

Glenn drove far away with Janine and Francisco inside and an upcoming red sports car was Sylvia's. They stop over for gas and instead of Francisco to go with them. He hopped in with Sylvia with a briefcase full of money and bags of goods that is wrapped around with his clothes. 

"Go now." He orderëd. "Let's go." He left them with two bar of golds as a payment. "Is my chopper ready?" he asked. 

"Yes, Sir." Sylvia answered. It took them an hour to travel fifty miles in a high speed. 

Sylvia's rest house is near them with a helipad and the chopper is standing by. Sylvia parked her car in the garage as they run upstairs. But what's waiting for them isn't the chopper that she asked for but a woman wearing black fancy hat that has a net covering her face. 

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