
Corporate Christmas Party (1)

They then discussed tomorrow's Christmas party at the St. Laurent Hotel ballroom.  Finland was relieved because it seemed that the girls had stopped talking about the big boss. Her ears could no longer stand their gossip.

"Tomorrow we will leave the office early because all employees are given the opportunity to get ready for the party. We are planning to go to the hair salon before attending the event so we can look our best," Ruth said. "Will you bring your family tomorrow, Finland? You told me you have a child… are you going to take your child with you?"

"Uh, yes... but because my child is still very young, I will not stay long at the party as we must go home early," Finland replied.

She had discussed this with Caspar and they agreed that Finland should come with Aleksis for half an hour and socialize with her office friends so as not to be considered anti-social and to build good relations with them.

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