
Solace in the Unknown

Author: GargatuanCat
Ongoing · 6.1K Views
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Luke is one of those typical college student, playing games, studying, passing exams, failing exams, reading novels and repeat. It all changes due to unexpected circumstances he suddenly finds himself in the heat of battle in middle earth. What will the future hold for Luke?

Chapter 1Prologue

"Ah, so bored"

Luke was in his dorm, rolling in his bed, playing a mobile game called 'War and Order' when he noticed a blinking icon in the right side corner of his phone.

"Man.. low-batt again"

He stretched his arm to his side to reach the cabinet for his charger.

When suddenly, his phone vibrates and the whole phone monitor blinks red repeatedly. He noticed the game advisor (Bartholomew) poppping a notice "An army is approching the castle! My Lord!"

Luke calmly checked his level 30 Castle Watchtower to see who's the poor fellow attacking, only to find out that it is not a poor fellow but a humongous Crusade! A list of whopping 21 Lords attacking simultaneously, Some with similar time interval (Coined by the term 'timed attack') and 24 others through a rally.

"Oi oi oi oi, isn't this a bit of an overkill. I know my BP is quite strong (132,500,612 BP having a garrison of 500k T10 Archers, 480k T10 mages, 200k T10 Frontline Infantry, 190k T10 Cavalry and residues of less than 100k T9 Cavalry and Mages). But it is not enough to warrant an attack of such strength." exclaimed Luke.

"They even added a Rally Attack! Oi!" 

He checked his castle inventory for an Attack Shield or maybe some teleport item but found nothing. 

"Right... I used all of my shield and teleport in the 'Battle for the Crown' last week" lamented Luke

"Damn (COK) C*c*s*ckers !

Luke tried to message the Deputy of COK and its close members but all the responses he could recieve were "Deus Vult", " This is what happens to those that do not PRAISE THE SUN!", "Allahu Akbar" and "Jihad For Jerusalem!" and lastly, "You have oil so we're bringing FREEDOM!"

Luke stared in silence dor 3 seconds as he tried ti digest the responses and then spats.

"The Fuck?"

Luke checked the attack time and said "I still have 3 minutes to prepare" , then he checked who's online in his guild and found 6 people online.

His guildmates are riled by the attack notice in the guild section and immediately sends reins(reinforcements) and timed-reins (timed-reinforcements) to his castle.

The castle embassy was immeduately filled with reins to its limit (1,200,000 units) but Luke himself knew that this defense is futile. (45 Lords overall had around  13,000,000 -14,000,000 units.

Luke then activated his Attack, HP and Defence buffs for his units so that they may last longer.

He has done everything he could. The stage is set. The battle is coming. And all he could do is observe

and pray that the enemy had low research values than his.










'It is time' whispered Luke seeing the battle has begun.

4 Lords and their armies arrived first as they serve as the vanguard averaging 132k units each. And the second wave of Lords would reach in the interval of 18 seconds and the last wave in an interval of 36 seconds.

Luke and his online mates are by no means pushovers. They maxed out their military and defense research long ago so Luke's armies and the reinforcement armies are tremendously strong but... so was COK.

"If only the others are online" lamented Luke. He knew that the other guildmates of his were still working in their respective jobs in real life.

Luckily, the first wave ended in victory for Luke and his mates with the battle finishing in abruptly 12 seconds. Ending with Luke having 93k casualties  and and 67k for his guildmates while eradicating the vanguard forces. 

And now he waits for the second wave with a rally of 24 Lords with over 3.6 million units and is arriving in 8 seconds.

He quickly sped up the recovery of his soldiers in the Castle Hospital by using three (24-hour Hospital recovery item) and his mates sending their armies for the timed reins aside from their garrison reins.

7 defending lords(including Luke) overall forces - 2.4  million units(All Tier 10)

24 Lords in a rally attack - 3.6 million units (Mixture of Tier 10, Tier 9 and Tier 6)

The battle sparked once again. The battle lasted for 26 seconds ending a Phyrric Victory for Luke and his mates.

And 6 seconds left before the next attack arrives.

"So this is the end huh...A Mighty Lord of the realm falling from power just like that...

The next attack comes in 3....2.... *VrrooooOoOom! BANG! Craaaash !!!

"What was that!?" exclaimed Luke still facing his phone.

An 18 wheeler crashes on an electric post dozens of meters outside of Luke's dorm in which caused the transformer in it to explode due to intricate wiring connections and resulted an instant surge of electricity that fried the lines connecting in the area.

It was like watching a film of Michael Bay.

The 18 wheeler exploded, appliances in within the radius of 650 meters either short-circuited or exploded. What was the 18 wheeler carrying? Wood? No. Steel Beams? No. Fuel? Yes. That 18 wheeler was an Oil tanker. And it exploded, the explosion was so strong it caused a mini shockwave.

It caused the shocked Luke to take a step back and fall flat in his bed.

The transformer's explotion and surge fried Luke's charger in which jolted his hands holding the phone as the phone recieves a spike of electricity. The phone overheated causing the tranced Luke to toss it at a certain trajectory just right above his head. 

And you know the funny thing that happened next?

The phone exploded.

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Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1