
The Extravagant Event

Rune's questions were immediately answered when Lisa Bisset and the older lady stood arrogantly in front of Rose and snickered. 

"So you have the audacity to come to the royal gala," Lisa shook her head disapprovingly.

"Of course, I have to come. Tonight is my brother's happy day. I am here to support him," Rose replied with her classy expression.

"Come on, Rose. We know you love Leon. After so many years, you just don't change. Princess Anne is a really nice girl. It will be better for everyone if you just leave quietly and never show your face again in Medion so you don't hurt her feelings." Lisa crossed her arms on their chest. "Please stop embarrassing yourself."

Rose smiled sweetly and continued sipping her cocktail. Actually, Lisa didn't need to tell Rose what to do, Rose planned exactly that. She would exit the stage gracefully and never come back.

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