll wait for the day to come. Regardless of how long I shall wait..." (Sora)

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Opening his eyes once more Sora then resumes his travel to the other side of the cave where the entrance is located.

" Those words I hold dear to my heart the only reason I still exist in this world..." mutters Sora as he jumps from tree to tree.

Towards her master's longing Ciel decided to keep her silence. She knows that whatever she says won't change anything. She knows him well enough to know what he is thinking due to accompanying him for years.

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[Alicia's POV]

As Sora left I was left alone here. He probably did not heard of my voice as he left so suddenly and judging by his speed he probably was far enough that he won't hear my voice.

"I wonder why do I feel so much at ease when I'm with him... I only met him today."

I mutter to myself as I gaze towards the direction where Sora left towards. In my hand is the Night Jade he gave me. For some reason i'm feeling some nostalgia seeing this stone.

A scene then suddenly appeared in my head. There was man whos face is blurry and I cannot remember who he was. He handed me a stone similar to the one Sora just gave me.

"What... was that...?"

I asked to myself slightly confused. It was like a vision... a dream... no like a memory?

"I'm probably just imagining things I should rest for a bit. If I remember correctly this stone can also activate a barrier."

I then went up to one of the higher trees, activated the barrier, closed my eyes and took a nap.

I'm pretty tired today. I just arrived yesterday at night and receiving the knowledge of the orcs I left early morning to investigate, fought a couple of orcs. I guess I'm pretty tired now.

Thinking of the various events that happened today. I smiled a bit remembering my meeting with Sora.

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[Back to 3rd Person]

As Sora was jumping from tree to tree he finally arrived at the exit that is farthest to the back. Looking at the entrance / exit he noticed that It had a couple of guards guarding it.

"I finally arrived." (Sora)

Sora then began to use earth magic and blocked the entrance to the cave after killing the orc guards.

"I should go to the second one." Saying so he used [Spacial Step] once more and dissapeared from where he was leaving only the blocked cave and corpses of the orcs as proof he was there.

Sora then went off to seal the other entrances of the orc's nest. In the other passageways Sora found a similar set up from the first entrance. Seeing this Sora just repeated his actions in the first entrance and eliminated them and blockedbthe entrance.

After finishing his actions Sora decided to return back to where he left Alicia at.

Using [Spacial Step] he quickly koved through the sea of trees and eventually arrived at the location where he left Alicia. Arriving there he used Detection Magic and found her asleep on top of a tree branch with a barrier around her.

Normally most people would not notice her due to the space element type barrier surrounding her (Although unknown to the person). The space element out of all the elements is best in creating barriers and other shields as it distorts space itself to form these barriers and shield like in the case right now with Alicia the barrier distorts the space in her surroundings so few people would actually see her not to mention the tough barrier. If it wasn't Sora she would not have been found.

"I guess she is pretty tired after all. I should let her rest a bit. She should have had a tiring day." Said Sora as he leaps towards a near tree branch from Alicia and sat down as well. He didn't mind waiting for Alicia to wake up as firstly He knows that she has had a rough day and is tired even if he just met her based on what she told him earlier in their conversation she should be pretty tired from investigating and second they still got time before the subjugation starts.

Time passes by and Alicia finally opened her closed eyes looking around she saw that it was pretty late into the afternoon. As she was looking around she found Sora lying down near a tree branch looking at the cave entrance. Probably using detection magic based on the mana movement that she is sensing.

"Ah...Sora?" Yawning a bit with tears in her eyes looked towards Sora and called out. Waking up she feels slightly sleepy.

Sora hearing her voice looked towards its source and found Alicia finally awake.

"It seems your finally awake." Said Sora with a gentle smile on his face. As he looked at her cute sleepy face.

"Eh..? Sora I'm so sorry for falling asleep!" Alicia finally noticing the time immediately apologises.

"It's fine we had time to spare anyway. Thats also the reason why I didn't wake you up." (Sora)

The two of them then prepared their gear and went over their plans for the last time. After making ample preparations the two of them began to move towards the last remaining orc entrance.

"Well then shall we go?" (Sora)

Towards Sora's question, Alicia nodded her head and the two started their subjugation plan.

I do have to apologise I didn't intend to lethen this mission but for some reason as I was writing this chapter It just happened like that lol. I myself have a self impose rule that each one of my chapters should have a minimum of 1000 words or at least near that, which this chapter reached. but next chapter the orc subjugation should be finished.

ImaginarySoracreators' thoughts
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