
Grinding and Relaxing 2

Beep, Beep, Beep who the hell put the alarm clock on stretching my sleepy hands to try to find the alarm clock and I heard a click and the alarm stopped. Opening my sleepy eyes to see the time bullshit it to fucken early going back to sleep. 2 hours later hmmm now that was a good nap looks toward the clock 7:42 am, well let's get to our journey to find new Pokémon and adventure. The important thing for every adventure is the bathroom and supplies.

Heading to the door I see mom by the living room watching something on the tv.

Ash: Bye mom I be back later

Delia: Be careful out their son and don't be late coming home

Ash: yes mom

Heading toward the location I been using since I got to pallet town for some reason I will always come back here. This place was the place that I caught my first Pokémon and now it will be first time leaving pallet town. They're a lot of first here with me, I just over thinking about it, standing next to the water. Come out Gyarados lets go buddy time to get new friends roar jumping behind Gyarados back forward.

Looking back at pallet town that I could barely see in the distance, I touch Gyarados side told him to stop right where we are at. Open shop it should be items right for the thing I am looking for let's see ah here it is.

• Boat - $5,000

• Speed boat - $10,000

• Yacht - $100,000

• Rubber boat - $100

• Inflatable tube - $50

I click on the inflatable tube, oh it let choose the color of course blue like the ocean you know camouflage with your surroundings. Now I have $379 dollars left time to get started I put the inflatable tube around me then took out the good rod. My first day ends up in a failure then I went on the next day, then the next day in a different location until three weeks later…. I pull out a poliwag, I jump into the water with my tube still on. Gyarados use bite attack took out a great ball wait for it now I threw the great ball hitting the poliwag shake, shake, ding while floating on the water, I swim to get the great ball.

GS System: Congratulations host for capturing a poliwag Lv.10

This time a month has passed… poliwag use tackle takes out another great ball and threw it to goldeen, shake, shake, ding.

GS System: Congratulations host for capturing a goldeen Lv.10

Gyarados swim forward while I reach to grab the great ball in the water floating, poliwag return have a good rest, show status.

Name: Ash Ketchum (Richard 18yrs old)

Age: 9yrs old

Pokémon: Gyarados Lv.25, Rattata Lv.16, Poliwag Lv.12, Goldeen Lv.10

Items: pokeballs 16x, potions 9x, antidote 25x, master ball 1x, full heal 29x, great ball 20x, paralyz heal 3x, repel 4x, moonstone 1x, burn heal 3x, ultra-ball 5x, super potion 5x, revive 2x, escape rope 3x, nugget 1x, Pangoro hat 1x, peak white shirt 1x, peak blue shirt 1x, good rod.

Just in the game when you use the escape rope you will be warped at the pokecenter or your house. Since I never left pallet town I warped in my house, ah you wondering why you warped, one to try if it works like in the game and it worked. The second time I used it is when we ran into a group of Gyarados so we battle and yeah, we got our ass kicked I recall Gyarados and used an escape rope to leave that location. No worries we went back and I keep using my items on Gyarados to win the battle, yeah it was one hell of a fight it's a shame Gyarados could only keep using bite attack while the other wild Gyarados used hyper beam, hydro pump, and of course bite without the items my Gyarados will never of won the fight.

Oh, it hurt like hell that I could do nothing to help out besides keep using items. While riding Gyarados without any directions we just swim forward to we hit something or find something. Off in a distance, there seems to be a shadow I told Gyarados to go that location to see what it is. Who would have thought we find a small island in all this water since I could not find one all the time I been in the ocean? Gyarados head for that island there might be a treasure waiting for us I hope there some chest there at that island.

Ten minutes later we arrived next to the island it's pretty small, jumps off Gyarados back, Gyarados return. Time to explore this island 2 minutes later just sand and trees it's an empty island time to head back home Gyarados come out roar sorry buddy while touching its body lets head home and you will have a nice good rest.

4 months went quickly since the only thing I been doing is grinding my Pokémon with Level 2-7 wild Pokémon around pallet town managing to raise the level of two of my Pokémon, show status.

