
My beloved fiancee.

Back to the present…

Seeing that Wu Ze had shut his mouth, Lee Xuiye had an adequate smile on her face. 

Afterwards, Lee Xuiye turned into a serious mode and straightforwardly came to the point for which she had called him "Where are you right now?" 

"I am at City Z for a vibes' photoshoot." Wu Ze immediately replied like an obligate child.

Vibes was a well-known brand of perfume. Lee Xuiye used her connection to get the opportunity for Dream Star Studio to do the photo shoot for its commercial. So she asked Wu Ze to personally do the photo shoot for it.

Now the problem was, she wanted Wu Ze's help, but she couldn't tell him to come back to City B.

After some thought process, Lee Xuiye asked further "Hmm, then where is the man whom I have sent to you?"

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