
Queen Lyn: Clash Of Kingdoms

Author: XOMatsumaeohana
Ongoing · 1.6M Views
  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Reasons why you should read this story. • Writing Quality, very good. While there are a few grammar mistakes and occasional typo's. The author fixes it up when you mention it. The writing flow is stable, so most of the time I don't see the mistakes • Stability of updates, since this is the authors 2nd story, I understand why there's no update schedule. She still brings us at least 5-7 chapters a week. • Story development and Character design, the plot is very interesting for me. While there's many fantasy/magical realism novels out there. This one is a lot different and does not bear any resemblance to them. The characters are well developed. They are being introduced slowly and the author is writing arcs for all the main cast, so we will get to know them all individually. From reading her previous story, I can give a huge thumbs up for character development.


I've read the authors previous work dream star, and now I'm fascinated to see what she can do with this type of setting. It's unlike her previous romance novel set in modern times; and yet she seems to grasp the romance concept better here. The update stability seems stable the last few days, while I have a few chapters to catch up on. I'm liking where the story is going so far. Keep up the good WOR.


Finally the author review. Hello everyone this is XOMatsumaeohana, this story will be written alongside Dream Star so the updates won't be as frequent. But there will be chapters every week. This story is set in the year 4019, and I'm using a different calender/month system since it's magic realism. This story was started as roles being assigned amongst friends on a discord server, so yes the main cast are based of actual users on WN/discord. It's been awhile for me since I last magic realism genre/fantasy, so I hope you bear with me and point out any confusing or parts that need to be explained. Lastly, the cover was made by me. It's 1000% my drawing, so if you see it being used anywhere. Please let me know. ҉ ٩(❊>∀<❊)۶҉ Hope you enjoy the story.


I think the writing style is good and having read dream star I am curious at what can miss XOmatsumaeohana do with a magic realism setting. I am pretty sure that those who start reading this will get hooked in it


New Author review (additional information) • new cover photo is a image found on pin-interest and edited by me. • Plan to have 500-600 Chapters, word count is between 900-1.5K (sometimes higher depending) •Update: 2-3 Updates (vary) (UK timezone) • Official discord -> https://discord.gg/9Cwt9Jz


√ Once again dear author XOMatsumaeohana surprises us with yet another brilliant story. I like how distinctly different this story is with her other one despite having the romance genre. Though the setting is different than her old one and that may explain the difference. The romance here is written more subtly, it's not overdone in anyway and seemed to just fit perfectly. Though I mainly read for the romance, the magical realism aspect interests me. And I want to see how these mysteries unfold.


6 chapters, 6 Quality chapters. XOMatsumaeohana is challenging herself by writing in a genre outside her comfort zone. I was surprised when she posted this, since I know her to only write romance. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how well developed and thought out the plot is, and characters. Despite only small amount of chapters, looking forward to reading more.


Review Valid Till Chapter 6 Story development: While this is still a relatively new story, I can tell that the author has already developed a stable plot line. So far were in the introduction chapters and the main cast are slowly appearing. From the chapters so far, bits and pieces of the "danger" is showing up. Nothing too major is being revealed, allowing us readers to develop questions and ideas. Character design: The female lead Queen Lyn, in contrast to the others previous story Dream star. The strong side of the female lead is presented first. Queen Lyn's background, her knights and the people in her kingdom - are all well thought out and developed. While it's too soon to judge the other characters, I trust this author regarding character development. Writing Quality: If you want a story with good grammar, then read XOMatsumaeohana stories. While there's the occasions typo, that anyone makes. Her grammar and writing style is a lot more fluent than most stories you find on the site. Stability of updates: Since this is still a new story, no release schedule yet. But this is quite a lot of chapters already for a new story.


