
First Date (3)

(Athena POV)

It took us about ten minutes to arrive at a club called Lux. He parked the car and he got out and ran over to my side and opened the door for me. He helped me out and he interlocked our fingers.

Outside of the club was a long line of people. Apparently it did not matter to Storm. We walked right passed the long line and went up to the bouncer with the clipboard in his hand. Storm told the bouncer his name and the bouncer scanned through his clip board. He looked up and nodded and unhooked the red velvet rope to let us pass through.

We entered the club and it was packed and somewhat loud. It looked so awesome. Storm waved at the DJ and the DJ smiled and waved back. The DJ looked at his assistant and signalled him to take over.

Then the DJ came running towards us. He had really dark glasses on so I couldn't see his whole face. "Storm, my man." the DJ said giving Storm a friendly bro hug. The DJ's voice sounded so familiar. "Athena, this is Justin, a former army soldier, a fellow DJ, owner of the club, and a very great friend of mine."

Hearing his name made me think of the Justin I knew when I first arrived at Army Camp. "Justin? As in Justin Taylor?" I asked. Justin took off his dark glasses and had a shocked face said "Athena? As in Athena King? No freaking way."

Storm looked confused. "Um I'm sorry do you know eachother?" he asked. I chuckled a little and said "Storm, Justin was there my first year in the army." He made an O with his mouth in realization. "Well what a coincidence. So what is beautiful young lady like you is doing here with this idiot?" Justin asked.

Storm got a little protective and wrapped his arm around my waist. "We are here as part of our date. He is my mate." I answered and he was taken back a little bit. He looked at Storm and said something in Spanish. "¿Y la chica? Sabes quién te salvó. Creí que la estabas buscando desde hace años." (What about the girl. You know the one that saved you. I thought you were looking for her for like years.)

Storm smacked Justin in the back of the head and replied to him in spanish. "Estúpido. Esta es ella. Finalmente la encontré después de todos estos años y resultó que ella es mi compañera. Bono doble." (Stupid. this is her. I finally found her after all these years and it turned out she is my mate. So double bonus.)

I chuckled to myself. Apparently they do not know that I can understand them. "Ustedes saben que puedo entenderle." (You guys do know I can understand you.) I said in Spanish. They looked at me in shock. Then I continued "Y estoy bastante seguro de que te salvó el culo tres veces." (And I'm pretty sure I save your ass three times.)

Storm chuckled in awkwardness. Justin just face palmed himself. Justin apparently forgot that he was the one who taught some of the languages I know. I laughed at them.

We talked with eachother for little while after there stupid moment of realization. But that was until Justin's DJ went got on the microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a very special guest in our mist. We have the one and only DJ Stooorrmmm!!" The crowd started to go crazy.

Storm face palmed himself and I laughed at him. I took of his jacket and Justin and I pushed him to the DJ booth. He went up to the booth and Justin's assistant moved away and let Storm take over. Storm held one of the headphones to his ear and started to play the song Dinero by Jennifer Lopez ft. DJ Khaled and Cardi B

When he started to play the song, I got really happy. Everybody was having fun too and started dancing. The lights matched with the beats and everything. Justin left for a couple of minutes and then came back with a microphone. He put it in my hand and then pushed me on stage in front of the DJ booth.

I didn't know what he wanted me to do. In the end I just did what I thought he wanted me to do. I started to rap Cardi B's part like a boss and everyone started to go crazy. I walked around into the booth and stood next to Storm still rapping. He had a smile on his face and he leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The girls in the crowd started scream louder.

I finished rapping and started to dance a little next to Storm until the song ended. Everybody started to clap and we began to laugh. We got out of the booth and went back to Justin who was smiling real big. I punched him in the shoulder for pushing me on stage. He was about to say something when his assistant got on the microphone again. "Ooo everybody the queen of dance in the building."

Once everybody heard that, they started to go crazy. Except for Justin and Storm. In fact Storm started to choke on his drink. I patted his back until he calmed. He looked at Justin and said "Dude why is she here? I thought she left." Then Justin replied "Dude she came back like a month ago."

I was confused at what they were saying. I turned to the crowd and people were making a pathway for someone. A girl and couple of other people followed behind her emerged from the pathway. The girl was shorter than I was. She had long blonde hair and was really skinny.

"Who is she?" I asked them. "Bad news" Justin said. I turned to Storm and he looked so angry. I turned back to the girl and she started to walk towards us. She stopped in front of me and gave me a creepy grin. Then she took a glance at Storm and Justin and she scoffed.

She then looked back at me and yelled out "CHALLENGE!" I was confused, but then Justin's assistant yelled into the microphone "DANCE BATTLE!" The people that was behind her walked towards me and dragged me to the dance floor. Storm and Justin quickly followed behind us.

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to battle you." I said to her in her face. I turned around facing Storm and she started to laugh. "Oh look someone is a little scared. I didn't think that a girl like you would be such a pussy."

My blood was starting to boil a little. She turned around and was about to choose someone else to challenge. I said to Storm "Give me a boost." He gave me a questioning look but obeyed and gave me a boost. With help from the boost, I did a back flip over the girl and landed on my feet, with heels on, in front of her.

I gave her a little small evil grin and said "Fine I accept your challenge. Get ready to lose your title." Her smile went away real quick and she started to glare at me. She snapped her fingers and the song Walk It Out by Unk came on.

(I will let you guys imagine what is going on because I will not explain every single move.)

She back up a little and I did the same. I have some space. We both move our hips around and started to get into the music. She started out first. She honestly looked kind of ridiculous to me. How the hell has she kept her title like seriously. I wasn't impressed at all.

When she was done, I started to dance. I moved my hips more than her. If you could see my body move to the beat, you could honestly think that I knew everything there is to know about dance. I had to admit, I was moving my butt way to well.

Everybody stared in awe at our dance battle going on. We went back and forth trying to dance better than the other.

The song was about to end and it was my final last turn before they determined the winner. I started dancing really good and when the song was literally about to end, it was time for my killer move. I did a complete monkey flip and landed into a full sideways split at the last word of the song. I totally schooled her.

The crowd started to go wild. In the end, I knew I had won. Justin's assistant got on the microphone again and said "By the looks the winner and new Queen of Dance, Athennaaa!!!" Once again, the crowd started to go crazy again.

I got up from the ground and smirk on my face as I faced this girl's face. She looked at me in disbelief. I walked up to her and said "I warned you, but you didn't listened. I walked passed her and walked up to Storm, who was looking back and forth at me in the girl. It was weird. He would smile for me but look angry at this girl.

In the end, he snapped out of it and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We bid everyone farewell and began to walk out the door. I glanced back at the girl and she was still in shock. I smirked at her and laughed really evil to myself. We walked back to the car and got in.

It was time to go to our final destination for our date.

Next chapter