
Side Story 6: Song Yi's Rumored Fiance (2)

When Song Yi had heard from Brother Fu that his ex-fiance showed up at their company to find Han Yue Xiu, he was worried. He quickly left the office to head over to the cafe where the two women went to and came in time to hear Han Yue Xiu's words that she did not like him. His heart ached. But he stayed to eavesdrop long enough until Han Yue Xiu left the cafe without having her lunch.

He was glad that she had left unharmed, but the words she said about him lingered and it took him a while to compose himself.

After he watched her walked away, Song Yi stayed out for a while and came back to the office just as lunch hour passed. He came back with some snacks and passed it around the office, then, he went to Han Yue Xiu's office and knocked.

"Have you eaten?" Song Yi asked as he walked into the room. Before she could answer, Song Yi spoke again, "I was meeting a client and they sent over some snacks. I have passed them around to the others. This is for you."

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