
Power Couple

For a little over an hour we flew through the air, heading southwards to the Pokemon Center. And during that tine I may or may not have indulged a little in the snack Dawn was wiggling in my face(I totally did).

When we finally touched down the sky was filled with brilliant oranges and yellows as the sun began to set, though the darkness of night was swiftly encroaching as the sun sank behind the mountain range.

"Thank you Pidgeot." I said to my bird as Dawn and I dismounted.


Pidgeot smacked me with his wing from my thanks, before turning around abruptly and taking off into the darkening sky.

"What was that about?" Dawn asked curiously as we watching him take off.

"Maybe he didn't like the way you two decided to pass the time on his back." May said with a deadpan as the three of them landed and dismounted Tropius.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Dawn replied while looking away slyly.

"So we DIDN'T see Ace's face buried in the back of your skirt for a good portion of the flight here?" Misty retorted.

"I don't think so... Hey! Let's go get something to eat!" Dawn said as she deflected the conversation, and headed towards the Pokemon Center.

I watched Misty and May roll their eyes at Dawn's deflection, while Joy still looked a little distracted and pale from the flight here. I hope she overcomes her fear of flying someday.

Chansey ended up leading Joy into the Pokemon Center after us as we all went inside. And just when I was wondering if there were any decent trainers here up for a battle with my team...

"Oh Romeo! You have a smile that can put a Wynaut to shame, muscles that could make a Machoke jealous, and a voice that would make a Lapras lament its lack of talent!"

"Oh Juliet! Your skin is softer than the fur of a newborn Vulpix, your bosom bouncier than a Jigglypuff, and your beautiful auburn hair shines more brilliantly than Ho-Oh's feathers!"

"Oh Romeo!"

"Oh Juliet!"

"Oh brother..."

May groaned from the overly sweet couple that dominated the lobby of the Pokemon Center.

"Do you think any of US have the right to say that?" Misty asked wryly.

"We don't act like THAT." I reminded her while pointedly looking away from the sickeningly sweet sight.

"Ah!" The girl, Juliet, declared when she noticed us, before swooning dramatically.

"Oh Romeo! Don't look now, but a grubby Garbodor just appeared!"


"I see it Juliet... And it has a harem of hideous Hippowdon with it!" He answered dramatically.

"Excuse me?" I uttered out loud with rising anger.

It didn't matter if someone insulted me, but to call my women hideous or Hippowdon was crossing the line.

"Do you hear that Juliet? The grubby Garbodor is apparently hard of hearing as well!"

"How tragic! It must be blind as well, to willingly travel with a group of Hippowdon so hideous!"

The duo then wiped away their nonexistent tears, as if me and the girls were truly tragic in their eyes.

"Am I the only one getting pissed off right now?" Misty growled angrily.

"No, you're not." May answered.

"Yeah!" Dawn said in agreement.

"Hey Joy." I called out to my little nurse, rousing her from her stupor. "Can you go and check us in. I got something to do real quick."

"Eh?! Uh, ok!" Joy said, apparently confused on why the other three and I were so worked up.

"Hey you!" I called out to them.

"Eh? Is the Garbodor calling out to us?!" Romeo exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah! You want to talk shit? Let's settle this in the arena!" I told him while pointing to he backside of the Pokemon Center, where the arena usually was.

"Very well, Juliet and I will gladly take a chance to show our love!" He declared while standing from the couch they had been lounging on.

"Yes my love..." Juliet crooned at his acceptance of my challenge.

I led the way to the arena, which several other people followed us to to spectate the match. From the sounds of it, they too wanted the couple to get a rude awakening.

Both Romeo and Juliet took their place in the opposition side while I took mine, and Misty said in observation, "looks like they're going to battle together."

"Do you want one of us to battle as well?" May asked as she held up one of her Pokeballs readily.

"Nah. I got the perfect power couple for these two." I answered while holding up two of my Pokeballs. Lucario still hadn't arrived yet along with Charmeleon, Poochyena and Houndour, but that was ok.

"Go, Nidoran and Nidorina!" I cried while throwing them out.



Both Nidorina and Nidoran cried as they appeared, flexing the poisonous quills covering their bodies as they did so.

"Oh the tragedy!" Cried out Juliet when they saw the Pokemon I was going to use.

"Indeed! Count on the dunce of a Dunsparce to ensure his own defeat!" Romeo declared in agreement.

