
The First Dragonite

"So you know about Arceus?" I asked the true alpha Dragonite, while ignoring the shock and confusion everyone else was experiencing.

"Indeed. In the old days all knew of the creator, pokemon, and humans. I do not know what happened between now and then, but few know of him today."

"Who is Arceus?" Bill quickly asked, butting into my and Dragonite's conversation.

"A stupid alpaca that thinks he's important." I answered, earning me a look from Dragonite.

"I do not know what this 'alpaca' is, but it sounds disrespectful."

"Nah. I called him that to his face and he didn't have anything to say about it, other than it not being entirely accurate."

"I see..." Dragonite said, either amazed at the cajones I had, or dumbfounded at my lack of respect. Either way, he turned his attention back to Bill and continued,

"To answer your question, Arceus is Him. In the beginning he oversaw the creation of the entire universe we exist in now, from the sun, the stars, to every single terrestrial body. To assist in this endeavor he created the trio of creation, the Lord of time, the Lord of space, and the Lord of balance. And once the universe settled, Arceus created all of the Mew.

"The Mew were beings of life that scattered throughout the universe to find their new homes. Once they did that, they busied themselves filling them with life.

"I cannot speak for the other Mew out in the universe, but our Mew began with the creation of three sovereign rulers. The first flooded the planet to create the seas and oceans, while the second used the magma within the planet's core to create the first land masses. The third however was the strongest of the three, and he was given the role of protector and Lord of the skies.

"With the animosity between the Lord of water and the Lord of land, they were both sent to sleep once their roles were completed by the Lord of the skies. It was then that Mew began to fill the planet with life, and the first generation of pokemon were born.

"First were the Legendaries, who were granted specific roles and duties to oversee throughout the world, similarly to the Lord's of water, land and sky. The rest of us were created with the goal of populating the world with the creatures you know of as pokemon.

"Of course we all started our own lines of descendants, but we would also create entirely new species together as well, like the Charizard through my union with Ho-Oh, or the Gyarados through my union with Lugia. But some of us would create entirely new beings on our own, like how the Lord of water created Lugia to guard his realm in his absence, before Lugia proceeded to create the legendary birds several millennia later."

We all became enthralled in the true alpha Dragonite's tales as it told us of the early days of the world, in which there were only pokemon, and all knew of Arceus. However, there was one question nagging in the back of my mind, which must've been the same for Bill as he asked,

"Who created the humans?"


The question made Dragonite go silent momentarily, making me wonder if the topic was some kind of taboo or something. But then it said in a grave voice,

"I know not where the humans came from, or who created them. Only that they were brought here for the sake of their own survival, by Arceus himself."


It was safe to say we all had the same reaction upon learning THAT particular tidbit of information.

"Long ago, eons after the world was created and filled with life by Mew, the Lord of balance rebelled against Arceus and creation. The actual reason why was never made clear to us, though many speculated that he grew angry towards Arceus, or perhaps he grew too arrogant and aggressive in his desire for 'balance'.

"Whatever the reason, his influence spread throughout every inhabited world to corrupt and twist several amongst them, like Gengar. They would then prep the world by spreading chaos and throwing its balance out of order, before he himself would appear to destroy it entirely.

"In the end, it took both the Lord's of time and space acting to stop him, before Arceus was forced to banish him forever more to a realm known as the Distortion World. And forever more he has been known as either the Fallen, or the Betrayer. I know not how many worlds he destroyed, only that the universe has not recovered from the destruction he had wrought.

"There were however a few scant survivors who fled into the void of space, and eventually made their way here. Though the Lord of the skies was duty-bound to destroy them, Mew decided that they were to be granted sanctuary instead.

"But then Arceus himself appeared with a group of survivors whose world had been savaged by one of the Fallen's followers. They possessed no claws, fangs, wings, fins, or fur. They were completely unlike any other pokemon any of us had ever seen.

"It was then that Arceus declared that they were called 'humans', and they were a unique race completely unlike pokemon. He wanted to see what they would be capable of, so they were brought to us and granted amnesty by Mew as well."

We were all silent as we tried to absorb everything Dragonite told us, which was enough to shake the very foundation of the world as we knew it. And obviously Bill was busy recording everything Dragonite was telling us. Though I didn't know if it would be wise to publish it or not.

