
part2(X rated chapter skip if you don't like this kind of read)

Alex quickly shed his clothes, naked now, breathing hard, and his cock growing huge and hard ready to join with the woman he loved.

In a single movement, Alex flipped her over and speared her from behind, plunging his erection into her molten core. She cried out sharply and arched her spine as pleasure and pain overlapped into a singular sensation, transcending all other perception of discomfort and need.

It didn't matter that it hurt, as the pain was fleeting and brief, leaving faster then the last times they were together. Her wet body readily accepted his sizable proportions until they pressed flush together and his heavy balls tapped against her hot folds.

F#$@, he feels good. Better than she'd expected, providing great length with the perfect amount of girth. He stretched her vaginal walls around his cock and forced her to quickly accommodate to his size.

With his hand anchoring her hips and the other gripping her hair, Alex introduced Beth to a tantalizing world of bliss bordered on torment. Her scalp stung from his tugging, but her body felt aflame.

Each pistoned stroke made her yearn for more. "Oh god… faster, my love."

Beth shoved back against him, rocking her hips in time to his strokes. Each time he drew his steeled length from her body she wanted to scream. When he shoved forward again, balls slapping against her clit, she wanted to weep in gratitude.

Her breasts bounced with their frenetic movements. Her entire body felt alive while Alex knelt behind her in his dominant position. Her pussy greedily tightened in expectation of the next powerful thrust.

Her pussy greedily tightened in expectation of the next powerful thrust. Her mind couldn't handle the image in her head, picturing Alex behind her, perspiration glistening from head to toe.

His body working, his flat abdomen flexing with every forward slam. The only thing she hated about the position was that she couldn't see him and take joy in his equally euphoric features.

Hearing him wasn't enough, no matter how he groaned out his delight with her body.

"Ohhhhh god, My love. Don't stop, please don't stop. I'm so close,"she pleaded with him.

Alex bent over her back and slid his hand over her hip, letting his nails drag and leave a sensitized trail in their wake.

Eventually, his hand swept over her breast and shamelessly palmed the plump mound, molding it in his grasp.

"Tell me, Beth. Tell me you are mine." he demanded.

"Yes. F$#@ yes,"she panted.

"Say it," he ordered.

"I'm yours!"she cried out, readily giving her agreement.

Arching against him, she shoved until his cock pressed flush in her tight little snatch and they were fully joined.

From that point forward nothing else mattered, as she squealed and went wild beneath his weight, clawing handfuls of the sheets. The tension within her unraveled all at once, like a spring close to snapping and then suddenly released.

Her legs became jelly, and the loss of them pitched her face down against the bed. She shuddered again as a second orgasm overtook her.

She writhed helplessly, caught in the throes of a powerful release that rippled outward from her core and seized her body in uncontrollable tremors.

"My Beth,"he growled behind her. He drove in harder until it should have hurt, but he only delivered the most amazing quiver inside of her pussy.

His growls lit her aflame with lust until she craved him even more. Until she couldn't imagine sex with another man in all of her life.

The need consumed her. "Yours!"she cried.

With her hair wrapped around his fist, Alex thrust his hips forward. The hot squirt of his seed seared her like a brand and the climax continued with merciless convulsions.

She milked his cock with every contraction of her womb. It wouldn't end.

The rapturous moment continued like a video set to loop, and every feeling exploded throughout her with vivid intensity.

She screamed again and the room seemed to spin. Her vision blurred until she slumped forward on one elbow with her upraised rump receiving the brunt of his final strokes.

His name was the only sound she could make. The only word she knew.

Beth's third climax ended with the world around her darkening into oblivion.

Beth woke a few hours later wrapped up in Alex strong arms. She was glad he came. She now knew without a reason of dought this was the right man for her.

Alex pulled her close. He had not slept since she left and needed the rest. He was never letting her go.

Then he stated,"When this mission is done we are getting married. Remember you said you were mine."

This last chapter was hard. Do I do the same for the rest of the charters?

IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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