"Now you're REALLY starting to get on my nerves." I growled irritably as they dissed my Pokemon now.

"Well then, perhaps we shall enlighten the worthless Dunsparce!" Romeo said in response to me.

"Indeed Romeo! Let us show this lonely Cubone the power of our love!" Juliet declared, before they too finally threw out their Pokeballs. And what appeared actually surprised me slightly.



Cried out their Nidorino and Nidorina as they appeared opposite my own. Except both of their had already evolved into the second stage, while my Nidoran was still in its first stage.

"We got this guys." I told my Pokemon, with absolutely no doubt in my voice or aura of our victory.

""Niid!"" They declared in unison.

"Both sides ready?" Asked the Nurse Joy was overseeing our match.

""Ready~!"" Cried out Romeo and Juliet.

"One second." I relied as an idea came to mind, before pulling something out of my bag. "How about we make this match interesting?"

As I asked that, I held out what I'd grabbed for everyone to see. Two Moons Stones.

"Agreed." Romeo immediately stated when he saw what I had.

"Oh Romeo~! I know our victory is assured, but some tact is necessary."

"Indeed... And what if, by some miracle, Juliet and I lose?" Romeo asked with a condescending tone. Obviously he believed their victory was assured.

"Let's see....." I said while pretending to ponder what I wanted to ask of them WHEN I won.

"How about ...."


Not just Romeo and Juliet, but everyone was stunned at what I'd asked for 'if' I won the match. Well, everyone aside from the girls that was.

"I wish I could say I was surprised." Romeo said as if it couldn't be helped. "We accept."

"But Romeo-!"

"Beloved Juliet." Romeo silenced her with a whisper. "Believe in the power of our love. We will NOT lose!"

"Yes Romeo!"

"Oh Juliet!"

The two then entered their own little world once more, before the Nurse Joy overseeing our match coughed to regain their attention.

"Now then... The conditions of the wager are agreed on, and can not be taken back. If there is no further delay, let the battle begin!"

"Nidorino, Horn Attack!"

"Nidorina, Helping Hand!"

Romeo and Juliet both cried the moment the battle began.

As they did so Nidorino charged forwards with his horn glowing as he amassed power to it, while Nidorina cheered from behind to strengthen the attack. Their target? Nidoran of course.

"Focus Energy." I commanded him confidently, which he readily did regardless of if I had commanded him or not. I knew that in his mind he was a king amongst kings, and a king did not flinch before those lesser to him.

Instead he sharpened his concentration to the point that even I could feel through our connection as the ground began to rumble beneath Nidoran's feet, and see the small pebbles vibrating as they bounced upon the ground. But still, Nidoran did not move.

"Now!" I ordered right at the last possible second, and Nidorina leapt between Nidoran and Nidorino.

The vast majority of the Nidoran lines, male and female, possessed the Rivalry ability, an ability which raised the strength of their attacks against opponents of the same gender. But the ability could be considered a double edged sword, as it also weakened their attacks against those of the opposite gender.

The moment Nidorina stepped between the two males the attacking Nidorino held himself back without even thinking about it, weakening his attack significantly to avoid hurting her. Nidorina took full advantage of this as she took the remaining force of the Horn Attack, and sank her claws into Nidorino's sides.

"NIDA!" She cried out defiantly while bracing herself against Nidorino.

"Now Nidoran, Double Kick!"


Jumping at my command, Nidoran leapt up over Nidorina in a flip while focusing his strength into his legs, before bringing both of his hind legs down onto Nidorino's head. With his Rivalry activating against the other male, and the Focus Energy helping him pinpoint the exact spot to target, the attack was strengthened to the point that Nidorino's head was blasted down into the ground.


"Now Nidorina, get rid of him." I commanded coldly.

"Nida!" Nidorina cried as she grabbed him, and proceeded to toss Nidorino out of the arena.

"Nidorino is out of bounds, and therefore eliminated!" Nurse Joy declared, and suddenly the matched turned into two one one.

"Nidorina, avenge Nidorino!" Juliet cried emotionally.

"Nida!" Her Nidorina declared as she charged forward.

"Think you can take care of this one?" I asked mine.

"Nida!" She cried back, before charging forward as well.

We all watched as the two Nidorina clashed in the middle of the arena, with Nidoran watching from the side as he prepared to intervene if needed.