"Uhm..." Joy suddenly called up, hesitantly stepping up towards Dragonite.


"Why did the Mew not protect their worlds?" She asked curiously.

"It was not that they did not protect their worlds, but that they were unable to." Dragonite said in a grave voice.

"The Mew were not created to preserve, protect, or fight. They were made to create. And even if they were stronger than all of their own creations, that would not mean that they were stronger than one of the first three of Arceus' creations."

"Does that mean that Mew wouldn't defend us if the world was in trouble!?" Misty exclaimed worriedly.

"Unless the Fallen himself were to break free of his prison and attack us, then no. Mew would not intervene in the destruction of this world."


The disbelief the others were feeling radiated from their bodies, especially from the girls since we had all met Mew before. I couldn't say I was too surprised though, since if Mew cared that much about us, then no one would ever die, and entire species of pokemon would never have gone extinct.

Perhaps Dragonite could also feel their disbelief, as he continued,

"Since its conception, there have been numerous catastrophic events that devastated the inhabitants of this world.

"Occasionally the Lord's of land and water would awaken, the former triggering powerful volcanic eruptions or causing the planet's temperatures to rise by a significant amount. The latter meanwhile would temporarily flood the entire world, or even cause the global temperatures to plummet to send us into an ice age.

"Every time they had awoken they had caused massive and powerful shifts in the environment and climate of the world before the Lord of the sky sent them back to their slumber, which in turn would result in disastrous loss of life. However, either Mew itself would create new pokemon to survive in the new world, or we ourselves would either recreate our children, or change to adapt."

(A.N. an example of them changing are like the Hisuian variants, or ancient pokemon changing into an entirely new species. The true alpha Tyrantrum changing into Tyranitar maybe.)

"I can't believe Mew would be so indifferent..." Joy uttered in disbelief.

"It's not too shocking though. Mew does whatever it wants, and I doubt that it would ignore certain situations." I told her, recalling how Mew battled against Mewtwo in the movie.

But then I turned my attention to Dragonite, and asked something that was worrying me about his story.

"From the way you were speaking, Groudon and Kyogre would occasionally wake on their own without the other waking. What would happen if both were to awaken at the same time?" I asked, thinking about the events of the game Pokemon Emerald.

In either Sapphire and Ruby you would battle against one specific team that was trying to revive either Groudon or Kyogre, but in Emerald you had to battle both Team Aqua and Team Magma, and both ancient pokemon were revived to battle against one another until you awakened Rayquaza. Naturally, these three HAD to be the Lord's of land, water and sky that Dragonite was talking about.

"Then catastrophe unlike anything the world has ever seen before would occur. Both the earth and the sea would wage all out war against one another, neither one caring about the casualties or consequences that would occur because of their actions.

"Only the Lord of the sky would be able to prevent the destruction they would cause. But unless he is found soon.....then the world is doomed...."


"What do you mean!? Rayquaza is missing!?!?!?" I demanded with more emotion and urgency than I'd shown throughout this entire discussion so far.

"Indeed..." Dragonite said slowly and sadly.

"Shortly after the Lord of water created the last ice age, an invader appeared that the Lord of sky went to do battle with, as per his duty. However the world was still in the process of freezing.

"After a great battle unlike any this world had ever seen, both fell silent. In the millennia since, neither the invader nor the Lord of sky have been seen or heard from. As such, myself and several of my draconic brethren have crossed the world several times in our search for our liege so that he may resume his duty. But alas, we have had no such luck."

As I listened to Dragonite speak my heart began to thunder in my chest. I had been counting on Rayquaza being at Sky Pillar like in the game, but if it was missing then things just became a lot more serious.

"So you and your brethren have NO idea where Rayquaza might be?" I asked him.

"Not necessarily." Dragonite answered, which helped to loosen the knot that had been forming in my chest.

"Despite being true alphas, we are still subjected to the same weaknesses and environmental restrictions as our kin. As such, we cannot search the far northern and southern poles on either end of the globe, or else we may be forced to enter hibernation."


I can work with that!

"Alright... Then it's a given that Rayquaza will be at either of the poles, probably frozen..."

