
I... love you


A light shined in between the curtains onto Aries's eyes. He slowly blinked them open. He tried to move out of the bed when he realized he wasn't in his room.

"Hunter," he said, under his breath.

He turned to see the other male turned away from him asleep. Aries took a look at Hunter's alarm clock. 3:02 pm. Wow, I woke up early. I got a couple of hours. He goes to night school.

He laid his head back down on the pillow. He was about to fall asleep again when Hunter moved. He had a bad feeling. Hunter never moves in his sleep...


Oh no. Aries checked Hunter's pulse. Normal. Ok, it was just asleep move. Ok, ok. Calm down. Aries laid down and closed his eyes. He's fine Aries, he's fine.

Ari couldn't convince himself. He lightly tapped Hunter.


"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know."

"Go back to sleep. Love you."

Ari looked at his half-asleep friend. Did he really just say that? Was he dreaming? No, no he couldn't be. He laid down for the third time. Hunter rolled over and wrapped his arm around Ari.

Ari started shaking and his vision started coming back to him. He still felt Hunter's arm around him. He saw the light around him and realized they were still on the deck.

"Aries stop shaking," Hunter said, concern written in his voice.

He relaxed into Hunter. Ari turned his head. Their faces were inches apart. Neither dared to move. They studied each other's eyes.

Aries's eyes were like pools int his soul. Hunter subconsciously put his hand on Aries's face, slightly pulling him in, to further see how the purple went from light purple to violet, to black and dark purple depending on where he looked.

Both parties subconsciously moved even closer to each other. Hunter could so easily initiate the first kiss but didn't. He had comfort just looking into those violet eyes.

They were everything. He carefully looked t Ari. He noticed the bags under his eyes, the way he was nervously biting his lip, the ay his soft blonde-white hair seemed to glow, the way he looked at him. Hunter quickly removed his hand from Aries's face and wrapped his arms back around his torso, burying his face into Aries's shoulder, more like the crock of his neck.

Ari, surprised at the sudden action, gripped hunters forearm. Then he realized hunter wasn't trying to hurt him and relaxed into hunter a bit more. Why am I so tired all of a sudden? He looked up at the sky one last time before closing his eyes.

After a few minutes, Hunter heard the soft snores of his friend. He picked him up and brought him inside. Hunter laid him in bed and quietly called Hra in. He shut the window and got into bed.

"Hunter," a sleepy voice called.


"Thank you," he yawned. "I love you... no homo."

"I love you too... no homo."

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