
Chapter otto

Jimin point of view

"Hey jimin can we talk" Jae says to me as i try to avoid eye contact with him.

"Uh-um yea sure" I say as I start playing with the sleeve of my shirt that i am wearing.

"If you want i can give you a ride back to your house." I hear jae shake his keys to show that he is ready to go when I am.

"Is ok you don't have to give me a ride my mom is on her way to pick me up from work."

"How long will it take her to get here from work?" I see jae take a couple steps closer to me, as I start to feel more uncomfortable.

"Well ah about like half a hour or more but I can wait." I continue to look down while still playing with the sleeve of my shirt.

"Thats a long time are you sure you don't want me to take you, we can even talk in the car instead too." I didn't say anything, but i could think was how I don't I want to be alone with him epically after this morning. " look jimin I am so sorry for the way I acted this morning and respect your decisions so even if we're not together romantically can we still be friends right." he say as he sits down and places his hand on one of my hands. I jumped a bit from his action and moved my hand.

"Thank you but I don't think we should be friends anymore, I think we should just stop talking" I say nervously as I wait to see how he will react to my decisions.

"Jimin can't you look at me at least when your talking. He says with some aggression in his voice. "Jimin look at me and i want you to tell me what you want me to do." He reaches for my check and tries to make me look up, but I then get up so that i could head back inside.

"Ima go wait inside, sorry i'll be going" I say as I then take a quick glance at him to see the expression of anger and sadness in his face. As I start walking back to the entrance of the building I feel Jae grab my hand and pull me harsh.

"Jimin you can't just ignore me." he said a bit more aggressive than last time, I started to shake from his actions. I don;t know know what to do at this point now and I'm scared of what he is capable of. I didn't think that he was an aggressive person. I feel myself starting to freeze. SMACK. I start to stubble back ad ended bumping into someone who is behind me. It seems that this person grabbed Jae wrist and made him let go of me. I didn't know what to do though I was just standing there like the idiot that I am, that i always am. "Hey don't fucking touch me man and this is none of your business."

"Your making it my business since you're being so fucking loud and annoying plus your in the way." That voice sounds familiar, I swear to god please for god sakes don't let this be who I think it is. I was then cut from my train of thought when I felt Jae push me to the side. I then finally look up to see min yoongi of all people.

"Who do you think you are, just leave already." Jae starts to get closer to yoongi to the point that there is only an inch of space between them. Now I feel worried weather if their going to start a fight. Yoongi looks as calm as ever I may hate him but he need to realize he's in danger.

"Well I guess chimchim hasn't told you then." he then takes a step towards me as I look at him confuse on the nickname he just gave me. While Jae just looks ready to fight at any moment."Me and Jimin are together meaning I am his boyfriend." I just froze at the words that came out of his mouth, Min Yoongi your just making things worse. Was that you intention, so that you could ruin my life. Of course I couldn't say that though.

"Thats a lie Jimin, Jimin say something." I felt myself get scare again as I see Jae starting to get angry again and taking a steps towards me.

"Well it's true so deal with it, let's go chimchim." yoongi then grabs my hand and leads me away from Jae, but when he grabbed my hand he didn't just grab my had he seemed to have been careful and gentle when he did. Wait what am I thinking, am I going crazy, he probably just doing this so that he can be an ass to more people and annoy me more.

I then turn around to his Jaebum with an expression of anger and sadness. I turn back and came to conclusion that it's best that we just end things here. Iwas then left with the view of yoongi's back as we walk through the parking lot. Is he taking me to his car, wait is he planning on driving me home. I start to mentally panic for now he might start to make fun of the fact that I'm gay or if he saw my home.

"Hey Jimin where do you live." He says as he unlocks his car with his key chain as we continue walking. Yep I figured he had money.

"Oh um my mom is-"

"On her way yea but it'll be awhile and the asshole over there might still be there." he says as he then turns to me for an answer as we finally arrive to his car. I notice that he is still holding my hand as well when we are clearly out of site. He was squeezing my hand but not in a aggressive painful though which was weird.

"So you were eavesdropping on our conversation from the beginning, so did you hear everything, also you can let go of my hand" I said back at him with an attitude from a bit of confidence that just came out of nowhere. Yoongi then let go of my hand and started touching his neck and avoiding my gaze.

"Yea I was on my way home and yall were in the way and he seemed annoying so I thought that I should do something anyways just get in the car." for a moment there yoongi almost seemed cute. Why am I thinking but I should thank him though and leave.

"Umm whatever you say but thanks I guess and I rather not leave with you, I have no idea what you'll do to me, also you didn't have to go as far as to say that your my boyfriend."

"Well I was bored ah yeah but im not letting you go for free now, so Park jimin I gave you a chance to get in my car of free will and o home, but it looks like I will be kidnapping you now.

"what are you talkin-" I was then interrupted by MIn yoongi hands and arms as he picks me up bridal style and puts me in the passenger seat of his car.

"Could you go any lower Min Yoongi" Yoongi get in the car from the other side and starts to drive. "Turn right here" I say as min yoongi turns the opposite of what I said. "Min yoongi what are you doing are you literally kidnapping me."

"Yep I gave you a chance chimchim and you ignored it so now I will make you pay for me helping."

"I have dance practice."

"Missing one day won't hurt" I sigh in and just gave up at this point.

"Well let me call my parents first." I then grab my phone and start dialing my mom. I was a bit nervous since normally she always says no. "Hey mom my is it ok if I go to one of my friends house to hang for a bit….. A year .... I'm fine... he said he can give me a ride....really umm k thanks anyways bye."

"She's cool with it right." Yoongi looks at me for confirmation as I nod to show that she agreed.

" does it matter to you, your kidnapping me remember, also where are we going." I was surprise though from the fact the she even agreed to this.

"Your right and you'll soon see, plus why should you know, I'm kidnapping you remember" I just giggle at what he said as I continue to wait. A part of me was liking this, but a part of me also felt that he probably just messing with me since he probably knows that I'm gay at this point.

" Your right, i'll just take a nap here then, mr. Kidnapper, wake me when we get there." After that I just slowly drifted into sleep as my eyes started to feel heavier and heavier.

A Happy Birthday to our cute Lil meow meow and hot ass tongue technology of a rapper Min yoongi. <3<3<3<3

_yaya_hyung_creators' thoughts
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