3 Chapter 2: "Zavi"

#13 lay quietly on bed absorbing the current situation and surroundings, carefully studying the person beside her sleeping.

Suddenly a burst of pain run through her body akin to worms crawling inside and biting every part of her veins. She resisted for 10 minutes more after the pain subsided, sweat runs through every part of her body furiously. After calming down, a sudden sound echoed in her mind:

"System report... System report..Owner please press the button"

She carefully examined the room to check what button is needed to be pressed. Confused with the current matter...

"Button..? What button?" she asked.

"System report.. red button is located on top of Radial Artery left hand, please press to activate" the sound notified her.

She raised her left hand and on the wrist, she found the red dot and quickly pressed it. After pressing, a virtual monitor appeared in front of her and it requires her to enter her user name and password. She carefully typed what is needed and pressed enter. After this, a message appeared on the screen, "System activation name required"

She entered "ZAVI".... after this she heard..

" Zavi level 1 activated"

After activation, a blue light burst out from her wrist and scattered all over the room.....

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