At a glance Juliet's Nidorina had the advantage since she was larger in size, and probably older with more experience. But my Nidorina benefitted from my training.

Having been thrown away by her previous trainer because she was 'too weak', Nidorina worked herself as hard as possible when she wasn't spending time with Nidoran. And as part of her training, she regularly took full power charges from both Tauros and Cranidos.

For a moment the two Nidorina grappled with one another, before they broke away from the other.

"Nidorina, Double Kick."

"Don't let her do that Nidorina, Fury Swipes!"

Juliet and I both ordered at the same time, before my Nidorina dropped to her front paws and raised her hind feet up to plant them both into the other's side. Though it knocked her off balance, the attack didn't keep Juliet's Nidorina from sending several swipes at mine with her claws. But my Nidorina also trained against Meowth, now Persian, Sneasel, and Grovyle as well, and her opponents own claws were no match for her tough hide.

The battle didn't least much longer after that, as Nidorina proceeded to steadily finish off her opponent with Nidoran occasionally using Helping Hand to assist her. And when her opponent to finally fell, Nurse Joy cried out,

"Nidorina is unable to battle! Ace Ketchum wins with Nidoran and Nidorina!"

"Nice!" I declared from our victory as both of my Pokemon ran up to my side.

"Good job you guys! You did really well!" I told them while making sure to pat them plentifully. Of course, they both made sure their quills were down when I did so.

"Nido?" Nidoran uttered confusedly, before his body began to glow as it grew larger as it more than doubled in size. And when the glow faded, standing before me was a Nidorino that stood at over four feet tall, on all four.

"AWSOME!" I exclaimed from his sudden evolution.

"Nida nida!" Nidorina Declared happily, though I could tell she was also slightly sad that he was bigger than her now.

"Nido?" He uttered while looking himself over curiously.

"Now you just need a Moon Stone to evolve into a Nidoking!" I told him excitedly.

"Nido!" He cried while looking at the two I had pulled out earlier.

"No, not yet. Spend some time getting used to your strength in that form, and THEN I'll evolve you." I told him sternly. It was the same for Nidorina since I had wanted to train her for a bit before evolving her, but if I were being completely honest I'd say she was ready now.

With him calling attention to them though, I recalled the wager I had with Romeo and Juliet before we began the battle. And as I looked over to them, I saw the two of them slumped on the ground and looking as if the world itself had ended.

"Well, a deals a deal." I said while walking over to them, making sure they saw as I put away the two Moon Stones.

"But...." Romeo uttered as he looked up at me.

"You're not going to try and back out, are you?" I asked while cocking a brow at him.

His eyes deadened as he realized I was serious about my earlier request, which he could not back out of after publicly accepting it. Apparently he had seriously never even considered the possibility of losing to me.

"Romeo!" Juliet exclaimed worriedly.

"Juliet!" Romeo declared as he took her hands in his own.




"AHHHHHHN!" Cried Juliet as I brought her to her fourth orgasm of the night, her cunt spasming around me while I pistoned in and out of her.

Of course, my condition for winning the battle was a night with Juliet.

Her looks weren't bad if I were being honest, and there were few better ways to deal with such an obnoxious couple than the cuck the man, and give the woman pleasure that he'd never be able to.

Even now I could feel him sitting outside the door to our room, listening and waiting in despair as we enjoyed our little orgy. I say we, because of course Dawn, May and Misty were all joining in, while Joy had yet to take that leap.

Personally I was a little torn on how far to go with her, due to how young she was. But then again, I had been her age myself when I lost my virginity in this life, so I didn't really have a leg to stand on in that department.

But back to Juliet.

She had of course been reluctant at first, but after I found the spots that made her tick it was child's play to reduce her to putty in my hands. Now I was balls deep in her, and was preparing to dump the first load of the night right into the deepest part of her womb as she screamed and sang in ecstasy.

The only thing dampening her cries of pleasure were the other girl's cunts, as they all took turns mounting Juliet's face to have her eat them out as I fucked her.

Eventually I too reached the precipice, and buried my entire length in her as I emptied my balls into her womb.

"AHHH! ROMEO! I'M BEING BRED BY ANOTHER MAN, ROMEO!" Juliet cried out, even as she came for the fifth time.

Wether she knew he was out there or not, I didn't know. But I could feel his despair as Juliet's voice echoed with her pleasure, even as I began to fuck her yet again.

It was going to be a long night.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts
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