


prosecutor joo " Kim yoel your girlfriend fab " Kim yoel " she's my girlfriend so 😎😎😎😎 " prosecutor Lee " let's see what Jessica do "

I said " you honour I have a evidence " judge said " go ahead " I handed them the audio recording of the call and I started it ( yun han gi - why did you did that to me ? why my thesis were not awarded ? Go moon young - you're angry because your thesis are not selected ohhh. yun han gi - what's my fault ? sound of standing up from table and walking then slammed the door pushing him on the couch

go moon young - you need to pay for receiving award )

I stopped the audio and everyone started talking again " what ?? our famous professor is a female pervert 😡😡" I said " from these audio we can conclude that ms. go moon young have forced mr. yun han gi and even given false statement with accusing me. yun han gi in false crime. I want that she should get atleast 15 years of prison for falsely accusing and forcing a person without his permission. " the judge said " as after listening to all the evidence and proofs we'll conclude that ms. go moon young is guilty and she needs spend 15 years in prison and court prove mr. yun han gi is innocent. The court is adjourned ". I was packing my bag and Yun han gi and Joo Jung tae came to me and said " thank you prosecutor Jessica " yun han gi said " sorry prosecutor I was very rude to you " I said " it's okay from now on whatever you're respect yourself first then only people will respect you even if you're gay it doesn't mean that you're wrong or different from others don't even think like that okay ? " they replied " yes prosecutor " I went to the gate and there I meet park morgan , ms. park , prosecutor Lee , prosecutor joo they said " congratulations prosecutor Jessica " I replied " ohh thank you " then prosecutor joo said " it was really really amazing Jessica we thought that you're going loose this case but you did a good job πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ " I replied " thank you joo seok tae let's go back to office " they all said " yes yes let's go " when I went to not so mine office I found that Kim yoel was sitting and reading case ahh this boy πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” everyone was congratulating me for winning the case and he didn't even said anything huh πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. After a long day I went to home ( heaven ) I ate dinner and I thought of downloading instagram back when I opened my account there were tons of messages in there some of them from Manik , Tarasha. I lost contact with everyone and I found message of boo hi and

heyy babes

if you ever open this account again

the please contact me on my new phone no.


love you 😘😘

I saw the same message from min hyuk

hyy sweety

it's been so long you haven't contacted us so I'm giving you my new contact no.


in case if you see it.

miss you 😘 please come back to me and boo hi soon.

I dialled boo hi's no. and she picked it up and said " hello ? " I replied " hello boo hi ? " she replied " yes who's this ? " I replied " I'm Jessica, don't you know me πŸ˜” πŸ˜” " she excitedly said " omo what Jessica 😨😱😳 are you really high school's Jessica " I replied " yes yes I'm high school's Jessica πŸ˜”πŸ˜” " she said " you small witch why haven't you contacted me from years huh do you know how many times I have contacted you ? " I replied " okay okay babe let's meet tomorrow " she replied " do you know I'm very busy person you need to take appointment from my manager " I replied " ohhh is it so miss.busy " she replied " yes yes ms. Prosecutor " I replied " ohh how did you know about me " she replied " it's secret 😝😝😝 , okay I'll text you when we all are gonna meet okay I'll tell it to min hyuk " I said " okay let's meet tomorrow bye bye " she replied " bye bye ". I put my phone and went to sleep after so long day.


This day I was on time 😎😎😎 I went to go to office and when I reached there every one was shocked looking at me cause I was on time and I was in good mood and went into not so mine office and there when I looked everyone was like 😳😳😳😢😢😢 I looked at detective seol and said " what happen " he replied " prosecutor you're on time 😬😬😨 " I replied " huh I have to say this boy today I'm so happy πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ so I came early " I saw Kim yoel over there he was using his phone and I sat on my desk and just waiting for boo hi's message to come that when we all are meeting I was super excited 😁😁 and after an hour sitting I got message from boo hi she said " today 7 pm ZN town industry on 7th floor " I replied " okay 😁😁 " and park morgan asked " sunbae are you going on a date ? I replied " ahh no " he suspiciously said " wearing navy blue suit with white shirt and nude colour heels sandals hmm , going out on date ? " I replied " I'm not going on a date I'm going to meet my friend ( chingu ) " he said " ohh namja chingu ( boy friend ) " I πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’replied " no " everyone started laughing and suddenly Kim yoel went out and after few seconds someone came into not so mine office while yelling " oppa πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ " and open the door while slamming it , we all saw her like πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ , she was holding a rose bouquet and she looked at me and said " ohh sunbae " I was shocked 😲😲 " who are you ? 😬😬 " she was the lawyer from yesterday but I had no idea that why she's saying me sunbae ( senior ) she replied " I was in the same University as you " I said " ohh " she said " sunbae I think you're in the wrong room " I replied " go and check the name plate outside the room " she went and looked at it and came back and said " by the way sunbae you left your phone in the washroom on purpose hmm" I was about to say and Kim yoel came in and he said " ohh you're here " she replied him " yes oppa " he looked towards me and said " let's go out " she stopped him and said " I have some things to clear with sunbae , oppa just wait for sometime " she continued " so sunbae you were saying something " I replied " oh yes " she said " you left you mobile phone in washroom on purpose ? " I replied " who knows ( I pointed Kim yoel and her with my hand ) maybe your destiny " she started yelling and me " just answer my question sunbae " I calmly said " ahh so noisy my ears hurt πŸ™‰πŸ™‰ " hearing yelling her prosecutor Lee , prosecutor joo and intern came to not so mine office and looked towards me and asked " what happen ? " I replied " ohh you all here " then she said " ohh hello " and then continued " sunbae you did that on purpose huh ? " I replied " I said " maybe " she turned towards all of them and said " oppa do you know what sunbae did she cheated over hiring " I replied " wait a moment ms. " she said " Lee Ah Reum " I replied " I wasn't asking your name so ms. Ah Reum " she said " you knew that I was there and you purposely messaged on your phone with you assistant's phone so I'll see it and I'll give it as an evidence huh ? " I replied " ohh you're blaming me for your mistake " she yelled " sunbae answer it " I replied " ahh noisy witch " she angrily said " sunbae " I replied " did I said you to announce it in the court huh ? " I calmly replied " don't you know that you shouldn't bite a bait ? " she said " what bait 😢😢😢? ".....

thank you for reading the chapter

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