My mind then ran through a few ideas regarding how to find and then wake up Rayquaza before Groudon and Kyogre destroyed the world. The most likely idea would be enlisting the help of the Hoenn League through whoever would be on board the SS. Anne.

While I was thinking Dragonite moved until his face was level with mine, and he asked,

"Do you think that the Lord's of land and water will awaken soon?"

I looked back at him and nodded. "There are two groups of humans right now who claim to worship the land and sea, Team Aqua, and Team Magma. I believe they may try to awaken Groudon and Kyogre in the near future to accomplish their goals."

Dragonite's expression darkened while he also bared his teeth in irritation.

"Such fools. They will invite only their own doom, along with that of all they supposedly fight for."

Though Charizard and Pidgeot's tensed up once more, Dragonite did nothing else to vent his frustration as he instead asked, "shall I take your interest in this matter to mean that you intend to prevent them from accomplishing their goal, chosen of Arceus?"

"Of course." I readily answered, having already planned to deal with them once I was finished with Team Rocket and the Indigo League. "That's also why I was asking about Rayquaza, as he will undoubtedly be needed if/when Groudon and Kyogre awaken."


For a moment no one said anything, with Dragonite and I looking at one another while everyone else was glancing back and forth between us. Obviously none of them, not even Bill, were qualified for this conversation.

"Champion of Arceus." Dragonite suddenly said, making me cock a brow due to the change in title.

"What makes you think I am a champion of Arceus?" I asked him with a wry smile.

"Because Arceus has not involved himself with this world since bringing the first humans to us, and yet now there is a human who bears his scent. With Gengar being freed, and now rumors of the Lord's of land and water awakening, it is obvious that Arceus has appointed you to enact his will." Dragonite said pointedly, which was pretty much exactly what was happening.

"I have searched for many moons for my liege. If there is war on the horizon, then I need to rest to prepare for battle, regardless of if my liege can participate or not. I will spread the word to my brethren, and entrust you with the task of locating my lord."

It was a tall order, especially since Dragonite and others had been looking for probably a few thousand years. BUT, if they had been unable to locate Rayquaza, then it was almost guaranteed that he was someplace that someone else would need to go.

"Alright then. I already planned to have to go get him anyways once shit hit the fan, this is just one more wrinkle." I said with a shrug.

"You have my thanks. However, that may not be enough for the tribulations in the days to come." Dragonite said, again lowering himself until his face was right in front of me. Then, one of his antennas came forward and touched me on my forehead.

"I name you friend of myself and all of my line. May they help you in your time of need, and may they never turn their fangs against you."

As Dragonite spoke I could feel a slight shift in my aura. It wasn't anything as drastic as what happened with Zapdos, but I knew that it would reflect the way in which most dragon type and pseudo dragon type pokemon would view me.

When he was finished, Dragonite retracted his antenna slightly, before pressing it against my bag. There was a brief flash of light before he retracted his antenna once more, and I hurriedly dug out the one thing that I thought he might mess with out of the bag.

And sure enough, I pulled out my Dratini egg that was once covered in blue scales, but now they had turned a brilliant shade of pink. And as if that wasn't enough, the egg began to shake slightly in my hands.

"I could tell my child was preparing to hatch, so I gave them a little hand while also granting them my blessing. They shall grow strong, of that you can be sure." Dragonite said, before the first crack appeared on the surface of the egg, followed by a second and third.

The egg then completely shattered in my hands to reveal a tiny Dratini, which was serpentine in shape, with a white belly, matching fins on either side of its head, and a completely pink body.

"Tiniiiiiiiiii...." The newly born pokemon trilled lightly, before curling up in my hands and going to sleep.

"Thank you..." I told Dragonite with genuine gratitude.

"Find my liege, and that will be thanks enough." Dragonite said, turning around as he made to leave.

"I hope you fare well in your search, champion of Arceus. I long for the day that we dragons dance in the sky with our liege once again. Farewell."

And with that, we all watched as Dragonite disappeared back into the fog, leaving us to ponder on everything he had told us. Though I was immediately the center of attention as every guy focused on me, and I said wryly,

"Guess I need to explain a few things?"

thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts
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