
Original System(Born with his Universe for one purpose)

The immortals have destroyed another universe I worked so hard on I have to find a way to appease them. I know they will find my universe despite all I'm doing to hide it. If there's only a way for me to kill them I would have to worry so much about them. Wait If I can find a way to make them experience death I can buy my life. I have to get to work on this.

OG system's thoughts

I have Found a way to split a person soul without any of the gruesome pain and the split soul Is only a copy that sends all the information it receives to the Original body. The only Downside is the Copy can't exist without the main Bodies Consciousness in it so that may be a problem. What if I introduce a machine that can be used as a relay for the split soul to send information back to the body at the real-time and to store the split soul when not being used. This may work but I am gonna have to tie a spell to the machine so the split soul will develop a body once it gets to its destination. I will also have to work on building a pocket universe for this all to work properly. There's so much work to do and so little time I only have around 1,000,000 years to get this all done before they find my Universe.

OG System Preparation For The Immortals arrival

The immortals should be arriving within the next 20 years and I have barely finished all of it. I could and now I just wait and hope they are pleased with the way I have come up to relieve there boredom.

Update they have agreed to my idea very enthusiastically and the immortals have even agreed to collect the worlds needed for the Game to work.

update The Immortals Didn't just take a world they are using some kind of creature to compress entire universes into a single planet for the use of the game. This actually might be very interesting these creatures regenerate the planet as long as they aren't killed and even will create life for the planet changing on area to area and even replacing ores but its not just a give the creature use the life force of any of the creature on the planet that dies as fuel to keep replenishing the resource and to grow stronger itself.

Update the entire population of the first planet died due to the leaders of that world poisoning all the living creature's. have to find a way to fix this problem Immortals seem very angry at this outcome.

OG systems thoughts on the start of JAG

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