My thoughts on the first chapter. While there's only one chapter out, I'm really liking the story and plot line. The author other work dream star really caught my attention because of how she focuses/describes character thoughts well. So I guarantee that the character development will be good here too.


with 29 chapters out, I can give a solid review. If you've read XOMatsumaeohana previous works Dream Star and expect the same complicated plot line. Then think again, this novel is completely unlike Dream Star. Perhaps due to the historical/magical realism element but even the romance here is written subtly and not overdone. She has fleshed out the main characters and the secondary cast is used well, not overshadowing the main characters (I think you can change King Allen to main cast, he appears quite frequently) Since we're still on volume 1 nothing too significant has happened yet. However, the pacing is good. I'm glad the author decided not to rush into the dispute with the snow kingdom; and is focusing on building up the plot first. The mysteries of King kazuya, King Allen's feelings. Why her knights are being targeted? Her knights appear to have complex backgrounds, is this all just a coincidence? I'm looking forward to seeing how this story ends up.


Wooooow!!!! This novel is so super interesting that I want to finish the whole book in a day but sadly, I have to wait!!! Everyone needs to see this novel and add it to their library. Please translator, I really wish to see the end of the novel chapter. Please!!!!


This author is very good at character development and story development as proved from her previous story. I like how she's challenging herself with another genre and displaying good results from just one chapter alone. I can't wait to see how the story develops. I don't have to worry about update stability too.


I haven't done reading dreamstar . and here you are another novel again .. I better hurry up so I can catch up .. I look forward to this novel of your . this is my first magical realism reading 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 . I wish you good luck master . So far so gOOd for a first chapter I lyk it 👌👌


One of the better written fantasy romance novels in this platform. I like how this author doesn't use the usual cliche troupes, and writes such unique stories.


I have read the author's other work, Dream Star, and I honestly like this story more. The story and plot were interesting. The writing flew nicely, and it keeps me wanting to read more to see where the story is going. I love that the author focused this story on the Queen, while not forgetting the side characters as well. I want to know more about Queen Lyn and the people around her. And what is it about the king? There were a few spelling errors, but that does not affect my reading experience. My only complaint is that sometimes the long paragraph hurt my eyes as I was reading through my small screen phone. It's okay if I'm reading through my computer though.


Lovely to read through. As far as I can tell, there were little to no errors that were particularly glaring that disrupted the flow of reading. The Author writes with care and imagery that leaves me wanting to read more. The descriptive imagery made it easy for me to immerse myself in the story. Keep up the good work, Author! Eagerly waiting for more. 😆🎉


Sorry for the late review! I’ve been a bit busy these past few days. Please forgive this lowly one. I have so many review swaps in queue now. orz Anyways, back to business! Writing Quality: 4/5 Overall, the writing and grammar is pretty good. There are only a few things I want to point out. The author needs to keep the verb tenses consistent. Most of the time, she uses past tense, but then she switches to present tense sometimes. The author also needs to capitalize plural nouns such as Snow Kingdom and Queen of Snow. Sometimes they are capitalized, sometimes they aren’t. Update Stability: 5/5 Nothing to complain here. As a writer myself, I admire how often the author is able to update! Keep up the good work! Story Development: 5/5 The pacing of the story isn’t too fast or too slow. There is a sense of mystery behind the story. Me likey. Character Design: 4/5 The character dialogues are very natural, and the interactions are very authentic. I would like some more imagery though. It was kind d hard to create an image of each character with just dialogue. World Background: 4/5 I’m still kind of vague about the history from the world, but it is slowly unfolding as the plot plays out. I’m interested in learning more about the world.


First off the pacing is a bit too slow for my liking but that is maybe because I mostly read and write action novels, for others this won't be an issue. The characters is the one that saved the novel for me, their relationships and interaction with each other is flesh out. Nice novel, good job. :D


The character is well described with her actions and i like your grammar..... I can't wait to read further....do update chapter fast..Good luck and wish you best of luck


Really nice book, I'm really enjoying the story so far. I like Miley, she's tough and fierce.. The Queen is also a great character, I like the way she rules her people with wisdom. I like this book and I want to see how it ends. I'm going to follow it to the END.