
The Prodigal Shinobi

Author: AShTa
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An extremely wealthy, but spoiled youth from Earth died due to sleep deprivation. It was not the end of his life, but the beginning! Follow the journey of Ryou Taichi as he transform from a spoiled youth to a splendid shinobi.

Chapter 1What Happened?

In Tokyo, Japan.

In a dark luxurious bedroom, light frequently flashed from the large TV hung on the wall. It occasionally brightens the giant bed in front of it, revealing a sickly youth staring at the TV.

Although his appearance was pitiful, he still exuded the aura of a spoiled, rich youngster.

He had been watching anime for days without proper sleep or food, which resulted in his current state.

His dead parents were the only people he'd listen to, but after their death four years ago in a car accident, Ryou Taichi didn't have anybody to restrain his wild behavior.

The Taichi's family were rich, extremely rich. This resulted in Ryou being spoiled rotten since birth and thus developed an arrogant demeanor.

He inherited the immense wealth of his parents, allowing him to obtain anything he desires in the world. But, this resulted in him not having a goal or ambition in life.

Thus, to entertain himself Ryou had been watching animes.

While staring at the TV screen, Ryou's eyes became unfocused. Images of the time he'd spent with his parents flashed. They were the only two people he deeply cared for.

A while later, Ryou's eyes gently closed, a single tear trailed down his cheek.


"Hey Ayumi, are you excited? We're about to graduate and become a shinobi!" A blonde girl asked her friend next to her.

"Yes, I'm so excited and nervous! I'll finally confess my love to Zen-kun."

Inside a classroom, many children around 12 years old were chattering. As they continued, the noise level in rose every second.

"Silence!" The adult standing in front of the blackboard couldn't endure it anymore. He was the teacher for this year's graduating students, Kagami Zuko.

"You guys about to graduate in a month time, and here! Instead of studying hard, you guys are wasting time chattering!"

"Now, focus and study hard!" Kagami, who was wearing a flak-jacket shouted and continued writing on the blackboard. He also wore a headband on his head with the symbol of the cloud.

Some children listened and focused, while others quietly continued to whisper among themselves.

Suddenly, a bright azure orb penetrated the wooden ceiling and slowly descended.

It fell down to the back of the room, where a kid was sleeping on the desk. His body was motionless.

The orb finally touched the child's head, but instead of making physical contact, the orb slowly sank inside the kid's head.

However, everyone ignored the strange happening as if they were unable to see the orb, even the person next to the kid.

The child's body shivered as the orb fully submerged into his head. Then, the motionless body opened his eyes and stood up, startling his seatmate.

Ryou Taichi was alerted by the sudden change of location. He clearly remembered still watching anime on his TV, then how did he get here?

It was too noisy to be his home.

Groggily looking around, Ryou was shocked by the sight which greeted him. It was completely an unfamiliar place.

Then, his gazed finally halted at the front of the room, specifically at the adult. The person's clothing was familiar to Ryou.

It looked like a uniform from an anime he watched. A flak jacket with a headband on his head, Ryou was definitely sure that it was from Naruto, a world of ninja.

examining his surround before halting his gaze at the adult again, a thought popped into Ryou's mind.

His eyes burned with fire as Ryou bellowed, "How audacious! You guys dare to play this trick with me!."

Ryou's shout startled everyone and they immediately shifted their gaze at him, confused and shocked.

"Do you guys think I'm a fool or someone you can mess with?!" Ryou continued, seeing their reaction.

He had to applaud the mastermind of this, capable of training these many children to follow along with the script. And their acting looks so natural too.

"You will all definitely pay for daring to mess wit-" Ryou was unable to complete his sentence, as Kagami threw the chalk in his hand at Ryou in anger.


The chalk struck Ryou's forehead. Ryou instinctively touched where the chalk hit him, staring at Kagami in disbelieve. Nobody in his nineteen years old life dared to harm a single hair of his, but now a person actually assaulted him.

Kagami was already grumpy and now, an idiot actually disrespected him to such an extent as to shout in his class.

"Ryou, immediately get out of the classroom! Now!"

The stun Ryou finally realized something as he stared at his hands and arms. Although he was skinny due to an unhealthy diet, but there weren't comparable to a child's arms like now.

This definitely wasn't his arms, but when he looked down at the end of his arms, it was definitely connected to his body!

Then, Ryou experienced another shock. His body had also shrunk in size!

Ignoring the teacher's order, Ryou moved his limbs in disbelief.

"Ryou, I S-Said Get Out Immediately, NOW!!!" Kagami repeated in anger. It seems even the kids were looking down on him now.

The shout brought back Ryou from his daze as he quietly walked to the direction Kagami pointed. Ryou realized the situation he was in and dazedly walked outside the classroom.

Sliding the door opened, Ryou fiercely stared back at Kagami before walking out of the classroom.

Standing quietly beside the wall, Ryou re-examined his body. It was unbelievable for him to transmigrates to another world, a fictional world from his previous world.

Ryou knew that he wasn't being tricked by someone due to him being in the body of a child. Nobody was capable of making other younger and he fundamentally didn't believe in the existence of God.

Ryou finally confirmed that he wasn't dreaming after pinching his arm with force. The pain he felt was real.

Then he pondered about his current situation. Base on the headband the teacher wore, Ryou knew that this place wasn't Konoha, instead, it was Kumogakure; village hidden in the clouds.

Ryou wished he'd transmigrated to Konoha instead, the birthplace of Naruto and where the story began. It was also the strongest village among the five great hidden villages.

He especially wished to be a part of the Uchiha clan, possessing an ocular power. However, it seems his wish was meant to remain as a wish.

But Ryou was still excited, he should be able to become one of the most powerful shinobi in the world with his knowledge of Naruto-verse and future events.

As he was deep in thought, fragments of foreign memories flashed. Ryou was sure that it was the memories of the owner of the body he possesses.

Skimming through the memories, Ryou realized that the name of the person he possessed was also called Ryou. However, due to him being an orphan, he did not have a family name.

Ryou was disappointed. The body he possessed was of an orphan, significantly lowering the chances of him having a bloodline. And Ryou knew from watching the anime how important they are.

However, Ryou didn't despair. He believes he would still be able to become a powerful shinobi, after all, he'd the knowledge of Naruto and its future events.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1 :Arrival to NarutoVerse