Name: Ash Ketchum (Richard 18yrs old)

Age: 9yrs old

Pokémon: Gyarados Lv.25, Rattata Lv.19, Poliwag Lv.16, Goldeen Lv.10

Items: Pokeballs 16x, great ball 20x, ultra-ball 5x, antidote 25x, master ball 1x, full heal 29x, paralyz heal 3x, repel 4x, moonstone 1x, burn heal 3x, super potion 5x, escape rope 3x, nugget 1x, peak white shirt 1x, peak blue shirt 1x, good rod.

Walking towards my location that feels like a second home to me a river with a small forest behind me come out you guys Gyarados, goldeen, poliwag, rattata. You guys enjoy yourself today is our day off time to relax while laying down on the sand. The Pokémon saw me relaxing they started relaxing Gyarados started to dive into the water goldeen follow it trying to catch it, poliwag was just floating in the water, and rattata started making a burrow right next to me with his head popping out of the burrow. All over pallet town, there seems that things about to change in this small peaceful town for four kids. Two kids are already packing their backpacks with their parents and another kid arriving into pallet town went to his house ready for tomorrow.

Mmmhm how long have I been sleeping looking around seeing my Pokémon relaxing and playing with each other? Tomorrow is going to be my birthday finally I going to start my adventure as a trainer of pallet town. Still, I don't know what to do challenge the gym leader then go to Pokémon league or join the criminal world or just travel to my heart content. Fuck it that's for the future I don't why I am worried about it now let's just have fun.

If I remember correctly, I could choose from three Pokémon a Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle. I will be a disadvantage against two gym leaders if I chose Charmander, so I guess Charmander will be a no then. What about Squirtle it should be an advantage against the first gym badge but the other two is another disadvantage, so Squirtle is also a no. Then I guess my only option is Bulbasaur since it has a clear advantage against the first two gym leader but will not be a disadvantage against the third gym leader.

The only thing that I have to worry about is to beat the other kids to the startle Pokémon from prof. oak lab. Time to head back home and get an early start of sleep for tomorrow battle. I will defiantly get the Bulbasaur just you wait what you want me to get Pikachu, nah man that Ash thing in the Pokémon anime, you guys saw how it acts in Pokémon in the first anime episode nope I'm good. That's why I want to get up early I want someone else gets Pikachu, for some reason I feel like how much I planned for tomorrow something is going to happen.

Getting up from the ground and start stretching my body. My Pokémon notice me getting up and looked at me, I stretch my hand and pick up my sleepy rattata, and started walking toward the other three in the water and pet all three of them. You guys had fun that's good because tomorrow will be very interesting, we will have a new friend joining us. Everyone returns time to go home and get ready for tomorrow while heading towards the house.

Ash: Mom I'm home

Delia: You came home early son you could not wait for tomorrow can't you. My young man is going to officially become a trainer and travel all over the world.

Runs toward mom and hugs her from the front

Ash: Mom I'm sure going to miss you when I start my journey, but for now let me enjoy your food.

Delia: Of course, sweetie I will make you the best food for my little man.

Letting her go and going upstairs to get ready for the food that is being made today. Open store and I bought a tent that cost $350 dollars and with this, I only had left $29 dollars in my pocket. I used the rest of my money for a pillow and a sleeping bag. With this, I don't have to worry about sleeping on the ground in some forest and some protection from my tent.

Delia: Ash come down the food is ready

Ash: I'm coming

Heading downstairs toward the kitchen helping setting up the table for our family dinner. After setting up the table I went to my chair and sit down waiting for the food.

Delia: Here you go sweetie enjoy

Ash: Thanks mom

Ash: Mom I'm finished going to bed

Delia: good night sees you tomorrow

Goes to my room and went to the closet and change my clothes to my pajamas and went to my bed to try to sleep. Can't wait to become a trainer and change my images, just wait for me Bulbasaur. I will defiantly choose you then that Pikachu zzzz.

Knock, knock, knock

Next chapter