
David figures it out - 1

While everyone was busy in their own world, David watched the video captured by Akira all over again. Then as if lightning had struck him, he immediately called up his middle man.


"Hello, Resner. David here."

"Yes, tell me."

"Can you call up the woman, whom you had called up this afternoon again? We need her bank records for more proof."

"Anything else that you need to extract?"

"As of now, that would be all."

"I do not need to call her for that. Why do you think I have hired the hackers in my team for."

Resner smiled as he spoke.

"Ok, then that's even better. I need to check if there are any wired transactions from an alias account. I need to get a hold of that alias account and see where all this money has gone from the alias account."

"I didn't get you."

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